
The turkey is not in a hurry to spoil the farmers, and the special breeding in Nanning has encountered a sales dilemma.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The turkey is not in a hurry to spoil the farmers, and the special breeding in Nanning has encountered a sales dilemma.

Guangxi News Net-South China Morning Post Reporter Wang Chunnan He Dingjian/Photo

Turkeys are hard to sell, farmers worry.

In Yunling Wild Boar Breeding Professional Cooperative in Yongning District, wild boars are walking for food

Recently, Mr. Liang, a farmer in Wuwei Town, NanNing City, encountered the dilemma of turkey sales. Similar cases are not rare. In recent years, in order to make a fortune, some farmers have started special breeding such as turkey, wild boar and snake. However, due to poor production and marketing connection, poor capital turnover and inadequate technical support, special breeding often encounters sales problems. Experts remind: special breeding risks are greater, farmers should not blindly develop, a herd


Special farming encountered sales problems

On October 7, Mr. Liang, a farmer in Yonghong Village, Wuwei Town, spent more than 8000 yuan to buy a batch of chicken feed home. He raised more than 2000 turkeys, which were fed for only five or six days. "These turkeys have long grown up and can be sold. However, since there are no merchants to buy them, they can only be kept for now." Squatting among a flock of turkeys, Mr. Liang looked worried.

Mr. liang raised turkeys for the first time this year. "I have a friend who has earned money from raising turkeys in a row before. I'm very envious." Therefore, in April this year, Mr. Liang collected tens of thousands of yuan, but also set up a farm. After four or five months from buying turkey seedlings to raising turkeys, turkeys grow fast and have no disease, but they encounter problems in sales. In September this year, turkeys can be sold, but for a month has been unable to contact merchants to buy.

"In previous years, customers from Guangdong took the initiative to buy turkeys. The price was not less than 5.3 yuan per kilogram, and the supply was in short supply. For some reason this year, market conditions have been abnormal and demand for turkeys has plummeted." Mr. Liang negotiated with merchants. He only wanted to get back the breeding cost. He had pressed down the price to the minimum, but he still could not clinch a deal. Turkey can not be sold out, it seems that every day to spend a lot of money to raise, raise a day to lose a day.

In April this year, Chen Feng Meat Pigeon Farm in Dahuanghou Village, Chengxiang Town, Wuming County encountered similar difficulties. Since the outbreak of bird flu, the original from all over the country flocked to the merchants do not come, farms can be sparrows. The farm was forced to take various measures to reduce losses: the pigeons 'three meals a day were reduced to one meal a day, the hens were not allowed to incubate the young pigeons…In just a few months, the farm suffered heavy losses. In that storm, the pigeon farmer Lao Huang in Chengxiang Town was not spared. The huge loss made him unable to maintain it. He had to sell his pigeon farm. He invested 150,000 yuan at the beginning and finally sold only 30,000 yuan.


Lack of market judgment ability and risk awareness

"At present, there are not many special farmers in NanNing City. The breeding varieties are mainly pigeons, wild boars, turkeys, snakes, etc." NanNing City Aquatic Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau Animal Husbandry and Feed Section Deputy Chief Huang Qi introduced, Nanning special breeding scale is not large, many farmers are still in the exploration stage.

She said, From NanNing City special breeding varieties, Can be divided into two categories: One is the original indigenous varieties or their improved breeding objects. Such as wild boar, snake, rabbit, bamboo rat, etc., because the original wild resources are rich, basically no artificial breeding, after the decline of resources and other problems, so carry out artificial breeding; the other is from the field or foreign introduction of new varieties. Before these varieties were introduced, they were generally proved to have good growth performance and breeding benefits in their places of origin, such as peacocks, turkeys, crocodiles, etc. introduced in recent years.

Huang Qi analysis, choose to carry out special breeding, mostly young and middle-aged farmers who are in the prime of life, eager to make a fortune, they have a strong sense of development, but in the choice of entrepreneurial projects, often lack the necessary market research and judgment ability and risk awareness, often fall into blind pursuit of hot spots, run cold mistakes.

"Breeding ××, hold back the ingot; market shortage, get rich quickly; expert teaching, capital preservation recycling..." Huang Qi said, many special breeding advertising habits with similar exaggerated sentences advertising, some farmers eager to get out of poverty, easy to believe, mistakenly trapped. "In addition to whether the breed is easy to raise and special, we must also consider whether the natural environment is suitable, whether the local market accepts it, whether the variety and quantity of feed supply can be guaranteed, etc." She reminded that the breeding skills and disease prevention of many characteristic breeding animals are still being explored, which is easy to cause the situation of "one death and death", which is also a risk point that cannot be ignored.