
A person who makes money by herding chickens.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, A person who makes money by herding chickens.

What's on the show: he was in debt for 10 years and was seen as a loser. In 2014, he gave up everything and started all over again, raising a fierce animal. With the experience of 10 years of failure, can he make a fortune and rewrite his life?

This is the Xilamuren grassland 240 kilometers away from Baotou City, Inner Mongolia. Wang Deliang, 51, is staring intently into the distance, riding his horse back and forth, looking around in order to protect the treasure that has brought him millions of dollars. This kind of baby is a rare animal in the area. When people talk about it, the biggest feeling is ferocious.

Employee: I've been scratched. I can't get better in three months.

Herdsman: you can run fast and fly, and you can't even catch up on a motorcycle.

Twelve years ago, Wang Deliang first started a local tourism business and dug up the first bucket of gold in his life, 300000 yuan. But because of a wrong decision, he owed 3 million yuan in foreign debt and could not recover for ten years. However, in 2015, Wang Deliang relied on a group of babies to make a comeback in three months, and this year's sales could reach 3 million yuan.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Wang Deliang became more and more nervous. For three months, he was frightened almost every night, because he knew that in the darkness not far away, a dangerous animal was slowly approaching his money-making treasure. He must be highly vigilant and desperate to protect his wealth.

Wang Deliang: if you get closer, you can see more clearly. It's over there. Not only one, but several.

I almost didn't sleep all night, but I don't know when the babies were killed, and some even bit their heads off.

The reporter proposed to see what precious things Wang Deliang had raised. Wang Deliang, however, asked the reporter to do a good job of protection.

Wang Deliang: the necessary protection should be done well. Wear a hat, a hood and gloves.

What ferocious animals did Wang Delang raise on the prairie, and how did he make a rapid comeback by relying on such things?

In 2003, Wang Deliang and his wife were both laid off and started a tourism business in their hometown Xilamuren prairie, earning more than 300,000 yuan in the first year. But then Wang Deliang made a decision that he regretted for the rest of his life.

Wang Deliang: my wife scolds me, not to mention those who owe money

In 2004, Wang Deliang borrowed more than 3 million yuan from friends to expand the scale. when the civil construction project was over, everyone found that Wang Deliang built this hotel covering an area of 4600 square meters on the prairie. No one is willing to lend him any more money.

Wang Deliang: the psychology of traveling to different places is that people come to the prairie not to stay in a hotel, but to experience yurts.

Because of his temporary blindness, Wang Deliang paid the price for ten years. In 2014, Wang Deliang was 50 years old, with only a foreign debt of more than 3 million yuan and more than 60 dilapidated yurts that had no money to renovate.

Wang Deliang: ten years is not easy.

But in 2014, Wang Deliang overheard that raising an animal could start from scratch and earn 500000 yuan quickly in three months. There was such a good thing that Wang Deliang was suddenly moved. But in his eyes, this opportunity like pie in the sky has become a joke in the eyes of others.

Baren, a herdsman: people hear so funny that they have never heard of it

Herdsman single piece: there is no information at all. If someone raises it, we can see how others raise it, but no one has ever raised Wang Deliang. What on earth is it? Upon inquiry, I found that what Wang Deliang wanted to do was to raise chickens! There are so many chicken farmers, why do people have such a big reaction when they talk about Wang Deliang raising chickens? It turned out that Wang Deliang raised no ordinary chicken.

Herdsman: usually you feed food, but it doesn't eat it.

Herdsman: can also run fast and can fly.

Can you fly without food? What kind of chickens does Wang Deliang raise? The reporter followed Wang Deliang to find out. Early in the morning, after seven o'clock, Wang Deliang set out with the reporter. After running on the endless prairie for more than an hour, I barely found the chicken by means of binoculars.

Wang Deliang: there is a group over there.

To the reporter's surprise, Wang Deliang unexpectedly put 50, 000 chickens on 1.2 million mu of grassland to raise them. On average, there is only one chicken on 24 mu of land! That is, there is only one chicken with an average of 16,000 square meters.

This is strange, even if it is free-range, 50,000 chickens, do not need to be kept in such a large area of grassland, this is why?

After nearly two hours' drive, the reporter finally saw these unusual chickens, guinea fowl.

Guinea fowl is native to Africa with strong wings and strong ability to leap and run. Guinea fowl has gray feathers and regular round white spots, shaped like pearls, hence its name.

Wang Deliang: this kind of chicken is so wild that it can't be caught at all. It must be caught in a fixed place.

Sure enough, because the prairie area is too large, as long as a chase, guinea fowl will run around, can not be caught. In that case, our reporter came up with another idea.

Reporter Qiu Yanni: we besieged it from three sides.

A master with rich experience in catching chickens told reporters that there is a knack for catching chickens on the prairie.

Worker: don't scare it, grab it quietly.

But this trick is not a hundred hits.

Interviewer: there are times when you can't catch it?

Wang Deliang: you can't catch it like this. You can only catch it where it lives.

So where on earth can we catch a chicken? What kind of business opportunities lie in this flock of guinea fowls?

Xilamuren is located in the temperate zone, is an arid desert steppe, the annual precipitation is less than 200 mm. Specific geographical conditions have become fertile soil for locusts to grow. Xilamuren is a locust-covered area named by the Ministry of Agriculture. For many years, locusts have been killed by spraying pesticides by airplanes. But there are also great drawbacks.

Deputy Director of grassland Station of Baotou Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau: as soon as the plane kills locusts, animal husbandry on the grassland will be affected. Another is pesticide residue.

Compared with airplanes to kill locusts, another way to kill locusts completely solves this problem, that is, chickens eat locusts.

Deputy Director of grassland Station of Baotou Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau: guinea fowl is an ideal breed. We are tired of eating native fowl in a few days, but guinea fowl will be eaten all the time as long as there are locusts.

Since 2011, Baotou Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry has distributed guinea fowl to herdsmen for two consecutive years, allowing herdsmen to raise chickens to control locusts, but all ended in failure.