
The young girl returned the fragrance of rice in the chrysanthemum field of Tongxiang.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The young girl returned the fragrance of rice in the chrysanthemum field of Tongxiang.

Original title: Tongxiang post-90s college students ignited "Manor Dream" chrysanthemum field to grow patented rice

After graduating from university, Zhu Jiawei returned to Tongxiang from a big city and started a business in the countryside. She transformed her farm into a "manor" with a modern agricultural system, and her "Ju Xiang Rice" won the second prize in Jiaxing Rural Youth E-commerce Competition to create Wealth.

Under the upsurge of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", more and more young people in the Hangzhou Bay area return to their hometown and villages to "cultivate" their youth on the land of their hometown.

It is difficult to choose whether to return home or stay in youth.

After graduating from the university in Ningbo, Zhu Jiawei returned to Tongxiang and successfully entered a large local enterprise to do management work.

"my family thinks that I am a girl, working alone in a big city is too stressful, and I will come back sooner or later." Zhu Jiawei said that at the beginning, he was also unwilling, but he could not resist the urging of his parents.

Zhu Jiawei's nine-to-five life made Zhu Jiawei doubt whether he had made the right choice. "by the end of the first year of work, the feeling of wanting to go out again was particularly strong." Zhu Jiawei said, "We young people always think that we are young now, and it is a pity not to go outside to fight."

What really freed her from this mood of "escape" was that she saw the hope of starting a business on her own farm where she grew up.

Zhu Jiawei's father is a major local grain grower, and the contracted grain fields have reached nearly 300 mu from dozens of mu a few years ago.

The idea of starting a business in rural areas flashed through her mind. "nowadays people are more and more particular about eating. If we can grow rice that is both ecological and delicious, there must be a market." Zhu Jiawei thought.

Zhu Jiawei recalled her experience of exchange and study in Taiwan. "when I was in Taiwan, I found that their agriculture was very modern and paid special attention to the health of agricultural products, and the whole farm was a scenic spot." why can't such modern agriculture be transplanted here? "

She wondered if she could combine local Hangzhou white chrysanthemum elements with rice and use the Internet marketing platform to make high-end green organic rice.

There is a long way to go to take root in rural entrepreneurship.

Although she watched her father farm and grow up, Zhu Jiawei had no experience in agricultural production. She began to learn to identify the types of rice and understand every aspect of planting.

"Hangzhou white chrysanthemum in Tongxiang is tea, the use of pesticides is very low, and pesticide residues in the soil are also very low." In order to grow green and pollution-free rice in chrysanthemum fields, Zhu Jiawei and his team tried to use the straw of Hangzhou white chrysanthemum unique in Tongxiang as organic fertilizer and strictly control the application of pesticides. She also travels everywhere, looking for areas with high-quality water sources in Tongxiang.

At the end of last year, Zhu Jiawei planted the first batch of "chrysanthemum fragrant rice", which was praised by people who had tasted it. In January this year, they officially registered Tongxiang Fengming Shengfeng Family Farm, and had the qualification of rice planting and online sales. Zhu Jiawei also plans to cooperate with Zhejiang Rice Research Institute to specialize in developing high-quality rice varieties.

"A lot of people ask me how to buy it, but I don't think it's time to sell it yet." Zhu Jiawei has a very clear plan for starting a business. "now the 'chrysanthemum fragrant rice' produced has not yet met the quality control requirements I expected, and we hope that the market-oriented products are higher than people expect."

Zhu Jiawei said that starting a business is very hard, and to make something that is difficult for others to imitate, "I can only take a small step."

Encourage entrepreneurship to create a good environment

On July 9 this year, the State Council issued a document supporting the return of students from Agricultural University to start their own businesses, calling on "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" to promote the prosperity of vast villages and towns.

Now, various localities have also offered olive branches to encourage college students to return to their hometown to start their own businesses.

Jiashan County provides "entrepreneurship training red packets" for returning entrepreneurial college students. This year, it held an entrepreneurial training course for 210 returning college students to listen to young entrepreneurial role models teach entrepreneurial experience.

This year, the Tongxiang Youth League Municipal Committee joined the project of "Youth Dream Entrepreneurship season" e-commerce practical experience for the first time in the summer practice of returning college students.

College student Yao Yingzi participated in the summer education project "being a teacher for Children", drawing for the training of rural teenagers, in which more than 500 returning college students came out of the classroom to carry out innovative entrepreneurial practice.

In the entrepreneurial upsurge of college students, many college students have played a leading role in the business. Yao Hongliang, a college student from Leidian Town, Deqing County, returned to his hometown to start a business and set up a pet products company with annual sales of nearly 15 million yuan.

Education expert Xiong Bingqi once said that when the state encourages graduates to work in small and medium-sized cities or grass-roots units, they must first create conditions suitable for their development, and establish a long-term mechanism while promoting economic development as a whole. so that graduates who go to the grass-roots level feel that they have something to gain and have room for career development.