
Why did the corn drop to 8 cents per jin? the farmers shouted "busy work for nothing".

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Why did the corn drop to 8 cents per jin? the farmers shouted "busy work for nothing".

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The workers at the acquisition point are testing the moisture level of the corn

"The price of corn this year is as low as 8 cents a catty. It has been several years, and the price of corn has never been as low as this year." On the 28th, in the corn field of Zhaizi Village, Huihe Town, Jiyang County, farmer Mr. Wang looked at the corn harvest, but he was not happy at all. It is understood that low corn prices are mainly affected by national macro-control policies.

A year of farming is not as good as a month of working outside

The decline in corn prices is difficult for farmers who suffer from low yields. "I usually go to Jinan for short-term work during the slack season, but I always have the habit of returning home to farm during the busy season. But based on this year's situation, I don't plan to farm next year. I went out to work for a month and my salary caught up with the income of farming for a year." Mr. Wang complained.

There are many farmers who feel the same way as Mr. Wang. On the asphalt road on the north side of Hardware and Building Materials City, the reporter met Mr. Niu, a villager of Zhaohu Village, Jiyang Street Office, who was drying grain here. Mr. Niu told reporters, Because this year corn purchase price is low, The village has been prepared to store grain and wait for the price to be high before selling.

However, considering his large planting area, high pressure, and no place to store, Mr. Niu decided to sell the grain as soon as possible. "A combine harvester that directly produces corn cobs costs 100 yuan to cut an acre of land. I planted 15 acres of land, and it costs a lot of money to harvest it. To save money, my wife and I broke the corn back and peeled it slowly with a machine." Mr. Niu told reporters.

Input and output are basically flat, farmers are busy farming for nothing

During the interview, a villager of Zhaohu Village calculated an account for the reporter. "This year's grain harvest, originally quite happy, one mu of real estate more than 1000 jin, but according to the current price, one mu of land will sell about 800 yuan."

One mu of land needs 5jin seed 60 yuan, cultivated land 60 yuan, fertilizer 150 yuan, twice irrigated land 60 yuan, pesticide 60 yuan, combine harvester cut one mu and get 100 yuan. From sowing to harvesting, plus labor and oil costs, the money for selling grain is just enough."

Villagers nearby said that the money for seed fertilizer was secondary, and the most important thing was the high cost of labor. "My husband and I are both working outside, and we have to ask for leave for a few acres of land at home. The salary deducted is more than one mu of land. Tired still do not earn money, more than half a year in vain, a little enthusiasm for farming are not. Next year, I plan to lease out the land, so I can save some trouble." Villager Ms. Li told reporters.

Prices continue to fall, farmers scramble to sell grain

On the afternoon of 28 th, in Gou Wang intersection of a corn purchase point, the reporter saw corn buyers are holding professional instruments to measure corn dry and wet degree.

Acquirer Ms. Sun told reporters that the highest purchase price of corn at her acquisition point that day was 8 cents a catty, down about 3 cents per catty compared with the same period last year. "I heard that the best corn in the Northeast is only priced at 1 yuan per catty. The corn here has less starch and is not as good as the corn in the Northeast, so the purchase price is even lower than that."

A farmer who came to sell grain, Mr. Liu, told reporters that in previous years he sold grain directly to pig farmers, but this year pig farmers gave a lower price than the purchase point. "Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, corn was still 85 cents a catty. The price has dropped again these days." Mr. Liu told reporters.

Tong Jingzhong, the relevant person in charge of the grain bureau, told reporters that corn prices are mainly affected by supply and demand, and the price of corn in Jiyang is also affected by the price of corn in the whole market.

Corn prices will continue to decline in the near future

According to the monitoring data of price monitoring department of Jiyang County Price Bureau, the highest yield of corn in Jiyang County reaches more than 1600 jin/mu, and the low yield is also 1200 jin/mu. However, in a few days since the new corn came into the market, the purchase price of corn in Jiyang County has dropped from 0.95 yuan/catty to 0.85 yuan/catty at present, with a decrease of 10.5%, and there is a trend of continuous decline. But even at such low prices, the incentive to acquire companies is still low.

According to the analysis of the price monitoring department of the Price Bureau, corn prices continue to decline, and are currently in the period of centralized listing of new corn, and this year Jiyang City corn planting area increased, yield is larger, market supply increased significantly.

In addition, the demand for corn and its downstream products continued to be depressed, the prices of corn starch and alcohol continued to fall, and some enterprises stopped production in deficit, further causing the depression of the corn market.

The rapid decline in corn prices has also caught many buyers off guard, and even the purchase price and the selling price "upside down" situation, there is no profit at all. With the new corn listed one after another, farmers wait for the price rise hopeless, eager to vacate the warehouse, concentrated sales, but also further pull down the corn purchase price.

"With the large number of new corn listed in our county, the market supply will further increase. In the near future, corn prices will not stop falling and pick up in the short term, but will continue to decline." Price bureau price monitoring department staff told reporters.

It is understood that recently, the state multi-departments jointly issued the Notice on Issues Related to the Purchase of Temporary Storage Corn in Northeast China in 2015. The notice clearly states that in 2015, the state will continue to implement the corn temporary storage policy in the three northeastern provinces and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and the temporary storage corn listing purchase price is 1 yuan/catty. As for the impact of the lower listing purchase price of the temporary corn collection and storage policy issued by the state in 2015 on the corn price in Jiyang County, relevant responsible persons said that "it is now the market-oriented price, so the policy has little impact."

Source: biz=MzA3NjUwMTcyMA==&mid=209670334&idx=2&sn=8d0c9e052d0feecc8d9a204644ad50cd#rd

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