
The State Council deploys to Speed up Agricultural Modernization "Internet + Agriculture" stands in the tuyere

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The State Council deploys to Speed up Agricultural Modernization "Internet + Agriculture" stands in the tuyere

On the 18th, Premier Li Keqiang presided over an executive meeting of the State Council, which held that the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" is the top priority of the government's work, and we must keep paying close attention to agriculture, invest in it, deepen the pace of reform, and strive to change the mode of development. we will take the new road of agricultural modernization, ensure national food security, and increase farmers' income.

The meeting adopted the "National Plan for Sustainable Agricultural Development," which determined: first, optimize the distribution of agricultural production, strictly protect cultivated land, stabilize the sown area of grain, improve the quality of cultivated land by means of deep ploughing and deep loosening, and build 800 million mu of high-standard farmland with a continuous harvest of drought and waterlogging by 2020. Second, we should seek the potential of structural reform, promote various forms of moderate scale operation on the basis of stable household operation, and improve labor productivity and output level. Third, we will implement major projects such as the protection of soil and water resources and the improvement of the agricultural and rural environment, promote the conservation and efficient use of water, prevent and control pollution from farmland and aquaculture, strengthen the protection of forests, grasslands, wetlands, rivers and lakes, and develop ecological recycling agriculture.

The emphasis on agricultural modernization at the meeting is reminiscent of the Internet. In his previous government work report, Premier Li Keqiang emphasized the formulation of a "Internet +" action plan to promote the integration of mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, and the Internet of things with modern manufacturing. We will promote the healthy development of e-commerce, industrial Internet and Internet finance, and guide Internet enterprises to expand the international market.

At the premier's press conference held later, Premier Li Keqiang said, "A word popular on the Internet recently is' tuyere'. I think standing on the tuyere of 'Internet +' to comply with the trend will make China's economy fly."

The Internet has affected retail, advertising and many other industries, and the Internet will also affect other industries in the future. Today, whether an industry has potential or not depends on how far it is from the Internet. Which traditional industries have the greatest potential to be transformed by the Internet: 1, the market space is large. 2. The industry is backward and the information asymmetry is serious. 3. Large-scale scattered users. 4. The transaction link is long and the transaction cost is high. 5. The transaction is sustainable.

From this point of view, agriculture has a huge space for Internet transformation. The next tuyere of the industrial Internet: agriculture! As the largest physical industry in China, agricultural informatization will undoubtedly be in the tuyere since the beginning of 15 years. Now, the context of the Internet has finally reached agricultural stocks, and several tuyere pigs have also begun to make efforts in many ways.

It is worth noting that major ministries and commissions are also planning to issue policy plans. Shen Danyang, spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, revealed at a regular press conference on the 17th that the Ministry of Commerce is working with relevant departments to study and formulate guidance on speeding up the development of rural e-commerce, focusing on the information transformation of traditional rural circulation networks, the construction of e-commerce platform for agricultural means of production, the development of agricultural e-commerce, and the expansion of rural e-commerce services.

New terms spawned by the Internet of things, big data, online shopping and e-commerce are being more closely integrated with traditional agriculture and rural areas, according to a news broadcast on the 16th. The upgrading of agriculture and the improvement of farmers' lives driven by Internet technology are opening up new space for more and more young people to start their own businesses.