
The "password" of "Huaguo Mountain" to become rich

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The "password" of "Huaguo Mountain" to become rich

In late autumn, just after dawn, Shu Tianfu, a villager, went out the door with his wife and plunged into the plum orchard. This is the time to prune and shape the plum tree.

"every tree has to be in shape so that there will be a good harvest in the coming year." Shu Tianfu estimated to the reporter that if the weather is normal and the market price is stable, the income will reach 100,000 yuan next year.

In Bamiao Village, Miao'an Township, Xuanhan County, people like Shu Tianfu get rich by growing plums.

However, going back to more than a decade ago, this is a different scene. According to Yao Wen-tai, secretary of the village branch, the villagers of Bamiao Village at that time were ridiculed as "ploughing the fields on motorcycles and seeing cars for the Spring Festival." due to inconvenient transportation, "mature products rot in the fields, and thousands of people suffer." Today, Bamiao Village "the mountains surround the road to prosperity, the slopes are full of cash trees", every family is planted with plum trees, "one mu of orchard when ten mu of field, easily earn ten thousand yuan."

So, where did the "password" to get rid of poverty in Bamiao Village come from?

If you suffer a series of setbacks, if you are poor, you will want to change.

In the past, Bamiao Village has been growing traditional crops such as wheat, rice, corn and red oysters, which can only solve the problem of food and clothing. In order to get rid of poverty, Bamiao Village has made a lot of explorations. At first, they planted more than a dozen kinds of fruits, such as crispy sweet persimmons, Huanghua pears and oranges, but all of them ended in failure.

Is this mountain going to be poor all the time? Everyone did not give up, the township government invited agricultural experts from the outside to inspect Bamiao Village repeatedly, and finally came to the conclusion that the local soil is the perfect place to grow plums!

The "password" was found, but at first it was not accepted by everyone, and even was suspected and resisted by some villagers. Villager Huang Xiaoquan is one of them: "We used to grow rice, corn and red oysters. Although our income is limited, at least there is a guarantee every year." If we can't do it like crispy persimmons, Huanghua pears and oranges, we can't stand the trouble. "

At this point, demonstration is the most important. Yao Wentai, the village branch secretary, mobilized all the village party members and cadres to take the lead in experimenting with the cultivation of crispy red plums. Over the past three years, Crispy Red Plum has reaped a bumper harvest and brought considerable economic benefits. In the eyes of the masses, their enthusiasm was aroused. By 2008, almost every household in the village had planted crispy red plums.

Create "Flower and Fruit Mountain" and plant it full of "cash cow"

Today's Bamiao Village has become the famous "Flower and Fruit Mountain". Yangchun March, plum blossoms all over the mountain, the pure snow white, people are relaxed and happy; in the middle of summer, the green plum pressure is so straight that the branches can not stand up, within reach, making people salivating.

The great changes in my hometown have made the travellers who go out to work more homesick. Shu Zhonghua has been working in Beijing, and now he wants to go back to his hometown to try when he sees that his neighbors have become rich on plums. He calculated an account with the reporter that his family had nearly 5 mu of land and planted 50 trees per mu, and when it was officially put into production, each tree produced 100 kilograms. according to the market of 8 yuan per kilogram, the 5 mu plum orchard has more than 100,000 yuan a year, which is much better than growing traditional crops.

The key is that Miaoan plums are not worried about the market. "every time the plums mature, buyers such as Guizhou, Chongqing and Shaanxi will come to us to buy, and there are a lot of tourists around us. We sell out without leaving our homes, and we don't expect that we can get rich in the poor places where we used to be." Speaking of the changes in his hometown, Shu Zhonghua smiles.

In addition to growing plums to get rich, Shu Tianfu has a new plan in mind: "now there are a lot of people coming here to play. I plan to set up farm music and strive to open when plums bloom next March, which is another big business."