
Gansu will start the cultivation of family farms and strive to grow to about 20,000 in 2018.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Gansu will start the cultivation of family farms and strive to grow to about 20,000 in 2018.

In order to further deepen the reform of the rural management system and mechanism and speed up the development of modern agriculture in the province, a few days ago, the General Office of the Provincial Government issued the "guidance on the cultivation and Development of Family Farm" (hereinafter referred to as the "opinion"). And clear the goal of promoting the development of family farms in the province, the focus of work and other contents.

The "opinion" is clear that our province will start the cultivation and development of family farms this year; by 2018, the province will strive to cultivate and develop about 20000 family farms (including 3000 provincial demonstration family farms). The operating area accounts for more than 20% of the province's scale operating area, and the land output rate is more than 25% higher than the average of the province. The per capita net income of family members is more than twice the per capita net income of local farmers or equivalent to the per capita disposable income of local urban residents.

The "opinion" makes it clear that in order to develop the family farm, we should take the farmers as the main body, the family members as the main labor force, the production and operation accounting with the family as the unit, and engage in agricultural production and management activities. Centering on the provincial "365" action plan for the development of modern agriculture, it is necessary to guide the development of family farms and reasonably determine the scale of operation according to the development planning of advantageous industries or characteristic products in the region, the transfer of rural labor force and the management ability of family members. It is necessary to encourage large professional families of a certain scale to set up family farms, and encourage and support college and secondary school graduates, new vocational farmers, practical and technical personnel in rural areas, and migrant workers returning to their hometown to set up family farms. Select the best to cultivate and support a number of exemplary family farms, play an exemplary and leading role, persist in maturing and develop one by one, and lead the scientific and standardized development of family farms.

The "opinion" requires that in this work, all localities should focus on strengthening service management, carrying out the establishment of demonstration farms, strengthening the training of farm operators, guiding the transfer of land to family farms, and exploring the interest connection mechanism of family farms. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen financial support, implement land for infrastructure construction, strengthen financial and insurance tax support, and increase technical service support.

In order to ensure the sustained and healthy development of this work, the "opinions" also made specific requirements for strengthening organizational leadership, work guidance, publicity and guidance, and other safeguard measures. (reporter Chen Yong)