
Lan Lifen, a sericulturist in Mashan County, is the way to get rich in good faith.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Lan Lifen, a sericulturist in Mashan County, is the way to get rich in good faith.

From an ordinary farmer in Jinchai Town, Mashan County, Nanning City to the head of the sericulture company, Lan Lifen, in line with the belief of "being honest and trustworthy and relying on science and technology to get rich", has led the masses to get rich together for many years, broke a new world on the road of entrepreneurship, set an example in honest management, and successively won the Nanning City and Autonomous region honest and trustworthy moral Model nomination Award, and was selected in the "list of good people in China".

She acquires wealth through honest labor

The town of Jinchai has a tradition of planting mulberry and sericulture. In 2000, Lan Lifen, who had worked in Guangdong for many years, returned to her hometown and saw that her parents in her hometown still followed the traditional way of sericulture. She realized that if she did not inject advanced production technology and adopt new varieties and new technologies to take the road of large-scale production and management, sericulture will not be able to achieve good economic benefits. She said to the sericulturists in the village, "I will think of ways with you to make our sericulture industry bigger and stronger."

Starting from solving the problem of survival rate of young silkworms, Lan Lifen established a "co-rearing of young silkworms" base in Longtang Village, Jinchai Town, where the reared third-instar silkworms were sold to sericulturists, thus reducing the risk of sericulture by farmers. In order to make the surrounding farmers accept the new technology of sericulture, she also organized sericulture farmers' representatives to Yizhou and Binyang many times at her own expense to visit and learn the new model of sericulture, and invited experts to the village to guide farmers in sericulture.

On the way to starting a business, Lan Lifen is not plain sailing. In 2004, the weather changed abnormally, a large number of mulberry trees died, and sericulture in Jinchai town was hit hard. "this sudden change has caused heavy losses not only to silkworm farmers, but also to me in terms of raising seedlings." Lan Lifen said.

In order to stabilize people's confidence in sericulture, Lan Lifen resolutely made a commitment: if she continues to grow mulberry and sericulture, she will pay full compensation for the loss of sericulture farmers. In that year, Lan Lifen advanced nearly 300000 yuan because of this decision.

For more than a decade, Lan Lifen has helped the masses solve many difficult problems for the sake of that promise. Many sericulture farmers believe her and insist on following her along the road of sericulture and getting rich. "No matter what occupation you are in, you must be honest, tell the truth, do honest things, and use honest labor to gain wealth. I am relieved to see that silkworm farmers can raise silkworms to become rich. " Lan Lifen said.

She led the villagers on the road to prosperity.

Shi Gengming, 63, is an "old man" who grows mulberry and raises silkworms in Xialing Village, Longtang Village. As early as 1994, Shi began to raise silkworms and planted more than 3 mu of mulberry trees. After retiring, Shi Gengming paid more attention to sericulture. Now, Shi Gengming can raise 8 to 10 batches of silkworms every year, and a batch of more than 5000 silkworms can earn more than 2000 yuan.

"now you don't have to worry about anything. The third instar silkworm provided by Lan Lifen has a high survival rate. As long as we raise the silkworm well, she will recycle it all, and the price is high. Now that I have money in hand, life is much better than before. " Shi Gengming said that villagers like to ask Lan Lifen for silkworm seedlings, because as long as a phone call, Lan Lifen will personally come to guide sericulture techniques.

Li Meixian, a silkworm farmer, has deep experience of Lan Lifen's personal actions. One day, Li Meixian went out to pick mulberry leaves in the morning. When she went out, the silkworm seedlings were still fine. When she came back at noon, the silkworm tail turned yellow and the silkworm body shrunk. Li Meixian was frightened and immediately called Lan Lifen. It wasn't long before Lan Lifen came with medicine for bacterial septicemia and helped spray mulberry leaves to feed silkworms. "she reminded me that there are a lot of Rain Water and the climate is stuffy, so we should pay attention to ventilation. The silkworm will be fine the next day. I really appreciate her. " Li Meixian said.

She played an exemplary vanguard role in Party members.

"driven by her, the area of mulberry gardens planted in the town is now stable at about 12000 mu." Tan Bangjie, secretary of the party committee of Jinchai Town, said that Lan Lifen played a pioneering and exemplary role in leading the town of Jinchai and its surrounding people to become rich. At present, sericulture has become the pillar industry of Jinchai Town, and Jinchai Town has also become the largest silkworm base in Mashan County.

In order to solve the problem of the market and price of silk, as early as 2009, Lan Lifen established the Mashan Jinyi Silkworm Professional Cooperative and successively invested more than 500,000 yuan to build artificial climate incubator, automatic feeding and other production equipment. and actively contact with major mulberry seedling companies, become the first-class agent of mulberry seedling company, and recommend high-yield and high-quality mulberry seedling varieties to mulberry farmers.

In July 2014, Lan Lifen invested 10 million yuan to register and set up Mashan County Donglong sericulture Co., Ltd., directly purchasing silkworm farmers' products, and the purchase price per kilogram was higher than that of other companies, so that sericulture farmers had reassurance. At present, Donglong sericulture has recruited more than 100 employees, providing rural workers with employment opportunities on their doorstep, of which more than 20 workers are members of rural families with minimum living standards, poverty and disabilities, and they receive a stable income of more than 2000 yuan every month.

Tan Bangjie told reporters that Lan Lifen also set up a technical training course in her own sericulture base and admitted farmers to the base free of charge to learn the techniques of mulberry sericulture. In 2014, through carrying out the "farm class", she scientifically instructed mulberry farmers to scientifically control the application of organic pesticides in the process of sericulture, the amount of pesticide residues in cocoons was lower than the national standards, and at the same time promoted the application of automatic feeding technology, which reduced the labor intensity of silkworm farmers and improved the rate of high-quality cocoons.

Lan Lifen is also very concerned about vulnerable groups in rural areas and supports poor families to raise silkworms. 70% of the silkworm seedlings raised by Lan Lifen are first given credit to silkworm farmers to take home for breeding, and then the silkworm farmers sell the silk and then return the money to her, thus solving the problem of farmers' cash flow. Tan Bangjie said: "when the market price is stable, people will be more willing to raise silkworms without worries, and the development of sericulture in the town will be better and better."