
The price of apples in Jixian is low and unsalable. Take a look at the business experience of "Golden vegetables".

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The price of apples in Jixian is low and unsalable. Take a look at the business experience of "Golden vegetables".

The picture shows the magnolia planted in the production workshop.

Over the past few days, when interviewing and investigating the unsalable problem of apples in Jixian County, the reporter found that, in sharp contrast, a high-end vegetable introduced and planted by local farmers, Magnolia magnolia, is expensive and very popular, and a triple vegetable can be sold for about 10 yuan. specially for five-star hotels and foreign-related restaurants, it is affectionately known as "golden vegetables" by farmers.

A few days ago, the reporter came to the vegetable production base in Huawo Village, Shangcang Town, Jixian County. Five vegetable production plants stood side by side, with seedbeds stacked one after another in the workshop, and golden vegetables growing in close rows on the seedbed. At first glance, it looks like a boutique cabbage heart in the supermarket. "this is not a cabbage heart. it is called Golden Magnolia. It is the scientific name of bud ball chicory. Each tree is about 3 taels and 12 trees are packed in a box. It can be sold for 130 yuan." A worker said.

According to Zhang Xiaojie, a technician, Magnolia is rich in amino acids and trace elements. It is a high-grade health vegetable with a fresh and tender taste. It can be fried and cooked, and can also be used as raw fruit. It has always been a best-selling high-grade vegetable in European and American markets. However, the cultivation of Magnolia magnolia is complicated, and the requirements for growth conditions are relatively stringent, so it is necessary to implement fine management such as temperature control, light control, ventilation and so on. Last year, the base was successfully introduced from the Netherlands and now has an annual output of about 300 tons, all of which are sold by order.

"at present, Magnolia has five production plants, with a harvest of about 5000 kilograms. All orders are supplied to five-star hotels and foreign-related restaurants in the Beijing-Tianjin area, and the products are in short supply." Liu Dan, manager of the vegetable base, said that the next step will be to provide free seeds and technology to local farmers to help local people get rich by setting up cooperatives.

"planting Magnolia has high scientific and technological content, soilless cultivation, no fertilization, no medicine, focusing on the high-end food market, accurate market positioning, and a stable customer base, which has become the main reason why its high price is not worried about selling. These experiences can be used for reference for the planting, production and marketing of agricultural products in Jixian mountain areas such as apples. " Jixian Agricultural products Alliance Secretary-General Liu Xiumei said.