
The frequent occurrence of smuggled meat market aggravates the shrinkage of domestic beef industry.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The frequent occurrence of smuggled meat market aggravates the shrinkage of domestic beef industry.

"Brazilian smuggled beef" has gradually spread in Jiangsu Province. following Lianyungang, Xuzhou, Suqian and other places, Nanjing recently investigated and dealt with 570 jin of Brazilian smuggled beef without inspection and quarantine, causing an uproar.

Similar storms have repeatedly exposed the deep-seated crisis of China's beef cattle industry. Industry insiders pointed out that with the shrinking of China's beef industry in recent years, domestic beef prices have risen sharply, and low-priced smuggled beef has taken advantage of it, further exacerbating the crisis.

However, the growing crisis also highlighted investment opportunities. A reporter from the China Securities News noted that listed companies such as Tianshan Biology and Western Animal Husbandry have begun to "gain weight" to fill the depression of domestic beef cattle farming.

There are frequent incidents of beef smuggling in Brazil.

On the afternoon of December 9, the Tiandun vegetable market, located on Yaojia Road, Qixia District, Nanjing, was unusually restless. In this vegetable market, which has only 80 or 90 stalls, stall owners are talking one after another. one stall owner pointed to a beef stall in the distance and told the China Securities News: "yesterday afternoon, people from Yaohua Industrial and Commercial Office and the Drug Administration investigated and dealt with 570 jin of Brazilian smuggled beef that had not been inspected and quarantined. Many people watched and made a lot of noise."

Li Chuanwei, director of the Yaohua Institute of Industry and Commerce, also confirmed to the China Securities News: "this matter has been filed for investigation, and the beef stall involved in the case has been ordered to be closed, and the stall owner is now being contacted. At the same time, the Institute of Industry and Commerce has also stepped up its inspection of other vegetable markets today. " The beef stall, which used to be booming, now has only a bare chopping board left, but the owner surnamed Liu is missing, and a reporter from the China Securities News could not get through to his cell phone.

Although only 570 jin of beef was investigated and dealt with, the "storm in the cup" caused an uproar in the area. It is understood that after Brazil became an epidemic area of mad cow disease at the end of 2012, China has clearly stipulated that beef and related non-staple food from the epidemic area of mad cow disease in Brazil are not allowed to be sold. Although China began to consider lifting the ban on the import of Brazilian beef in July 2014, the ban was not lifted until December this year. "at present, our test results have not yet come out, and we cannot confirm that this is mad cow disease beef. In any case, beef that has not been inspected and quarantined is at risk. " The relevant person in charge of the Drug Administration Bureau of Qixia District of Nanjing told the reporter of China Securities News.

The "Brazilian beef smuggling" incident is also a fallout from the "1 / 18" Brazilian beef smuggling case in Lianyungang, which has attracted much attention this year. At the beginning of this year, after the "18 January" case in Lianyungang, the police found four suppliers of Brazilian beef in Xuzhou and four suppliers of Brazilian beef in Guangzhou. These eight suppliers sold banned beef to Jiangsu and other provinces, with a huge amount of money. Lianyungang alone sold more than 100 million yuan. At present, nearly 300 tons of beef in question have been seized.

However, the aftermath of this case is still unfinished. On December 3, the industry, commerce and public security departments in Sucheng District of Suqian City jointly destroyed four illegal Brazilian beef processing sites and seized nearly 30 tons of beef without inspection and quarantine. Nanjing became another city affected.

The crisis of domestic beef industry is becoming more and more serious.

The 'Brazilian beef smuggling incident' in Jiangsu this year actually reflects the deep-seated crisis in the domestic beef industry. In recent years, the domestic beef industry has continued to shrink, and beef prices have risen sharply, thus giving low-priced smuggled beef an opportunity. " Wang Jimin, deputy director of the Institute of Agricultural Economics of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, pointed out to the China Securities News.

Xie Maizhi, the owner of the beef business at the Beef and Mutton Hall in Beijing Xinfadi Market, told the China Securities News, "before 2008, the price of beef was only 12 or 13 yuan, but now it has risen to 24 yuan per jin, which has doubled." But business is much worse than before. 50 cents a kilo of beef is earned, mainly by walking volume. In the past, it could sell three or four thousand jin a day, but now the price of beef is so expensive that no one can buy it, and it can sell seven or eight hundred jin a day. "

Why are domestic beef prices so skyrocketing? Cao Binghai, a professor at China Agricultural University [Weibo] and chief expert of the national beef cattle industry, explained to the China Securities News, "the main reason is that the stock of beef cattle has declined sharply in recent years." From 2008 to 2012, the stock of beef cattle in China decreased from 89 million to 65 million, a decrease of 24 million in just four years, he said. In the traditional sense, the stock of beef cattle in Shandong, Hebei, Anhui and Henan provinces has declined rapidly in the past ten years, and the "Central Plains Beef cattle Industry Belt" composed of the four provinces exists in name only.

The beef cattle breeding business of Fucheng Wufeng, the first stock in the beef industry, has also shrunk sharply. Song Baoxian, the company's secretary, told the China Securities News, "although the company is involved in the raising, slaughtering and food processing of the beef cattle industry, but breeding begins with the acquisition of shelf cattle for fattening, and does not involve the upstream breeding of cows and calves. The price of beef is rising, the price of shelf cattle is also rising, and the company has not benefited much from the rise in beef prices. On the contrary, with the reduction of domestic beef cattle stock, the company is even faced with the situation of'no cattle to raise 'and' no cattle to slaughter'to some extent. "

"I have to say that under the sharp contraction, China's beef cattle industry has fallen into an unprecedented crisis." Cao Binghai said.

At the same time, imported beef, especially smuggled beef, began to swoop in. It is understood that at present, smuggled beef mainly comes from Brazil and India, and the price of beef is only equivalent to about 22 yuan / kg in RMB, which is far from the domestic price of about 50 yuan / kg, so it is very popular.

"about 500000 to 1 million tons of smuggled beef are smuggled in China every year. If the smuggled beef does not pass the customs inspection and quarantine, it is likely to bring foot-and-mouth disease, mad cow disease and other epidemics into the country, which is a great hidden danger to the domestic beef industry. At the same time, the entry of a large number of smuggled beef will also have a strong impact on the domestic beef industry. " Wang Jimin said.