
Three models of ecological agriculture have surfaced.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Three models of ecological agriculture have surfaced.

One of the models of ecological agriculture: virtual factory

According to relevant media reports, Ye Yanping, chairman of Zhejiang Regal Fulun Investment Co., Ltd., founded Zhejiang Pengzuxiang Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. in 2009 and concentrated on raising native pigs, chickens, ducks and other "native products".

It is reported that the company adopts the breeding mode of "farmers joining", does not carry out production, but is only responsible for brand building, market network construction and free provision of "seeds". The company forms a "production cluster" based on peasant households, which is equivalent to a "virtual factory" and farmers are equivalent to the workers of the company.

Taking pig farming as an example, the company buys fine pig breeds from the improved breed farm of Jinhua Academy of Agricultural Sciences and distributes them to farmers' homes free of charge. After the pigs are raised, they are purchased by the company, and the farmers earn the price difference between the piglets and the finished pigs.

The company decides the number of pigs according to the strength of farmers (slope area, feed reserve), and the maximum number of pigs raised by a single household is no more than 5. In order to ensure that it is an authentic "native product", the company requires farmers to feed with rice bran, weeds, vegetables and a small amount of corn for more than 10 months.

Industry insiders pointed out that to ensure the quality of farmers in the process of breeding is the key to the "virtual factory" model. To this end, the company issued the "five passes": the first is to strictly select qualified farmers, the second is to mobilize mass supervision, the third is to select team leaders and captains from rural areas to be responsible for daily self-management at the grass-roots level, and the fourth is for the company to send scientific and technological personnel to guide them on the spot. Fifth, the product implements the real name system, which is easy to track.

Analysts say that in the current A-share listed companies, Huaying Agriculture's model is very close to that of virtual factories. It is reported that in order to give full play to Huaying Agriculture's leading role as a leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization, the Xinyang municipal government has formulated a policy to encourage farmers to build farms for raising Cherry Valley ducks and broilers. Xinyang City plans to encourage and support farmers to build 500 and 200 farms (breeding communities) respectively within 60 kilometers of Huaying Agricultural Cherry Valley Duck processing Plant (Huangchuan) and Broiler processing Plant (Huaibin). When all are completed, they can add about 6000 to 75 million Cherry Valley ducks and about 30 million commercial chickens.

The second model of ecological agriculture: the linkage of three industries

According to relevant data, Beijing Jiabowen Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2001, is a high-tech environmental protection and ecological agriculture company, the use of microbial technology to treat organic waste, and the output of microbial recycled products are applied to clean animal husbandry and organic planting industry to achieve the recycling of resources.

Jiabowen's core technology is mainly applied to the treatment of kitchen waste. At present, it is a common practice to feed restaurant waste to pigs, but this is harmful to the safety of food (market zone). Jia Bowen's technology can complete the disposal of kitchen waste by fermentation within 10 hours, and the final end product goes directly back to the soil and the food chain.

With regard to the industrial model, Jia Bowen summarized it as "one center, two basic points, and three major industrial linkages", specifically referring to "taking the organic carbon source cycle as the center, through the urban and rural carbon source cycle, so that the urban organic matter and rural organic matter can be recycled; through the planting and cultivation cycle, the carbon source can be used reasonably." Through the joint development of clean aquaculture, organic farming and microbial transformation industry, we can not only thoroughly solve the problem of organic waste disposal, but also promote the sustainable development of urban modern agriculture.

Industry insiders said that in the business model, at present, the main way is the government to build a platform, the government to build stations and collect garbage, enterprises are responsible for operation, and then the government provides a certain amount of treatment fees. In the current listed companies, the model of Minhe shares is very close. It is reported that Minhe biotechnology is mainly engaged in manure biogas power generation, production and sales of bio-organic fertilizer. Biotechnology companies continue to delve into the field of chicken manure biological fermentation and power generation, and have obtained 8 utility model patents in 2012, and another 5 invention patents are being declared. The accumulation of the above technology provides strong technical support for the company to carry out biogas purification and compression project. At present, the Minhe biotechnology biogas slurry concentration project has been completed, with an investment of more than 4000 million yuan. On the basis of power generation from livestock and poultry manure, the biogas slurry produced by fermentation is used through nano-membrane purification and concentration technology to produce pure organic nutrient solution and liquid fertilizer, which can be used in a variety of cash crops and effectively improve crop yield and quality.

In addition, the mode of farming and animal husbandry of baby eagles is also very close. The company announced on March 15 this year that Young Eagle Agriculture and Animal Husbandry and the people's Government of Taonan City in Jilin Province signed a letter of intent for Cooperation between the people's Government of Taonan City and Eagle Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Group Co., Ltd. invest in the construction of high-quality commercial pig breeding projects in the selected areas under the jurisdiction of Taonan City, and at the same time build matching biogas power generation, organic fertilizer plants, feed plants, pig slaughtering, meat processing and so on. Form the comprehensive (market special area) body of agricultural industrialization. The project adheres to the principle of "unified planning and phased implementation", adopts the way of producing benefits while building, and completes the task of basic investment and construction within about 5 years. Based on the company's development and market demand, the company plans to invest in the construction of high-quality commercial pig breeding projects in the selected areas under the jurisdiction of Taonan City, with an annual production of 4 million pigs. At the same time, the construction of matching biogas power generation, organic fertilizer plant, feed plant, pig slaughtering, meat processing, etc., to form an agricultural industrialization complex, the total investment of the project is about 5.6 billion yuan.

The third model of ecological agriculture: value superposition

It is reported that Qianwei Village in Chongming County is the first village in ecological agriculture in the country. After decades of operation, a 5000-mu circular agricultural demonstration zone has been set up in the village: the dead branches and leaves of crops and animal manure are transported to the biogas digester for fermentation, and the biogas produced after fermentation is used for power generation; part of the biogas liquid is introduced into farmland through underground pipelines and becomes "green fertilizer". How much organic fertilizer is needed in the farmland and how many pigs and chickens need to be raised to produce the corresponding manure need to be calculated.

From the perspective of ecological environment, this circular agricultural demonstration zone is almost perfect. According to media reports, Professor Dai Xingyi, an expert in resources and environmental economics at Fudan University, participated in the early planning of the avant-garde village and put forward the concept of "value superposition", that is, the extension of ecological agriculture to the tertiary industry, so as to amplify the value of ecological agriculture. "Nongjiale" is a typical project in which ecological agriculture extends to the tertiary industry.

Avant-garde Village is the first village around Shanghai to engage in eco-tourism. Shanghainese who have lived in the city for a long time have a strong complex of returning to the countryside, so relying on the big market of Shanghai, there is a lot of room for eco-tourism.

There are more than 200 families in avant-garde village, and nearly half of them have launched eco-tourism tours. City people go to the countryside, visit circular agricultural parks, taste organic fruits and vegetables and poultry, stay at night, and purchase some organic agricultural by-products when they return to the city, all of which can produce economic benefits. Now, the avant-garde village can accommodate 3000 people to eat and 2300 to stay at the same time. The annual income of eco-tourism in the village has reached more than 10 million yuan, and the annual income of farmers with good benefits has exceeded 200000 yuan.

Analysts said that in the current A-share listed companies, the subsidiary Shanghai Yatong Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd., which is 90% owned by Yatong shares, is mainly engaged in garden and green chemical industry (market zone), ecological agriculture, animal husbandry and other businesses. It is reported that the Action Plan for the Construction of Chongming Ecological Island from 2013 to 2015 is being worked out, and a total of 131projects will be built in the next three years, with a planned investment of 17.4 billion yuan. Some analysts said that Yatong shares, as the only listed company under Chongming SASAC, will devote itself to regional development and construction, and its main business will be gradually replaced. In addition, the transformation of the company is trying and brewing, and the investment in tourist hotels (market zones) may be increased in the future.