
Our country will launch the potato main grain strategy, potato 6 big benefits do you know?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Our country will launch the potato main grain strategy, potato 6 big benefits do you know?

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Agriculture that China will vigorously promote the strategy of turning potatoes into staple foods such as steamed bread, noodles and rice noodles that Chinese people like to eat. Potatoes will become the fourth largest staple grain crop besides rice, wheat and corn, and the planting area will be gradually expanded to 150 million mu.

Yu Xinrong, vice minister of agriculture, said on the 6th that through several years of unremitting efforts, the proportion of potato planting area, per unit yield, total output and staple food products in the total potato consumption will be significantly increased, and potato will gradually become the fourth largest staple grain crop in China after rice, wheat and corn.

Why do potatoes become the fourth staple food?

Yu Xinrong made the above remarks at the "Seminar on Potato staple Grain Strategy." He said: in the future, it is necessary to promote the transformation of potato into staple grain, expand the planting area according to local conditions, expand the planting area of the three staple grains from the current 80 million mu to 150 million mu, and increase the potato yield per mu to more than 2 tons. to provide more security for national food security.

1. "Potato has low fat content, high protein quality and lower calories than wheat and rice, which is in line with the current pursuit of diversified diet and healthy diet of Chinese residents. All these factors will lay a material and social foundation for potato to become a staple grain product in our country. " Said Wan Baorui, director of the National Food and Nutrition Advisory Committee.

2. Potato is resistant to cold, drought and barren, has wide adaptability, and is easier to grow. It belongs to the "four provinces" crops that save water, fertilizer, medicine and energy.

3. Potato, commonly known as potato, is the fourth largest food crop in the world, and it has been planted in China for more than 400 years.

Six benefits of potatoes

1. Supplement nutrition and can be used as staple food

Potatoes are rich in vitamins, calcium, potassium and other trace elements, and easy to digest and absorb, rich in nutrition. Can provide the human body with a lot of heat, people only rely on potatoes and whole milk to maintain life and health, in Europe and the United States, especially in North America, potatoes have long become the second staple food.

two。 Harmonize the stomach, invigorate the spleen and relieve dampness

Potatoes contain a lot of starch and protein, B vitamins, vitamin C and so on, which can promote the digestive function of the spleen and stomach.

3. Wide bowels and defecation

Potatoes contain a lot of dietary fiber, which can relieve bowels, help the body excrete metabolic toxins in time, prevent constipation and prevent the occurrence of intestinal diseases.

3. Reduce blood sugar and fat, beauty and beauty

Potatoes can supply the human body with a large number of mucin with special protective effects. It can promote the lubrication of digestive tract, respiratory tract, joint cavity and serous cavity, prevent fat deposition of cardiovascular system and system, maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, and help to prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis. Potato is also an alkaline vegetable, which is conducive to acid-base balance in the body and neutralizes the acidic substances produced after metabolism in the body, so it has certain cosmetic and anti-aging effects. People who often eat potatoes are healthy and grow old slowly.

4. Diuresis and detumescence

The potassium contained in potatoes can replace sodium in the body and expel sodium from the body, which is beneficial to the rehabilitation of patients with hypertension and glomerulonephritis edema.

5. Lose weight

Potatoes are foods rich in dietary fiber, which are relatively rare and contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Every 148 grams of potatoes produce only 100 calories, the real starch content is less than 2%, and only 0.1% fat. It can effectively control the total amount of fat in people's diet.

6. Beauty and skin care

Potatoes can take good care of the skin and maintain the appearance. Fresh potato juice is applied directly to the face and the whitening effect is very significant. People's skin is easy to be sunburned and tanned in hot summer. Potato juice has an obvious effect on removing color spots and has no side effects. Potatoes also have a significant beauty effect on the skin around the eyes. Slice the cooked potatoes and stick them to the eyes to reduce the puffiness under the eyes. Cut potatoes into slices and apply them on your face, which has a good effect of beauty and skin care and reducing wrinkles. Young people have strong skin oil secretion and are often plagued by acne and acne. Smearing the affected area with cotton and fresh potato juice can solve this problem.