
China will usher in the great development of modern agriculture with characteristics

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, China will usher in the great development of modern agriculture with characteristics

From 24 to 28 November, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, state president, and chairman of the Central military Commission, went to Qingdao, Linyi, Jining, Heze, Jinan, and other places to go deep into the old revolutionary base areas, enterprises, scientific research institutes, and cultural institutions to inspect economic and social development and promote the study and implementation of the spirit of the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. It is understood that doing a good job in the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" around the implementation of the spirit of the plenary session is an important part of Xi Jinping's research.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the fundamental way to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers lies in deepening reform and taking the road of modern agriculture with Chinese characteristics. At present, the focus should be on solving how to grow land well, speeding up the construction of a new agricultural management system, solving the constraints of resources and environment of land shortage and water shortage, deepening the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, and meeting the safety of eating. We will vigorously develop high-quality and safe agricultural products (000061, stock bar).

Important opportunities for the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers

On the afternoon of 27 November, Xi Jinping came to the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences to inspect the intelligent greenhouse and the provincial comprehensive service platform for rural agricultural informatization, to learn about the situation of relying on scientific and technological innovation to promote agricultural development and increase farmers' income, and then held a symposium to listen to the opinions and suggestions of agricultural scientific research institutions, agricultural administrative departments, grass-roots cadres, and other relevant personnel on the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.

Xi Jinping pointed out that ensuring food security is an eternal topic and should not be relaxed at any time.

In fact, the issue of agriculture, rural areas and farmers has always been the focus of attention before and after the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. The communique of the third Plenary session of the CPC Central Committee pointed out that it is necessary to speed up the construction of a new agricultural management system, give farmers more property rights, promote the equal exchange of urban and rural elements and the balanced allocation of public resources, and improve the system for the healthy development of urbanization.

Xi Jinping stressed: it is necessary to insert the wings of science and technology into agriculture, in accordance with the principles of equal emphasis on increasing production and efficiency, matching of improved varieties and methods, combination of agricultural machinery and agronomy, and coordination of production and ecology. we will promote the integration of agricultural technology, the mechanization of the labor process, the informationization of production and management, and the rule of law of safety and environmental protection, and speed up the construction of a technical system that meets the requirements of high-yield, high-quality, high-efficiency, ecological, and safe agricultural development.

In the course of investigation, Xi Jinping pointed out that the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee has been successfully concluded, military warrants have been issued, and assembly bugles have been sounded. One point of deployment, nine points of implementation. With the blueprint for reform, the key now is to turn the blueprint into reality step by step.

Xi Jinping stressed that there is only a time when reform and opening up is going on, not when it is completed. To solve the problems facing China's development, we must deepen the reform, and even if we do not deepen the reform, we cannot do so. Comrades in the whole Party should have confidence in turning the blueprint for reform into reality. No matter what difficulties and disturbances we encounter, we must unswervingly push forward the reform. It is necessary to coordinate and promote reform, pay attention to the relevance and coupling of reform, grasp the overall situation, and strive to maximize comprehensive benefits. We should be good at combining consciously safeguarding the unity and seriousness of the central government's major policies with adjusting measures to local conditions and giving full play to subjective initiative. Once the task is determined, it is necessary to move forward one step at a time, steadily and steadily, accumulating small victories into big victories, and accumulating efforts to achieve thousands of miles.

Promote the innovation of agricultural management system and mechanism

Taking the road of modernizing agriculture with Chinese characteristics, Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to speed up the construction of a new agricultural management system.

In this regard, Song Hongyuan, director of the Rural Economic Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, said that speeding up the construction of a new agricultural management system is an important part of promoting rural reform and institutional innovation. this is a strategic arrangement to solve the problem of agricultural and rural farmers as the top priority of the work of the whole party, and an important means to speed up the development of modern agriculture, promote innovation in agricultural management systems and mechanisms, and further enhance the vitality of rural development.

Song Hongyuan said that the outstanding characteristics of the new agricultural management system are intensification, specialization, organization and socialization.

Intensification refers to a mode of agricultural operation that integrates economic, ecological and social benefits by concentrating more means of production on a certain area of land and using advanced technology and management methods to obtain higher output and income. Specialization is the result of the deepening of social division of labor and the strengthening of economic ties in rural areas. the scale of professional households is generally large, with family operating income as the main source of income, and the development direction is professional large households and family farms. Organization is relatively decentralized operation, including not only the association and cooperation of farmers, but also the extension of the industrial chain, through the organization of scattered small farmers to establish a large-scale, organized and scientifically managed form of cooperation. At the present stage, the prominent focus of socialization is to develop agricultural socialization services, so that farmers can overcome the disadvantages of their own small-scale operation, so as to obtain higher economic benefits.

Xi Jinping pointed out that to speed up the construction of a new agricultural management system is a comprehensive judgment made in view of the current situation of agricultural and rural development in China. At present and in the future, what is the focus of speeding up the construction of a new agricultural management system?

Song Hongyuan said: first of all, speed up the cultivation of new types of agricultural operators. Large specialized households and family farms are the main body of large-scale production, and attention should be paid to guiding them to change to the direction of adopting advanced science and technology and means of production; farmers' professional cooperatives should become the main management organizations leading farmers to enter the market; leading enterprises should mainly assume the role of agricultural product processing and marketing in the industrial chain, and provide farmers with all kinds of productive services before, during and after production. Secondly, actively and steadily develop large-scale operation. It is necessary to develop appropriate scale operation according to the level of industrialization, resource conditions and the ability of operators, and to guide and encourage various forms of scale operation models, such as "exchange and merger" of contracted land, circulation of contracted land, cooperation of land shares, and so on. Thirdly, strengthen the socialized service of agriculture. At present, the focus is on the development of business-oriented socialized service organizations. in the cultivation of the main body, it is necessary to bring agricultural material distribution enterprises, agricultural machinery service teams, agricultural technology service companies and professional cooperatives into the scope of policy support. In addition, it is also necessary to explore the innovation of organizational model. To improve the degree of organization of small farmers, we should pay special attention to the standardized development of farmers' specialized cooperatives, promote the deep integration of leading enterprises with specialized cooperatives, and encourage farmers to buy shares in cooperatives or leading enterprises with contracted land. Leading enterprises are encouraged to carry out profit return, share dividends and other ways to increase farmers' income.