
There are "fresh tricks" to grow "fairy grass" in greenhouse to get rich.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There are "fresh tricks" to grow "fairy grass" in greenhouse to get rich.

Yesterday, when the reporter went to Chashan Town of Xinyi City for an interview, he saw a chic scenery: a farmer brother pulled up a piece of black sunshade net in the field or on the roof of his building, and supported a "bed" under the sunshade net. Like rows of neat rows of "ground ridges", the "ground ridges" are covered with clumps of orchid-like grass-like plants, lush and lush, particularly eye-catching. This is not an ordinary "grass", but Dendrobium candidum, a valuable traditional Chinese medicine listed as the first of the "nine immortal herbs in China" (pictured by Gao Gan, a correspondent).

It is reported that Dendrobium candidum is known as "life-saving fairy grass", known as "gold in medicine". At present, the market demand of Dendrobium candidum is relatively large, with the purchase price of 1000 to 1500 yuan per kilogram of fresh products and more than 1800 yuan per kilogram at the peak.

The reporter came to Chashan villager Yang Li's planting shed, witnessed the "fragrant appearance" of Dendrobium candidum, and learned some of its growth characteristics. In July last year, Yang Li and his family set up a greenhouse covering an area of more than 1 mu in the field to plant Dendrobium candidum, growing well. This year, he built a greenhouse covering an area of nearly 4 mu to further expand the planting scale of Dendrobium candidum. He told reporters that Dendrobium candidum "tender flesh is expensive", need to be carefully waited on, planting should be "seedling ventilation, root ventilation", the planting substrate is mainly bark, which is conducive to loosening and ventilation, but also conducive to maintaining water and fertilization, suitable for its root growth. No wonder there is not a trace of dirt on the "bed". Yang Li also told reporters that the fertilizer he applied to Dendrobium candidum is the local fermented sheep feces, which is natural and pollution-free. The couple are full of confidence in growing Dendrobium candidum to get rich.

Chashan Town is located in the central mountain area of Xinyi, with a mild climate and suitable for planting Dendrobium candidum. Because Dendrobium candidum is an epiphyte, it depends on trees or limestone to grow. It is not cold-resistant and likes a warm and humid climate and a half-yin and half-yang environment. In order to facilitate management, many people set up "greenhouses" and "seedbeds" on the roof, using pine bark and fir bark as attachments to simulate a "tree planting" natural environment suitable for the growth of Dendrobium candidum. Give birth to a new type of "roof economy". Fan Wencai and Yang Pinbiao of the Lingjiao Natural Village of the Fengjingkou Village Committee in the town have "planted" more than 200 square meters of Dendrobium candidum on the roof of their respective buildings for two or three years. In the first year, about 0.5 kg of Dendrobium stem was harvested per square meter. In the second year, about 1 kg of Dendrobium stem can be harvested per square meter. It is expected that the high yield period will last for several years, and the income is very good.