
Under the "rice guest" of Henan Province, Guangxi traveled 60,000 miles in half a year.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Under the "rice guest" of Henan Province, Guangxi traveled 60,000 miles in half a year.

Original title: meeting "Rice visitors" at the head of the Village in Guangxi: changes from the Age of Professional changes

In half a year, it covered more than 30,000 kilometers across 13 provinces and autonomous regions. Guangxi is our last stop. After harvesting the rice, we are ready to go home for the Spring Festival. " In an interview with Poling Village, Qingfeng Town, Gangnan District, Guigang City, Guangxi a few days ago, Cheng Yingmin, a "rice guest", said.

In some parts of our country, when we enter the harvest period, tight time, shortage of manpower and other factors have spawned "Mai Ke" and "Rice Ke" who help harvest wheat and rice as their profession. This profession was once depressed, but in recent years, with the accelerating pace of urbanization, more and more rural young people come to work in cities, and the demand for "rice visitors" is becoming more and more exuberant.

Cheng Yingmin's hometown is Chengzhuang Village, Huangdimiao Township, Linying County, Henan Province. In early May, he walked out of the house like a migratory bird and began to "rush to the market" at the pace of crop ripening. "first go to Sichuan to harvest rice, then go to Hunan and Hubei, then go back to Henan, Hebei, and Shandong to harvest wheat, and then rush to Shaanxi and Gansu to harvest rape, and then go to the northeast to harvest soybeans." Guangxi is the last stop of his "rice guest" career this year. From the northeast to Guangxi, through Henan, Cheng Yingmin only stayed in his hometown for one day and then set out again. He knows very well that "crops wait for no man". Missing a few days means that a trip may be in vain. In less than two days, he has walked more than 1000 kilometers.

Unlike the traditional "rice guest", Cheng Yingmin's equipment has been upgraded from sickle to modern equipment. When the reporter met Cheng Yingmin, he was chatting with several fellow villagers. His minivan carries a crawler harvester, which is standard for almost every "rice passenger". "two sets of equipment plus a piece costs more than 200,000 yuan, put down the harvester when harvesting rice, and use a truck on the road, which can waste less time and take more work." Li Zhuo, the "rice guest" who accompanied Cheng Yingmin, said.

Guigang is the "granary" of Guangxi. Mid-November is the mature season of late rice, and trucks of "Yu L" and "Yu Q" brands can be seen gathered together in many villages and towns. Shi Shuisheng, director of the Hong Kong North District Agricultural Machinery Bureau, said that during the harvest peak, the number of "rice passengers" could reach a maximum of 1,000 vehicles, especially from Henan. Cheng Yingmin's hometown is rich in "rice guests". It is under the leadership of his relatives and friends that he officially joined the profession two years ago.

"when we have work, we do it day and night, and when we have no work, we sleep more. This is our life." Cheng Yingmin's companion, Cheng Xinwei, has the characteristics of a typical Henan farmer: with a strong body and dark skin, he looks like a good hand at crop work. Although he is used to being hard-working, Cheng Xinwei has never been able to adapt to the life in the south without pasta. "I can't stand eating rice all the time. If I have a cook when I come out, I can eat noodles." Like everyone else, Cheng Xinwei almost never leaves his car, which is not only to facilitate care, but also to save a sum of accommodation expenses. The gas station became their veritable "base". During the refueling interval, they would take a nice bath and change their clothes with a few buckets of water.

Because the mountain and hilly landforms in the area are prominent, the development of agriculture in Guangxi is subject to many constraints. Zhang Xiuyun, deputy director of the Supervision and Management Department of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region Agricultural Machinery Administration, said that every year during the harvest period, "rice passengers" from other provinces will bring modern equipment to Guangxi. Through the information platform of "agricultural machinery cross-district operation service through train" and mobile phone text messages, the Agricultural Machinery Administration of the autonomous region timely releases information such as operation progress, diesel supply, weather and so on, so as to do a good job in serving the "rice customers".

With the popularity of rural machinery and the increase in the number of "rice customers", the "rice customers" industry is also facing competition. Cheng Xinwei has been a "rice guest" for four years, and in June this year, he bought a new type of harvester, which can harvest about 50 mu a day. According to the harvest price of 100 yuan per mu, the profit at the end of the day is very considerable. "I want to make more money while I'm young and change my career after another two years." Cheng Xinwei said. (reporters Sun Zhiping and Wu Xiaokang)