
Free-range chickens lay "Big Mac eggs"

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Free-range chickens lay "Big Mac eggs"

A few days ago, a hen in Yilongyong Village, Naiman Banner, Tongliao City laid a 190-gram "giant egg" that year, which shocked the whole village and became the hot news of villagers 'street talk.

At the home of Feng Yuguang, a villager of Yilongyong Village, Yilongyong Town, the author saw this "giant egg". Put the "Big Mac Egg" on the electronic scale and weigh it exactly as much as three ordinary eggs. The "Big Mac Egg" weighs 190 grams, while the ordinary egg has 60 grams and is already relatively large. Zhang Guixia, the hostess of the egg, said she raised more than a dozen chickens. The "giant egg" was laid five days ago. She didn't know which chicken gave birth to it, but it must be one of them. This was the third time she had laid a larger egg, she said, and the first two times she had picked up two heavier eggs, each about the size of a goose egg, and the third was this 190-gram egg. They didn't feed these hens special supplements. They raised them in a free-range manner. (Hou Xianfeng)