
Herbal medicine Shanquan ecological pig raising back to hometown to start a business and bring people to become rich

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Herbal medicine Shanquan ecological pig raising back to hometown to start a business and bring people to become rich

In Guomu Village, Xinglong Township, Dafang County, Li Yisheng is famous. Local people all know that in order to take care of his parents and children, he resolutely gave up a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan from a company in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, and returned to his hometown to set up a pig farm.

Li Yisheng's farm, which covers an area of more than 4000 square meters, is located on the top of a hill in the Yanjiao formation of Guomu Village. The farm is still in its infancy, but he believes that as people pay more attention to healthy diet, his pure ecological Coke pigs will definitely have a good market.

Go back to your hometown to start a business and take care of the family

After disinfection in the disinfection room, the author followed Li Yisheng to the enclosure. All the pigs raised by Li Yisheng are famous Coke pigs in Bijie. Compared with ordinary domestic pigs, this kind of pig has stronger ability to adapt to cold climate and disease resistance, and likes to eat corn, weeds and so on. The cost of raising is lower, the most important thing is that the meat is delicious, and the market prospect is broad.

According to him, construction of the farm began in July last year, and in July this year, more than 50,000 yuan was spent on introducing more than 20 Coke pigs from Nayong to breed in pens. "in order to run this pig farm, I have invested more than 1 million yuan in the cost of leveling land, building roads, and building pens. In addition to the government's poverty alleviation funds, most of the money is my savings saved by working in Zhejiang in recent years."

Li Yisheng, 37, has been going out to work since the age of 19. He has been working in a transformer factory in Ningbo, Zhejiang, these years. He has grown from a general worker to a technician, and his salary has risen from a few hundred yuan a month to more than 10,000 yuan now. Even so, he is determined to go home and start a business.

Li Yisheng said that although the wages outside are high, working is not a long-term solution, and with the increase of age, although the income is more and more, but when you are out of town, you feel more and more obvious about the debt and guilt of your family. "at present, there are two children who have just entered junior high school, which is the critical period for their study. when they come back, they can supervise their study while engaging in breeding, and their parents are also old. When you get home and start a business, you can better take care of the old and the young, and kill two birds with one stone. "

Ecological pig raising in herbal Shanquan

When it comes to raising pigs, Li Yisheng, who was born in a farm family from an early age, is no stranger. Even though he has been working in other places for many years, he is quite easy to learn. He said that the two main problems of raising pigs are feeding and epidemic prevention. "feeding four times a day should be timely, and we should also grasp the quantity. The epidemic prevention work now has the help of the staff of the township agricultural service center. So far, I have also learned a lot about epidemic prevention from them. Even if they encounter problems that they do not understand, they will make a phone call and they will come to serve."

In order to solve the pig feed problem, Li Yisheng specially planted 3 mu of Chinese herbal medicine-golden buckwheat, all of which were provided free of charge by the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences. usually, after sowing seeds, they can be harvested and fed to pigs for more than a month, and this traditional Chinese medicine can be cut seven or eight times a year. In winter, without golden buckwheat, pigs can also be fed with ryegrass without any additives.

It is understood that the golden buckwheat planted by Li Yisheng is a new variety bred by wild buckwheat as parent materials in Guizhou Province. it not only has the characteristics of high nutritional value, rapid growth and high yield, but also is a favorite forage grass for livestock and poultry, such as pigs, cattle, sheep, geese, and so on. it can improve the self-immunity of livestock and poultry and ensure the quality and safety of livestock and poultry products.

There is a stream of spring water on the mountain near the farm. In order to solve the problem of drinking water for pigs, Li Yisheng specially laid pipes to introduce part of the water into the farm, which really made pigs drink mountain spring water.

Li Yisheng said: now that people's living standards have improved, they pay more attention to the quality of food, and taking the road of ecological breeding is more in line with the current development trend. He believes that through scientific and ecological breeding, we will be able to provide the market with high-quality and safe meat.

Expand the scale and bring the masses rich

A few days ago, the Provincial Poverty Alleviation Office held a provincial demonstration class of "Rain and dew Plan Poor Village Rich Leader training" in Xingyi City in 2015. As a representative of returning home to start a business, Li Yisheng participated in the study. He said that after a week of theoretical study and visit, he has greatly broadened his horizons and learned a lot of advanced management skills. After learning, he has further strengthened his determination to expand the scale of farming.

"my site can hold about 1,000 pigs. When the farm grows, with sufficient funds, I hope to cooperate with the surrounding farmers to provide them with piglets. Under the conditions of meeting the required epidemic prevention, feed, and breeding methods, farmers will recover according to the market price, so that the people around them can get rid of poverty and go to a well-off society as soon as possible." Li Yisheng told me.

Li Yisheng estimates that by this winter, the current 20-odd pigs will be able to give birth to piglets. According to seven piglets per sow, there will be more than 160 piglets in the whole farm. In addition, it takes a year for a pig to get out of the pen, and it can probably grow to about 270jin. According to the current pig price of 16 yuan per jin, 160 pigs will be sold for nearly 700000 yuan next year.

As for sales, Li Yisheng is not worried at all, on the one hand, because he believes in the quality of the Coke pigs he raises, and on the other hand, one of his relatives has opened several big restaurants in Guangdong. "if it really can't be sold locally, he will take it to Guangdong and sell it to his relatives."

Now, Li Yisheng's greatest wish is to use another two years to make the farm continue to grow. By that time, he can, as he said, lead the people around him to get rid of poverty and become a real leader in getting rich.