
Guo Liang-- take root in the mountain township and be the intimate person for farmers to get rich

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Guo Liang-- take root in the mountain township and be the intimate person for farmers to get rich

The Manchu Township of Sungezhuang in Jixian County is a mountainous minority township dominated by the development of forest and fruit industry. In 2006, 28-year-old Guo Liang gave up his job as director of the political and educational department of the middle school and volunteered to work in the Manchu Township Adult Culture and Technology School. Over the past ten years, with his loyalty to his cause and his love for the people of mountain villages, he has taken root here, traveled among villages, devoted himself to the work of developing forest and fruit industry with science and technology, and dedicated his youth to the people in mountain areas.

The golden autumn season is the busiest time for farmers. In Manchu Township of Sungezhuang, there is a man who is busier than fruit growers. He is Guo Liang, principal of the township adult school. When the reporter came to Sungezhuang Chengcheng School, Guo Liang had just come back from the orchard in Zhangyantai Village to check the harvest of Chinese chestnut. Guo Liang said: "recently, I am very busy. I am contacting merchants, contacting customers, investigating the market, making a budget, and then doing a good job of publicity and guidance for the common people."

Guo Liangzhong is tall, with long hair and plain clothes. Even though he has been rooted in the countryside for many years, he can still see a bit of bookish style through a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose. Guo Lianggang was also a layman when he shifted from general education to adult education in 2006. In order to provide better services to the people in mountain and rural areas, he attended training courses related to agriculture through various channels, and worked hard in the unit to learn professional knowledge such as agriculture, forest and fruit industry, and aquaculture. I often study until two or three o'clock in the morning, and when I get up in the morning, I have to go to the field orchard to practice it myself. Guo Liang recalled that at that time, the adult school lacked school buildings and teaching equipment, and a few square meters of office had to be used as both an office, a dormitory and sometimes a warehouse. Under such conditions, he often doesn't go home once every ten and a half days. "the mountain areas are relatively closed, and the mode of production and mode of thinking of the common people are lagging behind. I see that I am anxious in my heart. How to make their pockets bulge and make their life better, I think it is an important responsibility of the principal of an adult school."

After several years of hard work, Guo Liang, a layman, has become an "expert" young adult education worker. During this period, he successively organized and established "Sungezhuang Manchu Township Fruit Industry Association" and "Sungezhuang Manchu Township Tourism Association". In order to speed up the adjustment of the industrial structure of the whole township and the regional cultivation of the forest and fruit industry, together with other teachers, in two months, he went deep into 13 administrative villages in the township to investigate the area of mountain forest orchards, cultivated varieties, management level of fruit trees, yield benefits, and water and fertilizer conditions. Song Aijun, a teacher at Sun Gezhuang Adult School, said: "the headmaster took several of our teachers to visit 25 hills in our township, and then all the flat land turned around, and then carried out further refinement according to the soil and water quality conditions of each village." After research and analysis, Guo Liang put forward the idea of regional cultivation of four major fruits: high-quality and fast-growing walnut on both sides of the sand river, red grapes in high-quality soil plots, chestnut on gentle slopes, and molded persimmons in valleys. Specific implementation plans have been made for water source conditions.

In September 2008, with the support of the township government, Guo Liang took the lead in organizing 363 walnut growers in the township to set up the first "Tianjin Huanghua Mountain Walnut planting Professional Cooperative" in Jixian County. Six new walnut varieties such as "Qingxiang", "Liaohe system" and "Zhonglin Series" were introduced, ten professional techniques such as "Walnut Green skin Bud grafting" were popularized and applied, and the trademark "Sungezhuang" was registered. Has obtained the green food certification. Over the past few years, the cooperative has sold more than 500000 kilograms of commercial walnuts through Guo Liang, and the price has increased by more than 10 yuan per catty, and the growers have a total income of more than 10 million yuan. Zhang Lizhong, a fruit grower in Xiajialin Village, said: "before Guo School came to us, our walnuts were all old varieties. One mu of land is 200 jin. After the introduction of new products and new technology, this new variety itself is expensive, and the income will be more than doubled."

The Manchu Township of Sun Gezhuang is located in the mountainous area with a weak economic foundation. In order to maximize the income of fruit growers, in 2012, Guo Liang led the two committees of Bei Taipingzhuang Village and villagers' representatives to Huairou, Beijing to inspect the under-forest economic project of chestnut mushroom cultivation, and introduced chestnut mushroom varieties to Qianxi, Hebei Province. Dong Jun, a villager of Bei Taipingzhuang Village, said: "after the introduction of the chestnut mushroom project, it used to be a sideline, but now it has become a main business. Its income is much higher than walnut, so that ordinary people have made generous returns. We all thank Guo School for introducing us a good project. The more good leaders, the better."

Guo Liang not only dares to work hard, but also works rigorously and strives for perfection. On one occasion, some people in the village came to him and said that Chinese Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling was unsalable and asked him to help contact the sales market. Without saying a word, Guo Liang took the two teachers from the school and went to Beijing. Du Changli, a teacher, recalled, "President Guo took us to the Xinfadi Market in Beijing to sell to the common people. they started wholesale at 03:00 in the morning at the wholesale market, stayed there for three days and three nights, and slept on that shelf. In this way, the market came in and contacted several customers. when we came back, we, President Guo, had stomach ailments and called the people to contact the picking business at the same time. "

Guo Liang takes charge of the adult technical school and treats every people in the village as relatives, but he has no one but himself and his small family. Guo Liang's wife, Meng Zhenhong, is also a teacher and works very busy every day. Guo Liang is busy at adult school all year round, leaving all the children and housework to his wife to take care of alone. Meng Zhenhong said, "I left home after five o'clock in the morning and entered the house at 11:00 in the evening. There were no holidays. I didn't have a single day off during the winter or summer holidays. The child couldn't see his father every day, really. I didn't understand it at that time, but he said that if I had a share of strength, spirit and energy, I wanted to develop the fruit industry of Sun Gezhuang, and I wanted to lead the people to become rich. "

Guo Liang always patiently enlightens his wife, he also loves his family very much, it is not that he is unwilling to enjoy life, but can not take the pursuit of personal happiness as the only goal of life. "if you have the ability, you should do more good and meaningful things for everyone. Now we often educate our children that the living conditions are good now, so the purpose of your life is not just to eat well and dress well, what is your contribution, what is your value, you have to be able to reflect the value that people live. "

Guo Liang was once stung in the face by a bee while helping a bee farmer clean up his beehive. He kept it a secret from his wife and never came home. When she got home three days later, his wife Meng Zhenhong looked at her husband and burst into tears. "I opened the door for him at night. Alas, my face was swollen and bruised. Then I said it hurt, and he said it didn't matter. It was only through others that I knew that he had been given fluid for three days, and he went home after the swelling had gone down. He felt that he worked very hard and it was not easy. "

Guo Liang moved his wife. With his wife's understanding and support, Guo Liang was able to do what he wanted to do. Now, three million jin of walnuts in Sungezhuang Manchu Township are sold not only to Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other places, but also to the treasure island of Taiwan. At the beginning of this year, Guo Liang organized the villagers to set up a professional honeybee farming cooperative, and will soon build a honeybee breeding garden. At the same time, he also introduced a walnut deep processing project. Guo Liang said: "I want to unswervingly take root in the mountain areas. I will deeply process the good products of our Manchu township in Sungezhuang, lengthen the industrial chain of agricultural products, and further increase the income of the common people." Now a Food Co., Ltd. has been registered to produce walnut oil and bring it to market. "