
Sound plants are popular as fertilizers.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Sound plants are popular as fertilizers.

Original title: a sharp weapon for the development of modern agriculture

Inventor Qiu Jinming on the Application of Plant Audio processing Technology

Recently, the Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee closed in Beijing. The meeting clearly put forward the need to vigorously promote agricultural modernization, speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, and take the road of agricultural modernization with high output efficiency, product safety, resource conservation, and environment-friendly. Prior to this, the Ministry of Agriculture has formulated and implemented the Action Plan for Zero growth in Chemical Fertilizer use by 2020 and the Action Plan for Zero growth in Pesticide use by 2020, vigorously promoting the reduction and efficiency of chemical fertilizers and the control of pesticides, and strive to achieve zero growth in chemical fertilizer and pesticide use by 2020.

The above goals can not be achieved without the support of science and technology, in which the development of physical agriculture is an important way to realize agricultural modernization. Compared with chemical agriculture based on chemical fertilizers, pesticides and hormones, physical agriculture mainly uses the basic knowledge of physics such as electricity, magnetism, sound, light, gas, heat, nuclear and high and new technology in related fields to promote the sustainable development of modern agriculture. Plant audio processing technology (commonly known as "acoustic fertilizer") is a new green agricultural science and technology developed in recent years, which is an important part and core technology of the development of physical agricultural science and technology. In line with the development direction of environmental protection and green ecological agriculture, it is one of the important means for the transition from traditional chemical agriculture to sustainable agriculture. In order to gain an in-depth understanding of the innovation and development of "Sheng Fei", a reporter from the Science and Technology Daily recently interviewed a number of national patent holders-- Qiu Jinming, president and inventor of Beijing Yujiaming three-state Ion Science Research Institute.

The phenomenon of bosom friends of plants and trees has long been discovered by human beings.

Qiu Jinming has been engaged in national defense scientific research for more than 30 years. after his retirement, he worked as a technical advisory service consultant in the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture, and other relevant units, and has been engaged in his favorite invention and creation work. A number of technologies developed by him have been granted national patents. Recently, more and more people have asked him to understand the patent of "sound fertilizer" in physical agriculture, an invention patent called "multi-functional acoustic generator with the function of promoting plant growth and plant protection". Because it closely coincides with the relevant agricultural policies issued by the state and the spirit of "mass entrepreneurship, mass innovation" advocated by the state, it has attracted much attention.

Qiu Jinming said that all things in heaven and earth are linked to each other. The phenomenon of bosom friends of plants and trees has long been discovered by human beings. the beautiful sound of piano can increase the milk production of dairy cows, and music can edify people's sentiment and treat a variety of diseases. Animals and plants are both products of nature, and the effects of sound on plants are gradually being understood and applied by human beings.

He said that according to the comprehensive sound wave biological effect theory of biophysics, biomolecular electronics, cytology, bio-electromagnetics, computational electromagnetism, applied acoustics and so on, especially the principle of the dynamical and informatics effect of sound waves on plants, by emitting intermittent sound waves with a very wide spectrum to plants, they can cause changes in plant cell membrane potential. It produces action potential, then controls the opening and closing of plant cell membrane channels, promotes the orderly and organized activities of plant matter, energy and information, and affects its life process while producing positive biological effects. to achieve the application purpose of acoustic agricultural engineering technology, such as increasing production, high quality, resistance to diseases and insect pests.

Some studies have shown that audio stimulation can prolong the development period of pests, increase their chances of being preyed on by natural enemies, or make them unable to live in a suitable season, so as to increase the mortality of insect pests and reduce the occurrence of insect pests. Qiu Jinming believes that certain audio frequencies open stomata on the back of plant leaves, enhance their ability to absorb nutrients, greatly increase the energy substance ATP provided to plant cells, and significantly increase the substances in plants that scare pests and contain the nerves of pests, which can reduce the reproduction rate of insect pests. It has been proved that sound waves can effectively control Chinese cabbage aphids and cotton bollworm.

At present, plant audio control technology has been demonstrated and popularized on more than 30 kinds of plants, such as rice, cotton, vegetables, fruit trees, flowers and so on. The application of "acoustic fertilizer" technology has a good effect in increasing crop yield, improving quality, reducing diseases and insect pests, early ripening, enhancing resistance, promoting seed germination and so on.

However, plant audio control technology has not been promoted and applied on a large scale in China. This is caused by many reasons, one of the important reasons is that the traditional audio control technology and acoustic generator are not perfect.

Exploratory work takes a step forward

In line with the scientific attitude of seeking truth and pragmatism, making use of his many years' experience in electronic technology, special technology research and continuous accumulation in the field of agricultural technology, after years of research, Qiu Jinming put forward a new sound wave biological effect principle and product design scheme of acoustic agricultural engineering. This technology is named "multi-functional sound generator with the function of promoting plant growth and plant protection", and the related invention has been authorized by the national invention patent. It advances the exploratory work of sonic agricultural engineering from theoretical research to product design and breaks the stagnant state of research in this field. Compared with traditional technology and equipment, this technology has many innovations and occupies a leading position in our country.

Qiu Jinming said that the new acoustic agricultural engineering technology can meet the needs of small farmland, greenhouse or 100 mu farmland, and can also realize the needs of more than 100 mu farmland, woodland and multi-point group control. The sound waves emitted are further innovated by the use of pulse audio signals and frequency sweep technology. It not only greatly reduces the fundamental frequency range of sound waves, but also truly realizes the function of combined frequency sound waves, and greatly expands the frequency domain range of stimulating plants. The patented design not only simplifies the circuit, but also reduces the cost, effectively improves the effect of sound waves, and can optimize the combination to produce a series of multi-purpose products to meet the needs of users in different regions and crops.

The new acoustic generator made by this technology has achieved remarkable yield increase, high quality and plant protection in many crops, such as cotton, corn, tomato, spinach, grape, strawberry, pear tree, mushroom and so on. After the treatment of the new acoustic generator, the yield of tomatoes can increase by 20%; the increase of cotton in different regions is between 15.5% and 71.62%; and a variety of diseases and insect pests such as black heart disease, dry blight and pear rust of pear trees have been effectively controlled.

Looking forward to new miracles and opportunities

Since the 1930s, the emergence and application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agricultural production marks the arrival of the era of modern agriculture. Traditional chemical agriculture has led to a large input of agricultural chemicals such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, the continuous expansion of irrigation area and the continuous improvement of soil machinery work intensity. the innovation of fertilizer-tolerant varieties of crops and the continuous innovation of cultivation techniques have promoted the rapid increase of the global output of agricultural products and ensured the food supply of human beings. However, the environmental pollution and other problems brought by modern agriculture pose a serious threat to the sustainable development of agriculture.

Qiu Jinming invented a new type of "multi-functional acoustic generator with the function of promoting plant growth and plant protection", which overcomes the limitations of traditional technology and provides a good technical guarantee for the popularization and application of "acoustic fertilizer". The popularization and application of this technology can not only greatly increase production and efficiency, but also effectively reduce the occurrence of agricultural diseases and insect pests, thus effectively reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It is of great significance for the production of pollution-free green food, the protection of agricultural ecological environment, including soil, water and air, and the construction of green, environmentally friendly and sustainable ecological agriculture.