
Moringa oleifera planting tide surging dream of getting rich

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Moringa oleifera planting tide surging dream of getting rich

The cooperative's moringa planting base.

In Longtang Town, Xuwen County, since January this year, there has been an upsurge of planting Indian Moringa: from the first trial planting of a few mu in the previous two years to more than 800 mu now, its speed is amazing.

High quality Moringa oleifera planted by farmers

What kind of crop is Moringa oleifera? What is its function and economic value? Won the favor of farmers in Longtang Town so soon? A few days ago, the author came to the town Hualin Village Moringa planting base to see this has been called by the local people as a "magic dish" of the spicy wood.

Outsiders introduced from India

The initiator of Moringa oleifera cultivation is Liu Guohai, in his early 40s, originally from Longtang. The businessman, who has a Guangzhou hukou and has been in the business world for many years, met Sophora in Yunnan through Indians in 2013. After in-depth understanding, Liu Guohai found that this plant originated in India has a wide range of functions and uses, it can be said that the whole body is a treasure: leaves are delicious cabbage hearts, the market price reaches 20 yuan per jin; tree body and rhizome parts can be used as ingredients to cook soup, but also can be made into health products to inhibit hypertension, diabetes, constipation and other difficult diseases, which have long been recognized by Europe and the United States and other developed countries, and are also popular in the domestic market.

The processing line of the cooperative.

Liu Guohai, who had won the treasure, immediately introduced seeds from the Indians and took them back to Hualin Village, Longtang Town, his hometown for trial planting, to experience first-hand whether Moringa is as magical as rumored. At first, he cultivated dozens of Moringa oleifera seedlings in the yard of his hometown. It was found that Moringa oleifera adapted well to the red soil of his hometown and quickly grew into a tree in just one or two months. Its tender leaves and stems can really make delicious fish soup, broth and other dishes, especially after family members and relatives with symptoms such as constipation and high blood pressure insist on eating and drinking soup made by Moringa oleifera, the symptoms are effectively suppressed.

After experience, Liu Guohai decided to plant Moringa. In the same year, he contracted 40 mu of land to grow Moringa. During this period, he did it himself in a series of operational processes from introduction to seedling raising to planting management. After two years of exploration, he succeeded: more than 8000 Moringa oleifera planted, with an average yield of 3 tons per mu, were harvested every three months, and the market price per ton reached 1400 yuan.

Two years later, the planting area exceeded 800 mu.

The villagers near Hualin Village were attracted by the spicy wood planted by Liu Guohai and joined the list one after another. You and I planted a few mu of land, which suddenly became a state of "prairie fire". So far, the planting area of Longtang Town has exceeded 800 mu. "there are still many people coming to buy seedlings, but the co-operatives are currently limited by conditions and cannot meet the demand." Liu Guohai told me.

After a piece of about 20 acres of Moringa oleifera, the author saw that its owner, Chen Shihu, was harvesting the Moringa oleifera listed on the market. "I started planting in January this year, and the growth is very gratifying. So far, I have harvested three times and sold 60,000 yuan." Chen Shihu said, "personally, apart from the high seedling price of 6 yuan per plant, Moringa is much more efficient than bananas and ginger, and it is easier to grow and manage, and it is also conducive to changing the current single planting structure."

Liu Guohai said that in order to better guide the villagers to take the road of getting rich together, he set up the county's first Moringa oleifera planting cooperative, implementing a new planting management model to ensure that growers realize their "dream of getting rich." At present, more than 800 mu of Moringa oleifera has attracted Zhejiang merchants who specialize in purchasing Moringa leaves. It is reported that the newly grown Moringa oleifera is a high-end dish with a wholesale price of 20 yuan per jin, which is specially used for high-end restaurants and is in great demand. The cooperative is preparing to sign a contract with the acquirer to launch a special sale of Moringa oleifera.

"the leaves of these Moringa oleifera grow very fast, and they grow back after picking them for a few days today. Look how fresh and tender it is. I want to eat it when I look at it. Coupled with its own efficacy, it is very popular in the market. When the sales contract is signed, farmers like Chen Shihu can earn thousands of yuan a month by selling spicy wood leaves alone. " In Chen Shihu's spicy wood garden, Liu Guohai stroked the spicy wood leaves, full of longing.

The integration of production and marketing is the ultimate goal

Liu Guohai told me that he applied for the certification of the international sgs authority for his own Moringa oleifera. The Moringa oleifera grown on laterite is of higher quality than that of other places, and it definitely has a foothold in the national Moringa oleifera market. "such a unique advantage, coupled with the continuous expansion of planting scale, let me see the hope of Moringa oleifera processing in Xuwen. At present, the cooperative is investing in setting up factories and preparing to produce health drinks such as Moringa oleifera, so as to better develop the Moringa industry. " Liu Guohai said.

Recently, the cooperative has made smooth progress in setting up a factory in Xuwen. First, the "Sanxiantang" Moringa trademark was successfully registered in the State Administration for Industry and Commerce; the nutrition table of the product is stepping up application for approval; and the processing plant located in the Friendship Farm has also started operation.

At the production site of the cooperative, the author saw that workers used machines to cut and crush piles of high-quality Moringa oleifera, then transported them to the processing plant for drying, and then screened and classified. "these moringa are processed and stored in advance, and after the official declaration procedures are completed and the machinery and equipment are installed, they can be mass produced." Liu Guohai said, "the ultimate goal of cooperatives is the integration of production and marketing." At that time, the market will usher in the Moringa oleifera products produced by Xu Wen. At the same time, the Moringa oleifera planted by farmers is more cost-effective and risk guaranteed. "