
Dengfeng farmers strive to be "mustard people" to grow mustard to get rich is so powerful!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Dengfeng farmers strive to be "mustard people" to grow mustard to get rich is so powerful!

When it comes to Dengfeng specialty, many people will think of mustard silk. Han Huiqing, a 51-year-old villager of Chen Village in Shidao Township, is a "mustard silk man."

At that time, Han Huiqing was just an ordinary farmer who "faces the loess and turns his back to the sky." now he has a company specializing in processing mustard and a cooperative for farmers, and he has become a "celebrity" far and near. Recently, the reporter walked into Han Huiqing's Shaolin brand mustard processing plant to talk about his experience of getting rich.

A farmer dreams of getting rid of poverty and becoming rich, hoping that all villagers can get real benefits.

Mustard is one of the characteristic products of Dengfeng, and has the reputation of "the first dish of Dengfeng". More than a decade ago, mustard was not a special product of Dengfeng.

Around the Mid-Autumn Festival in 1999, Han Huiqing, together with several mustard farmers in his hometown, began to try to deeply process his mustard and sell it on the market. Unexpectedly, as soon as the product came on the market, supply fell short of demand and all sold out.

Han Huiqing, who discovered the business opportunity, suddenly had confidence. After several years of careful exploration, Songying Agricultural and sideline products Co., Ltd. was established in 2001. And registered the "Shaolin" trademark and became the "first person to name mustard" in the village.

Because the quality of mustard produced is stable and guaranteed, "Shaolin" brand mustard quickly sold to many cities in the province, and gradually became well-known throughout the country, and became a local specialty in Dengfeng. However, Han Huiqing is not satisfied with this small achievement, he is determined to seize the great opportunity of rural reform and lead local farmers to shake off poverty and become rich together.

In order to turn mustard processing into an economic industry, Han Huiqing invested in the establishment of "Dengfeng Yingfu planting Professional Cooperative" to discuss with you the advanced experience of mustard cultivation. The company + peasant household model has been adopted to plant more than 800 mu of mustard in local Dajindian, Shidao, Junzhao and other townships, driving more than 500 farmers.

Chen Village, Shidao Township, Dengfeng City, is a poor village at the provincial level, with a per capita annual income of only 3300 yuan. Han Huiqing wants all the people in the village to get real benefits.

Songying Agricultural and sideline products Co., Ltd. has provided a lot of jobs for the village since it started to build the factory. Today, there are more than 50 workers, most of whom are poor families with no fixed income and stay-behind women in the village. Now working in Han Huiqing's company, the annual income can reach about 5000 yuan.

Han Huiqing said that at present, in addition to processing mustard, enterprises have also added a series of products such as leek flower, soybean paste, spiced Douchi, cucumber paste, Toon and so on. Successively won the honor of leading enterprises in Zhengzhou, laying a solid foundation for the healthy development of the company in the future.

A belief to do it in a down-to-earth manner, honesty is the first "secret" to get rid of poverty.

In the season of large-scale listing of mustard, due to the lack of fresh-keeping measures, the villagers can only sell the hard-growing mustard to vegetable vendors at a low price, and then sell the mustard to other places to earn a certain price difference, which seriously affects the planting efficiency of the villagers.

If we can do a good job of cold storage of mustard, by reducing the loss of long-distance transportation, improving the quality of mustard and prolonging the purchase and harvest period of mustard, it can increase a lot of income for farmers every year. As a result, Han Huiqing found the staff investigated by the mass task force of Zhengzhou Federation of Trade unions.

After understanding the situation, the task force specifically helped Han Huiqing apply for hundreds of thousands of special support funds for the establishment of special cold storage to ensure the freshness of the purchase of mustard and increase farmers' income.

This time it made Han Huiqing more confident. Han Huiqing said: "with the support of the government, we farmers have a wider and wider road to get rich." In the future, Han Huiqing has a more far-reaching plan: "take root in the countryside, contract the land transferred by the peasants at a high price, and then sow seeds and manage them uniformly, so as to halve the labor intensity of the neighbors and double their economic income."

The villagers said that we rural people are also good at doing business. Han Huiqing said with a smile that he had been groping his way forward. He believes that no matter what business you run or what business you do, you can succeed as long as you do it in a down-to-earth manner.

To ask Lao Han about his "getting Rich Sutra", he said, "you can't just focus on immediate interests." Sometimes the money is quick, sometimes the money is slow. But it doesn't matter if you slow down. The key is to put honesty first. "

Han Huiqing said that what he promised others would be fulfilled. Do not default on any payment, do not make notes, settle accounts on the spot, in difficult times, would rather lose money on their own, but also first clear the money of mustard farmers.

Honesty and persistence are the "secret of success" for Han Huiqing to lead the villagers to shake off poverty and become rich.