
Wuchuan recommended a good example of breeding when riding on the back of a sheep.

Published: 2024-09-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/07, Wuchuan recommended a good example of breeding when riding on the back of a sheep.

Beside the highway from Guiyang City, Guizhou Province to various parts of Zunyi, the billboard "Wuchuan riding on the back of a sheep", which can be seen at a distance, has deeply attracted the attention of reporters.

"Wu Chuan? Raising sheep? Can you still ride on the back of a sheep? " Questions always revolve in the brain.

Adjust measures to local conditions and become the industrial choice of large poor counties

Standardized goat breeding grounds, rows of beautiful building-style sheep houses, green recommended bases …... After eating a bowl of steaming clear soup and mutton powder in the morning, the reporter could not help feeling: "the mountain grass is green and mutton is fragrant everywhere."

"you are right to have this feeling, because goats in our county are generally not stocked. They live in 'hotels', eat 'ordered meals' and are equipped with full-time 'health care doctors'." Liu Zhimo, deputy secretary of the Wuchuan county party committee, said.

This is true at all. These beautiful sheephouses have skylights, thermostats and air inlets on the ground. Even if the temperature outside is 30 ℃, you can't feel the heat at all.

In the past, Wuchuan goat breeding has been dominated by family stocking, which has not formed a scale for a long time. In the process of stocking, the vegetation is seriously damaged, which further aggravates the degree of rocky desertification in karst area. At the same time, free-range goats are prone to spread diseases. For example, if one goat in the flock gets sick, it will spread to other goats within a few days.

How to carry out large-scale breeding in ecological protection? in recent years, Wuchuan has successfully explored a new model of goat breeding from hillside stocking to recommended captivity.

In Wuchuan Autonomous County, which has a population of 450000, ethnic minorities account for 96.6% of the county's total population. For a long time, due to geographical and traffic conditions and other factors, poverty has become a pain in the hearts of the local people. At present, there are still 78900 poor people in the county.

In 2010, the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government put forward the "10 million High quality Meat Sheep Project". And Wuchuan County as the province's grassland ecological animal husbandry industrialization poverty alleviation project county, the province's 10 million high-quality meat sheep project county, one of the province's 10 grassland ecological animal husbandry sheep raising counties, increased the support for goat breeding.

Riding on the east wind of the province's "10 million high-quality mutton sheep project", Wuchuan County has continuously issued policies to integrate no less than 25 million yuan of funds related to agriculture, such as development and reform, transportation, water conservancy, forestry, agricultural machinery, etc., for loan discount, epidemic prevention and control, breed improvement, breeding subsidy, science and technology promotion and infrastructure construction; organize 25 million yuan of credit funds for the purchase of improved breeds of livestock and poultry and the construction of enclosures The financial arrangement of the county is not less than 3 million yuan, which is used for work funds and rewards; 1 million yuan is solved to increase the remuneration of epidemic prevention workers at the village level, and animal husbandry fees are fully used for the production and development of grassland ecological animal husbandry in villages and towns and the prevention and control of epidemic diseases; we will introduce policies to support and encourage cadres and workers, social capable people to lead and undertake breeding bases. At present, there are 380000 mutton sheep in the county, and 13000 poor farmers have enjoyed the poverty alleviation achievements of grassland ecological animal husbandry.

Behind the growth of economic benefits is the manifestation of ecological benefits.

"the recommended way of raising sheep can not only reduce soil erosion, but also reduce the incidence of goats and promote rapid fattening of goats." Ma Hua, deputy director of the propaganda department of Wuchuan county party committee, introduced.

The traditional sheep industry is regarded as an industry that pollutes and destroys ecology. however, the sheep industry developed in Wuchuan adheres to the principle of unity of economic and ecological benefits, and organically combines the development of mutton sheep industry with soil and water conservation, rocky desertification control, returning grazing to grassland and so on. At the same time, vigorously promote the large-scale house feeding model, sheep houses all implement "building leakage seam" zero emission standardization construction, focus on the promotion of "sheep-marsh (organic fertilizer)-crops (fruits and vegetables)" cycle model, put an end to the development of large-scale breeding farms in environmentally sensitive areas. At present, the 200000 mu project of returning grazing to grassland is being implemented, 100000 mu of forage sweet sorghum, ryegrass and other high-quality forage grass are growing vigorously, and the improved 52000 mu of natural grassland is covered in the rugged rocks of karst landform, resulting in a win-win situation between ecological construction and the development of mutton sheep industry.

Industrial production of forage grass has become an important means for Wuchuan sheep industry to develop ecological and economic benefits. Wuchuan actively promotes the mechanism of separation of recommendation and breeding, guides forage planting enterprises, large households, professional cooperatives, breeding communities and breeding enterprises to carry out "order" production, and vigorously promotes straw ammoniation, microsilage, silage and silage technology. grasp the development and application of meat sheep concentrate feed.

The Broussonetia papyrifera, which was originally used to make paper, is now on the "dining table" of sheep. At present, through the trial and demonstration of Broussonetia papyrifera planting and seedling raising, Wuchuan County is building a 100mu high-standard Broussonetia papyrifera hybrid seedling base, first building a 30, 000-ton ecological institutional tree feed production line, raising 1000 Broussonetia papyrifera sheep, and gradually establishing a forage feed system, focusing on building Wuchuan Broussonetia papyrifera ecological organic sheep brand.

Breed improvement to build industrial brand

In order to promote the development of sheep industry, Wuchuan County adhered to the road of diversified development of mutton sheep breeds, vigorously introduced fine breeds on the basis of breeding local fine breeds of white goat and black goat, and realized self-propagation, self-breeding and self-sufficiency of improved breeds, achieving the goals of diversity of breeds, good quality, controllable epidemic disease and orderly management. At present, 80,000 self-bred sheep can be bred every year; the reproduction rate of mutton sheep is more than 220%, and the survival rate is more than 93%.

At the same time, the county constructed a four-level management network and epidemic prevention network of "County grassland Ecological Animal Husbandry Development Center-Township Animal Husbandry Station-farming Community-Farmers", and explored the development model of "County-level original seed Farm-Township breeding Farm-Community Breeders". A new way of "leading enterprises + cooperatives + farmers" has been changed from stocking all over the mountain to "recommended + captive + supplementary feeding". The construction has perfected the sheep industry chain, created the brand of "Wuchuan White Goat", effectively protected the ecological environment, promoted the adjustment of agricultural structure, and increased farmers' income to become rich. it has formed a situation of administrative promotion, enterprise drive, leading households by farms, and the development of sheep farming by thousands of households.

Yang Youming, secretary of the Wuchuan County CPC Committee, believes that in order to build a sound sheep industry chain and build the brand of "Wuchuan White Goat", we must carry out park layout, enterprise drive, and large-scale development, and form a development model of "large with small, small, retail investors, and large-scale association." every large enterprise should become a "complex" integrating planting, breeding, processing, cold storage, transportation, and sales.

"this is a sheep breeding farm, a bio-organic fertilizer plant, an organic greenhouse vegetable experimental base, and a specialty food processing factory." Walking into the Jiangyi Animal Husbandry Ecological Science and Technology Park, the person in charge of the company said that the breeding sheep produced by the company developed large-scale sheep farmers in the way of "company + cooperative + peasant household", and each household was equipped with a full-time technical cadre to allow farmers to breed without risk. over a period of five years, 100 standardized scale sheep-raising communities were developed in the county, with an annual stock of 520000 goats and 200000 commercial sheep. The average income of each household increased by more than 150000 yuan.

Today, Wuchuan has explored a way of ecological sheep industry from retail stocking to centralized large-scale breeding, ecological breeding, high-quality and multiplicative, enterprise-driven, and park-based layout. it has broken out a new way to increase the income of characteristic agriculture in poor mountainous areas and become well-off at the same time.