
Vicious circle of low-end culture Shrimp industry approaches the inflection point to break through the vicious circle

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Vicious circle of low-end culture Shrimp industry approaches the inflection point to break through the vicious circle

With the outbreak of EMS, unusual supply shortages in the Asian farming season, the prolonged euro crisis, a weak yen and US countervailing investigations have had a negative impact on its international trade. In contrast to the domestic market, domestic shrimp affected by EMS disease, coupled with "Ute", "Fitte" and other natural disasters, the quantity is small and the price is high. Affected by domestic consumer demand, Chinese shrimp owners have flocked to the Vietnamese market to snap up Vietnamese shrimp. The shrimp is yellow, the shrimp price is shaky, and the shrimp industry panics.

I. vicious circle of low-end culture in shrimp industry

Chinese shrimp culture industry has a history of more than 30 years, has experienced ups and downs, but has been in the lowest level of reincarnation. The historical cycle, the ups and downs of the shrimp industry, summed up the reasons, nothing more than the following aspects:

Culture-raising seedlings without skill, disease without prescription

In recent years, the shrimp culture industry is facing difficulties. The blind expansion of the culture scale leads to the decline of shrimp quality, the increase of diseases and insect pests, and the decline of shrimp survival rate year after year. Introduction abroad is not successful, and high-quality seedlings can not be cultivated at home. The backwardness of seedling industry is the most difficult reason at present. The domestic shrimp culture environment is poor, the density of shrimp ponds is high, and there is no way to control the spread of diseases and insect pests, so we can only wait for the outcome of reducing production and income.

Marketing-Brand weakness, market chaos

From the analysis of the category pattern of aquaculture, shrimp, especially shrimp, is the protagonist of global aquatic trade; from the analysis of consumption habits and consumption basis, shrimp has the basis to become the king category because of its low consumption threshold, high consumption frequency and extensive consumption base. From the analysis of the changing trend of residents' eating habits, the per capita consumption of shrimp in China is still very low, but the rapid growth in recent years will be a market of hundreds of billions of dollars in the future, but an obvious question arises. Why such a huge market, such a good consumption base, shrimp products, especially prawns, there is not a real brand management enterprise. On the other hand, the shrimp on the market is mainly distinguished by species. This has led to the phenomenon of icing in the shrimp market becoming more and more serious in recent years, and the industry lacks unified standards. Shrimp enterprises kill each other at the price level, and the rise and fall of prices also depend on heaven for food.

Root cause-the vicious circle of the low end of industry

Throughout the development of shrimp, the cycle of wind and rain, however, people sitting on the boat of the shrimp industry seldom think about why this happened. Why is there no breakthrough in technology? Why does aquaculture develop in disorder? Looking back, the shrimp industry has been in the start-up and growth period of the industrial life cycle. When a new technology or variety appears, the shrimp industry grows rapidly, and the breeding capacity increases greatly, and then the disorderly development makes the aquaculture industry suffer, and the industry enters a depressed stage, and at this time, deep processing and the expansion of the industrial chain may be interrupted. farming mentality can not be adjusted, aquaculture technology can not break through, policies and planning can not be implemented, sales terminals can not control, so that the industry has been in a low-end vicious circle.

Second, the industry approaches the inflection point and breaks through the vicious circle.

2013 is destined to be a turning point in the industry. The sea cucumber industry is the first to enter the inflection point, followed by the abalone industry, while the shrimp industry is also approaching the inflection point in the case of priceless. The backward breeding technology, lack of intensive processing, increased breeding cost, disorderly breeding scale and chaotic sales terminal have pushed the Chinese shrimp industry to the front end of the reform. In the face of the growing demand in the domestic market and the rising global shrimp prices, the shrimp industry in China must make changes in breeding, breeding, processing, products, brand promotion and other aspects to break through the vicious circle and build the whole industry chain.

Plan the scale of culture and improve the technology of culture

At present, prawns are facing the embarrassing situation that there is no supply, the quantity is small and the price is high, and the seedlings lose their right to speak. Through independent breeding, the coverage of seedlings can be expanded to meet the most basic breeding needs. The scale of aquaculture must be led by the government and associations to realize the development of aquaculture. From the parent shrimp bargaining, we can see the power of "hugging", and the traditional free farming can not form a scale effect. Improve the culture technology, from seedling selection to feed, change the culture environment, raise high-quality products, cultivate good shrimp.

Transform intensive processing to realize product diversification

China's huge consumer market makes shrimp sales of live products in circulation for a long time, the processing chain is short, and the processing method is simple and rough. The development of industrial intensive processing is an important step for the shrimp industry from breeding to sales. Intensive processing brings about the diversification of product forms and the promotion of industrial added value.

Brand promotion, terminal control

From the success of brand marketing of sea cucumber, abalone and hairy crab, we can witness the power of brand, while the development of shrimp industry needs to be from production-driven to brand-driven. At the same time, the brand operation helps to adjust the serious ice of prawns in the market, the lack of industry standardization and so on. Brand operation is more conducive to the refinement of channels, avoid blind competition in channels, and promote the healthy development of the industry.

Healthy culture and leisure culture

The idea of building marine pastures and promoting the development of marine tourism is put forward in the National 12th five-year Plan. The shrimp industry can also promote a healthy culture model, achieve the coordinated development of resources and the environment, promote the concept of limited water exchange system and biosafety, and reflect the concept of environment-friendly. At the same time, access to aquaculture area leisure, shrimp fishing, shrimp banquet and so on to enhance the body of shrimp, improve the degree of attention, and create the whole industry chain.

The shrimp industry is approaching the inflection point, and the shrimp market will maintain a high level in the next three years. Although in view of the current situation, the shrimp industry is making adjustments, from the initial announcement of reducing the amount of ice planing to the victory of the League of Nations aquatic products to the Zhanjiang shrimp price negotiation, the demand for change in the industry is getting louder and louder. The domestic shrimp industry is still facing the reshuffle of the whole industry. Shrimp enterprises urgently need to see the future situation and seek new breakthroughs in industrial reform.