
Some points on the Entrepreneurship of talented people in vegetable cultivation

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Some points on the Entrepreneurship of talented people in vegetable cultivation

On the banks of Jiaosha River, Zhong'an Town, Huangping County, people who pass by here are always attracted by the out-of-sight planting greenhouse and open-air vegetable base, the red tomato fields and bent pepper fields. there is also a hill of green celery, green onions and lovely purple eggplant, on this fertile and lush base, there are transport vehicles from all over the country every day. A steady stream of pollution-free vegetables to Kaili, Guiyang, and even Chongqing, Chengdu and other large and medium-sized cities. If we use the Jiaosha vegetable base to describe it as a "supply station" for food baskets in neighboring cities, it is no exaggeration at all. No wonder an owner of the Kaili vegetable market often called to urge: "if Jiaosha vegetables are out of stock, the price of vegetable baskets in Kaili will go up." When it comes to the topic of calming prices on the "tip of the tongue" for the citizens of Kaili and other cities, this is thanks to Shi Jian, the founder of Jiaosha vegetable base.

Shi Jian, 32, is a young farmer in Jiaosha Village, Zhongan Town. With the increasing number of young and middle-aged migrant workers in rural areas in recent years, the desolation of a lot of land caused by unmanned farming is very common. At the end of 2004, Shi Jian, who had been working outside for a long time, returned to his hometown and saw that a piece of good land in front of his home was wasted in favorable weather. He was so sad that he decided to give up the idea of going out to earn money and make use of the state's policy of introducing and encouraging the circulation of rural land. Strive to dig out a "golden doll" on the land in his hometown. Since 2005, he has carried out diversified operations in the village, such as reservoir fish farming, running car transportation, opening stores and planting. At that time, when he listened to what other people planted to make money, Shi Jian was also "following suit". As a result of the blind horse, often resulting in the loss of money. For example, in 2006, he contracted 50 mu of paddy fields to grow citrus cane of Guangxi varieties. Due to differences in climate and soil quality, all the more than 100,000 yuan invested that year was wasted, and he also owed a lot of debt. After learning these lessons, Shijian paid attention to the urban and rural markets at any time in a calm manner. By chance, when he visited relatives in Maoping Village in this town, he saw that during the peak sales season of the vegetable planting demonstration garden promoted by the county agricultural bureau, several villagers' truckloads of vegetables suddenly turned into a stack of banknotes. Shi Jian's heart was tickled, and he didn't want to have this kind of income overnight. When he got home, he decided to set his sights on the "vegetable basket" that people could not do without three meals a day. At that time, there were very few professional vegetable growers in Zhong'an Town, and the growers were not yet technically mature. In the first half of 2007, Shijian and his wife contracted more than 40 mu of rice fields in front of their own house while learning and groping, and began to engage in out-of-season vegetable cultivation. Thanks to the efforts of the couple to get up early in the morning and work late at night, they earned nearly 100,000 yuan in just one season that year, more than ten times higher than their previous "Yang Bailao"-like crawling and rolling. After finding out the sweetness in the black soil for the first time, Shijian became more energetic and confident in growing vegetables. Since then, he has continued to expand his planting area on the banks of the Jiaosha River. as a result of his painstaking study of scientific planting technology and the support of government policies, the annual planting benefit has doubled. After seeing that Shijian made a "profit" in growing vegetables, people in the village and villagers in nearby villages also started a vegetable garden business one after another.

In order to drive more farmers to realize their dream of getting rich together in the vegetable industry, at a village group work meeting, Shijian issued a call to the villagers attending the meeting: "the big family will plant boldly, and I will do my best to help." In 2008, he organized eight families to try on a scale of 97 mu of land for the first time, and hand in hand to give the masses guidance in technical management from the aspects of seedling raising, transplanting, fertilizer and water management, so that farmers quickly gained short, flat and fast wealth in vegetable garden farming. For example, with the help of Shijian, villager Zhang Guangguo planted cucumbers and other vegetables for one season on 10 mu of fields that year. According to the on-site yield measurement of the agricultural department, the yield per mu of cucumbers reached 3768.7 kg, with an output value of 4522 yuan, which enabled Zhang Guangguo to achieve a net income of more than 20,000 yuan in just one quarter that year. He said to other farmers with emotion: "after decades of farm work, now it is better to grow rice for ten years than to plant vegetables last season!"

If the promotion of new technologies and new varieties is a scientific and arduous process, then to completely change the total reliance on pesticides and fertilizers to increase production and income, it is necessary to explore a set of better and faster shortcuts from traditional agriculture. In vegetable cultivation, Shijian gradually found out a series of comprehensive production and management experiences in practice, such as green seed soaking and accelerating germination, seedling transplanting, plastic film mulching, reasonable close planting, comprehensive control of diseases and insect pests, timely harvest and so on. In guiding villagers to develop vegetable cultivation, he strictly guided in accordance with the technical regulations for the production of pollution-free vegetables, strengthened pollution-free standardized cultivation, and ensured the quality and taste of local vegetable products. At the same time, it also actively participated in the county agricultural department to carry out a number of new vegetable varieties introduction experiments, demonstration, from the trial of 23 varieties, and selected 15 excellent varieties suitable for local cultivation to promote. Due to the continuous updating, popularization and application of vegetable varieties, Jiaosha vegetables have achieved a strong momentum of catching up with each other in terms of output and sales channels, and soon occupied a place in the vegetable markets in Huangping County, Kaili City, Guiyang and other places, becoming the green dishes favored by the citizens.

Through eight years of hard work on the vegetable garden base, Shijian has accumulated a lot of rich planting techniques in practice, attracted the attention of the relevant departments of this county, and listed him as a demonstration site of the vegetable base, thus radiating and promoting the production of vegetable farmers around him, effectively promoting the vegetable industry of the whole county. Since 2008, Shijian has successively set up 7 vegetable bases in villages and towns throughout the county, covering an area of more than 900 mu. In addition, he has also promoted the techniques of zonal rotation and interplanting and soilless cultivation in some bases, and the agricultural economic income has increased several times as much as in the past. After seeing the growing enthusiasm of farmers for growing vegetables and the further expansion of sales channels, Shijian, on the basis of increasing the integration of land transfer management, organized growers to declare and set up professional cooperatives in July 2013, with more than 110 members, including 23 professional sales members, 4 transport vehicles and 8 agricultural machinery and tools. As all the vegetable bases led by Shijian carry out pollution-free vegetable cultivation, the standardized productivity of the member planting base has been close to 90%. For example, in 2014, he set up a tobacco field to plant 200 mu of green onions in the core area of Mujiang flue-cured tobacco in Jiaosha Village and Shangtang Town, and the comprehensive utilization of hydroponic soilless cultivation of celery in flue-cured tobacco greenhouse. After acceptance by the agriculture and science and technology departments, the average yield of green onions and soilless cultivated hydroponic celery per mu reached more than 4000 kg, with a total income of 6.4 million yuan. With the continuous increase of market orders, Shijian and his wife planted 200mu of chili peppers, 30mu of celery and 100mu of green onions in Jiaosha and Jintai Dam in 2015, with an estimated output value of 3.18 million yuan. Driven by him, the vegetable industry in Jiaosha Village has become a "treasure pot" and order passbook for farmers' income. For example, when chili peppers are on the market every year, more than 200 tons of chili peppers are exported here. The development of the vegetable industry has not only made Shijian a famous local vegetable boss, but also solved the employment problem of more than 20 landless farmers in the surrounding villages.

In order to occupy the market with quality and win more orders in the fierce market competition, Shijian often organizes technical training in vegetable cooperatives to further update vegetable growing skills for members or farmers. Over the past few years, in addition to completing more than 700 vegetable technical training, he has also led members to conduct market investigations in Chongqing, Lower Guangdong, and other places, forming joint sales pairs with vegetable merchants from other places, on the premise of effectively protecting the economic interests of vegetable farmers. it has paved a wider and wider living and sales space for the vegetable industry in Jiaosha and other places. At present, while actively expanding the production scale, Shijian has declared the certification of "pollution-free agricultural products of chili and scallions" to the agriculture and science and technology departments of Guizhou Province.