
Rural e-commerce promotes online and offline interactive innovation throughout the country.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Rural e-commerce promotes online and offline interactive innovation throughout the country.

Original title: the Ministry of Commerce held an on-the-spot meeting on promoting online and offline interactive innovation and rural e-commerce development in the field of commerce and trade circulation.

From November 11 to 12, the national meeting on promoting online and offline interactive innovation and development and rural e-commerce in the field of trade circulation was held in Chengdu. To deploy and implement the opinions of the General Office of the State Council on promoting online and offline interaction and accelerating the Innovation, Development, Transformation and upgrading of Business Circulation (State Office issued [2015] No. 72) and "on promoting the accelerated development of rural e-commerce" (State Office issued [2015] No. 78) the next step. Minister of Commerce Gao Hucheng gave important instructions to the meeting, and Assistant Minister Wang Bingnan attended the meeting to convey the spirit of Minister Gao Hucheng's instructions and deliver a speech.

Minister Gao Hucheng pointed out: online and offline integration and rural e-commerce are the highlights of the current development of e-commerce, the important development trend of domestic trade circulation, and the important task of promoting the modernization of circulation. it is of great significance in guiding production, promoting consumption, expanding employment, promoting mass entrepreneurship and innovation, promoting agricultural modernization and poverty alleviation and development. Departments in charge of commerce at all levels should conscientiously implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and the arrangements of the national teleconference on promoting the modernization of domestic trade circulation, focus on implementing the two documents on online and offline interaction and rural e-commerce issued by the General Office of the State Council, and have a deep understanding of the changes and far-reaching impact of the new generation of scientific and technological revolution represented by the Internet on domestic trade circulation, and the supporting and basic role of science and technology. We should further broaden our horizons, comprehensively study and judge, seize the opportunity of this round of scientific and technological revolution, take informatization as a strategic direction, vigorously promote e-commerce, develop new models such as online and offline integration, new business type, and promote the transformation and reform of the domestic trade circulation industry. we will speed up the construction of a new domestic trade circulation system and make greater contributions to economic transformation and upgrading and healthy economic and social development.

Wang Bingnan stressed: Minister Gao Hucheng's important instructions have pointed out the direction for the business system to implement the work deployment of the State Council, and local commerce departments should conscientiously study and understand them. E-commerce vividly interprets the development concept of "innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing" put forward by the Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. it is an important part of promoting the reform of the domestic trade circulation system and a powerful driving force for the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. it is an important starting point for the overall and coordinated development of urban and rural areas. In the implementation of the two State-run documents, we should adhere to development first, innovation-driven, adjusting measures to local conditions, and accurate positioning, and focus on five tasks: first, to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional enterprises, encourage circulation enterprises to use the Internet of things, big data and cloud computing and other technologies to reshape business models and improve service capacity and management level. The second is to implement the action to speed up the development of e-commerce and continue to step up implementation on the basis of the special action plan to promote the development of e-commerce, seize hot spots and highlight them. The third is to develop online and offline interactive service consumption, promote the traditional life service industry online, and promote e-commerce into the community. Fourth, vigorously promote e-commerce poverty alleviation, improve the application level of rural e-commerce, and improve the accuracy of e-commerce poverty alleviation. Fifth, strengthen government public services, explore the training mechanism of e-commerce personnel, carry out in-depth pilot projects of e-commerce and logistics distribution, vigorously develop intelligent logistics, and speed up the construction and application of business big data.

At the meeting, some provincial commerce departments, county-level people's governments and relevant enterprises exchanged typical experiences in online and offline interactive innovation and the development of rural e-commerce. I visited Sichuan Province's online and offline interactive innovation enterprises and e-commerce demonstration counties in rural areas, and put forward requirements for various localities to strengthen the management of e-commerce related policies to support projects and improve the efficiency of the use of financial funds.