
Document No.1 issued gradually modern agriculture hope to get comprehensive support

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Document No.1 issued gradually modern agriculture hope to get comprehensive support

With the gradual approach of the No. 1 document of the Central Committee in 2015, the pilot project of "farmers taking shares in cooperatives and leading enterprises with land management rights" will be fully supported by "top-down" in 2015.

The reporter recently learned that the policy phrase for the new agricultural management system in document No. 1 of 2015 is "speeding up the construction". Under this goal, we will promote the construction of agricultural industrialization demonstration bases and the transformation and upgrading of leading enterprises, innovate the mode of land circulation and scale operation, and guide farmers to take shares in cooperatives and leading enterprises with the right of land management. Industrial and commercial capital is encouraged to develop farming, processing and circulation of agricultural products and socialized agricultural services suitable for enterprise operation.

"the direction of the right of land management to invest in cooperatives and leading enterprises is in line with the spirit of the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, but it was only operated at the local level before, and this is the first 'top-down' push." A source from the Ministry of Agriculture told reporters, "according to the usual practice, the specific operation document will take action after the first document."

Research says farmers' enthusiasm is not high.

The operation of land management rights as shares in cooperatives and leading enterprises has been carried out in many places throughout the country. In local practice, local governments and enterprises have maintained a high enthusiasm for the ownership of land management rights in the capital. In June 2014, Jinshan District of Shanghai proposed in "some opinions on deepening Agricultural and Rural Reform" that it is necessary to explore a new mode of management of rural land management rights to ensure that farmers can obtain higher and more sustainable benefits from the land.

However, a survey conducted by the Committee of Agriculture of Suzhou City, Anhui Province shows that for the ownership of farmers' land management rights, agricultural enterprises, cooperatives and other industrial management organizations have a strong desire, but farmers' enthusiasm for participation is generally not high.

Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Daily Economic News that the ownership of land management rights will help to develop large-scale agricultural production, improve the efficiency of land allocation and use, and benefit farmers in the secondary distribution. However, in many places, farmers are not willing to intervene in this way of becoming shareholders of land management rights.

"although farmers can get dividends in this way, the risks go hand in hand with them." In Li Guoxiang's view, if there are problems with the operation of cooperatives or leading enterprises, farmers will also bear risks according to equity, that is, risk-sharing; while if they simply transfer land to collect rent, farmers will feel much more secure.

Li Guoxiang explained that when enterprises or new operators lease or transfer land, they need to pay rent to farmers first, while the shares of land management rights are paid dividends after making profits. In this way, for cooperatives or leading enterprises, it can save the early capital investment, alleviate the financial pressure, and mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers to participate in industrial management. However, farmers prefer to have a guaranteed land rental income rather than a stock dividend which is difficult to determine under the market risk.

To be driven by policy

The reporter learned that under the role of multiple operation problems, the right to invest in land management is in the window period of "still need policy pull".

"the ownership of land management rights has emerged in many places, mostly in developed areas and places with 'capable people', but the proportion is not large at present. According to our survey, there are still multiple operational problems. " Li Guoxiang told reporters: "first of all, as far as this' joint-stock company'is concerned, since it wants to operate, it requires higher management ability, but there are not many farmers and village cadres with market acumen and management quality; second, how to operate after joining the stock, whether to operate directly, transfer out, or recruit CEO? The opinions of farmers who buy shares are easy to differ, and it is difficult to unify; finally, the strength of leading enterprises is very strong, and farmers' land management rights actually account for only a very small proportion. For this kind of enterprises, shareholding and management is a relatively troublesome thing. "

In the experiment in Jinshan District, Shanghai, due to the participation of leading enterprises with high investment and high income in Langxia Town, it is more difficult to determine the proportion of farmers' land management rights, while another pilot town of Zhangyan adopts the model of collective farm. All income belongs to farmers and is operated according to one mu as one share, so it is easier to be accepted by farmers.

From the perspective of land use, Tan Ming, engineer of the Land renovation Center of the Ministry of Land and Resources, believes that the shareholding of agricultural land involves agricultural management, village governance, benefit distribution, and other issues, if we simply start with solving the problem of agricultural management, it is bound to leave hidden dangers. Once the value of land is no longer limited to agricultural production, all kinds of collective interest disputes will emerge one after another.

In this regard, the above-mentioned Ministry of Agriculture personage holds a more optimistic attitude, he said, "the role of the policy is to guide the land management right to invest in cooperatives and leading enterprises, but after each policy is issued, there will be a certain buffer period and adaptation period. Its implementation must be of many types. Driven by the market, how to optimize the use of land management rights?" We should believe that farmers and enterprises will certainly make the choice that is most in line with their own interests. (daily Economic News)

Focus on the two main lines

Modern agricultural plate is expected to rise.

The pilot project of the reform of the agricultural price system is expected to be further expanded, except for the existing experimental varieties and regions. The pilot project of target price reform put forward by the central government for the first time this year is an important measure to improve the price formation mechanism of China's agricultural products. The so-called target price system means that the government sets the target price of agricultural products, subsidizes low-income consumers when the actual market price is higher than the target price, and subsidizes producers according to the price difference when the market price is lower than the target price. At present, the price formation of the vast majority of agricultural products in China follows the market mechanism, so that the relationship between supply and demand can be reflected in the market to form the price of products, which is also the general mechanism of price formation under the condition of market economy. at present, the government mainly intervenes in the prices of six important varieties, namely, wheat, rice, corn, soybeans, cotton and sugar. The further expansion of the pilot project of the reform of the agricultural product price system will directly benefit the long-term development of the leading companies in the industry. for example, the price of sugar in Guangxi is now seriously upside down, and there may be a large-scale production reduction, and the pilot project of sugar production reduction and price reform may be expanded. it will drive sugar prices up, thus promoting the performance of sugar enterprises to pick up. In addition, related targets of several other important agricultural products, such as cotton, rice, soybeans and corn, will also benefit.