
Interpretation of the Central Committee document No. 1 from the Labor economy of Ziyang

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Interpretation of the Central Committee document No. 1 from the Labor economy of Ziyang

The Ziyang people who walked out of "Doucheng" dared to be the first to "eat crabs".

In 1982 in the early 1980s, the Central Committee issued the first epoch-making document on "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", "minutes of China's Rural work Conference", which fully affirmed the rural household contract responsibility system. At the same time, in the "Doucheng" of Ziyang, there appeared "back-to-back" and nannies who went to the provincial capital Xi'an (now referred to as rural surplus labor), who were the beneficiaries of the first Central Committee document. Later, following the strong Sichuan sound, along with the rolling iron flow, the army of "migrant workers" and "migrant workers" went south to bathe in the first spring rain in southern Guangdong. In January 1989, the Ziyang County CPC Committee also told farmers with the first document "decision on strengthening the Export of Labor Services": "to get rid of poverty and go out the door." Take the lead in becoming the first inland province to transfer surplus labor to the southeast coastal cities and become Ziyang people who dare to "eat crabs". At the turn of the century, the National Seven-year Poverty Alleviation Program implemented two major projects in Ziyang: "the export of labor services loaned by the World Bank" and "promoting the development of employment in the western region". The county party committee and county government seized the historical opportunity of using foreign capital projects to develop and transfer labor in poor mountainous areas. put forward the strategic goal of transferring 70% of the labor force to non-agriculture, "creating new ways for large employment, paying great attention to labor services" and opening up the market from "going out". Rights protection services to "please come in" to hold large-scale labor recruitment fairs and other major measures to carry out development-oriented poverty alleviation for farmers. In 2005, 83700 jobs were transferred, and the economic income exceeded 400 million yuan. the per capita labor wage income of farmers was more than 1000 yuan, accounting for 63.8 percent of the average annual net income of farmers, and the per capita income increased by 500 yuan. in the three leading industries of labor services, tea mulberry and animal husbandry, the labor economy accounts for 2% and 3%. It has been rated as the advanced county of labor export and the first batch of key demonstration counties of labor export by the provincial government for five years in a row. It is known as the "labor feast of eating crabs".

The New Farmers of "returning the Phoenix to the Nest" to build a New Countryside in Ziyang

Entering the new century, in 2004, the first document issued by the central government to promote the increase of agricultural income, Ziyang put forward the strategic idea of "stabilizing quantity, ensuring quality, and improving the gold content of labor economy". Closely centering on the spirit of the Central Committee's No. 1 document, we regard the development of the labor economy as the main channel to increase farmers' income, and bring up a large number of large labor industry households with market economy mind, operation and management ability, and certain accumulation of capital. at that time, the county had 248households with more than 100000 yuan, of which 66 households with more than 1 million yuan and 8 households with more than 10 million yuan had accumulated funds of more than 200 million yuan. The massive return of these accumulated funds has laid a solid foundation for speeding up the construction of infrastructure, public welfare undertakings, the development of rural leading industries and the later implementation of several No. 1 documents of the Central Committee on the construction of a new countryside and modern agriculture. Qiu Shuangzan of Haoping Town has successively invested more than 8 million yuan to build "well-off Road" and "get Rich Bridge", built a farmers' market, solved the problem of eating vegetables for more than 3000 people in the town, created more than 100 jobs, and led to more than 300 jobs of the labor force. thus speeding up the pace of urbanization of the north gate of Ziyang. While the export of labor services brought back a large amount of money to Ziyang, it also created a large number of new farmers with new ideas, new ideas and new technologies to build a new countryside. Chen Bangqiang, Wang Laowu and Yi Daifu from United Township raised funds by themselves. The county's first Farmers' Sports Games was launched in the township. The four leading groups of the county were present to cheer for them, and migrant workers from Sichuan and Henan also came to participate in the games. The important media of China's provinces and cities have successively reported that the typical deeds of a new generation of farmers have become Ziyang people who went to People's Daily for the first time and once again "eat crabs."

From the wage earners who "wash their feet" to the chairman of the "pedicure" startup

How to interpret the No. 1 document issued by the Central Committee this year, the author makes an interesting comparison. In 2005, the average annual net income of Ziyang farmers was 1669 yuan, accounting for only 51.1% of the country's 3255 yuan in the same period. Ziyang exported 80,000 people that year, generating 400 million yuan in income, accounting for 50% of the total agricultural output value of 800 million yuan and 1.17% of the county's GDP 1.17%. The per capita wage income of farmers exceeded 1000 yuan, accounting for 63.8% of the annual net income, which is 27.8% higher than the per capita wage income of farmers nationwide. The annual net income of farmers growing grain is 460 yuan, while the annual labor income of migrant workers in Ziyang is 5000 yuan. In 2013, less than 10 years later, the net income of farmers in Ziyang was about 6881 yuan, an increase of 4.5 times over 2005. The wage income was about 4531 yuan, accounting for 65.8% of the net income. In 2013, the net income of farmers nationwide was 8896 yuan, an increase of 2.7 times over 2005. The per capita wage income was 4035 yuan, accounting for 45.3 percent, which was nearly 20 percentage points lower than that of Ziyang farmers. The above data show that under the "double pressure" of the current economic growth slowdown, especially the growth prospect of working income, which accounts for the majority of farmers' income, and the increase of agricultural production costs, the income of farmers in Ziyang is stepping into the fast lane of economic development. What is more interesting is that in 2014, the rural labor force in Ziyang was transferred and employed 80, 000 people, creating 1 billion yuan in labor service income, which increased by 2.5 times compared with the same number in 2005, accounting for 50% of the economic income of the agricultural population. Labor economy has been supporting half of the rural economy. It has precisely achieved the strategic goal of "stabilizing quantity, ensuring quality, and improving the economic gold content of labor services" put forward in the implementation of the Central No. 1 document that year. In recent years, policy makers in Ziyang have adapted to market changes and external employment needs, as well as the structural characteristics of the upgrading of the rural labor force, and have innovated their ideas. increase vocational and technical education and training as a basic project to improve the quality of workers and increase farmers' income to benefit the people's livelihood. The "notice on Free Vocational skills training" issued by the county government once again told farmers that they "want to get rich and learn skills", bringing vocational skills training into the annual target responsibility assessment. Successively through the integration of all kinds of training resources, bundled training funds of 2 million yuan, free training of 2500 people. On the basis of extensive investigation and in-depth study, the county government has taken pedicure and health care as an emerging industry to increase farmers' income and enrich the people and build the brand of "Ziyang pedicure". Since April last year, 1500 people have been assigned to Shaanxi Zheng Yuanyuan Professional pedicure chain Co., Ltd through order training. Zheng Yuanyuan, who didn't even finish junior high school and went out to work at the age of 14, started from setting up a floor stall. after several years of hard work, she has become a "national honest entrepreneur" and a leader and elite in the pedicure and health care industry. He is now the chairman of Zheng Yuanyuan Professional pedicure Service chain Co., Ltd., with more than 620 professional pedicure chain stores all over the country, more than 5000 employees, 600 million gross income in 2014 and more than 30 people with accumulated funds of more than 10 million yuan. Led by him, more than 4000 people in Ziyang have gone out to engage in pedicure and pedicure, and their annual income is 10 times higher than that of 2015. Only nearly 1,000 people in Tiefusi Village, Gaoqiao Town, where he lives, account for 60% of the total labor force, with an annual income of 50,000 yuan per person, which has become a typical "iron Buddha phenomenon" in the county's rural economy. Its economic income has become a bright spot of Ziyang labor economy, rural economy and county economy, and has once again become the focus of mainstream media in China, provinces and cities, such as people's Daily, Shaanxi Daily, Ankang Daily and so on.

Author: Yang Zhigui, Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, Ziyang County, Shaanxi Province

Address: human Resources and Social Security Bureau opposite the government of Zifu Road, Ziyang County, Shaanxi Province

Postcode: 725300

Tel: 1539 9367499