
The young man in Neijiang returned to his hometown after graduating from college and started a blood orange to lead farmers to become rich.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The young man in Neijiang returned to his hometown after graduating from college and started a blood orange to lead farmers to become rich.

Wang Zaisheng works on the farm.

[mass entrepreneurship and innovation Story]

After graduating from college, the young people in Zizhong returned to their hometown to plant blood oranges and led farmers to get rich together.

He is a post-80s college student who graduated from university in 2007. In the year of graduation, he found a stable job. However, he soon quit his job and went back to his hometown to grow blood oranges. Today, his blood orange has formed a scale, has an integrated automatic fruit production line, and has built an e-commerce network sales platform in addition to offline sales, so that the production of blood orange can be sold to Beijing, * *, Inner Mongolia and other places. In 2013, he also won the title of "excellent individual in employment and entrepreneurship in Neijiang". He is a microcosm of a large number of post-80s returning home to start a business. He is Wang Zaisheng, the owner of the Yuquan planting family farm in Zizhong County.

From "jumping out of the peasant gate" to "jumping into the peasant gate"

Wang Zaisheng is a typical post-80s generation. He graduated from university in 2007. Just after graduating, Wang Zaisheng found a stable job, which is undoubtedly a very happy thing for a college graduate like him. However, half a year later, he suddenly received a phone call from his father in his hometown, saying that he wanted him to go back to his hometown to grow fruit. Wang Zaisheng said that his father's words undoubtedly surprised him, because as a peasant child, he understood better than anyone his parents' hope that they wanted him to jump out of the "peasant door", but now his father's thoughts make him unable to understand.

It turned out that Wang Zaisheng's father was an authentic farmer. In 1998, he began to contract 30 mu of land to grow blood oranges. His family's income gradually increased, and his living conditions continued to improve. However, as the years passed, seeing that no one inherited the orchard run by himself, Wang Zaisheng's father was sad and lonely, so he came up with the idea of letting his son go back to his hometown to grow fruit. At this time, Wang Zaisheng thought of the hardship and difficulty of working outside, and the income of more than 3000 yuan a month, which could barely meet his living expenses, and the gap between his father's annual income of more than 200,000 yuan and his own more than 30,000 yuan, so at last, after getting his wife's consent, Wang Zaisheng finally decided to quit his job and "jump back into the farm" to return home to grow blood oranges.

The Blood Orange planted by Wang Zaisheng

The results of large-scale production and marketing of blood orange are sweet to the heart.

Wang Zaisheng said that quitting his job and returning to his hometown is a new beginning for him. After returning to his hometown, he was also thinking about how to expand the scale of blood oranges on the basis of his father for large-scale cultivation. So, shortly after that, after a multi-party investigation, he contracted another 300 mu of land on the basis of his father to develop large-scale cultivation, specializing in the production technology development and product processing of Taroko blood orange.

In this process, on the one hand, he actively learned to absorb knowledge and use it, on the other hand, with the help of local agricultural technicians and his father, he finally developed his Taroko blood orange, and finally gradually got on the right track. Now, after several years of efforts, the Blood Orange Base he founded has developed into more than 200 professional cooperative members, with a planting area of more than 2000 mu, driving more than 2000 radiation blood orange farmers, covering an area of more than 10000 mu.

However, this result did not stop Wang Zaisheng's progress, and then, with the help of the Zizhong Youth League County Committee, he applied for the Zizhong County Youth Entrepreneurship Micro-loan Project, and used this project to further expand the production scale. a new automatic fruit production line with integrated fruit washing, waxing, sorting and packaging has been built, and a blood orange fresh fruit repository with a storage capacity of 200000 jin has been built. At the same time, an e-commerce network sales platform has been built, so that the planted and refined blood orange products can be successfully sold to Beijing, * *, Inner Mongolia, Harbin and other provinces and cities through vehicle or train container transportation.

Make great strides forward to pass on the hope of "getting rich"

The cultivation of blood orange not only made Wang Zaisheng taste the sweetness, but also brought harvest to the local farmers. Now, after several years of development, the scale of Wang Zaisheng's planting farm is expanding, and the development is on the right track. In order to bring more technology and new guiding ideology to the cooperative, Wang Zaisheng went out many times to inspect the business model and learn management experience. Today, he still grows more than 300 mu of watermelons on his farm, focusing on "no pesticides for watermelons". This planting concept also makes his watermelons popular in the market. Now, every weekend, many citizens of Wang Zaisheng's farm come on holiday to pick watermelons, bringing new business opportunities and vitality to the farm, and Wang Zaisheng also won the title of "excellent individual in employment and entrepreneurship in Neijiang" in 2013.

The little blood orange carries the hope of the father, and it is also the hope passed down by the father. Now Blood Orange also carries its own hope, the hope of the whole family and the hope of all cooperative farmers. Wang Zaisheng said that he hopes to manage the farm well in the future, so that the desire of "getting rich" falls on every peasant household, so that they can move forward along the road of "getting rich" with him.