
The Wealth of Black Fish in the Black Pond

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The Wealth of Black Fish in the Black Pond

The highlight: he was originally the most despised poor boy in the village. The wealth from the black quagmire helped him find his purpose in life. I thought it would change my life, but I encountered an unexpected blow. Insist or give up? See how Zhou Gengxian of Lianyungang City can realize the counterattack of a poor guy.

On August 21, 2015, as soon as the reporter went to Beichen Village, Donghai County, he happened to catch black fish by the members of the black fish farming cooperative here. After the water in the fish pond was put to a certain extent, a group of people went into the fish pond and took the net to slowly move forward to fish from the bottom of the fish pond. While others pick them up on the shore. After a while, the villagers fishing for fish were covered in mud.

Zhou Gengxian: once they start to catch fish, they are like clay figurines.

Interviewer: can't you recognize it?

Zhou Gengxian: I can't recognize it at all. I can only see two rows of white teeth and nothing else.

Every year, August is the peak season for blackfish. This black fish farming cooperative in Donghai County can sell more than 500,000 jin of black fish every year. The black fish here sell very well in Yangzhou, Nanjing and other places. And all this is inseparable from a person.

Reporter: your face is full of muddy ideas?

Villager: mm-hmm.

Interviewer: who is the biggest bred now?

Villagers: raise the largest, the largest is Gengxian, Zhou Gengxian. He keeps more black fish.

Interviewer: is it easy to catch if you drop it?

Villager: it's easy for us to catch as often as we can.

Interviewer: it would be difficult for me to catch it, wouldn't it? No experience.

Villager: yes.

Interviewer: you really did a good job.

Villager: right?

Interviewer: do you have blackfish in your family?

Villager: yes.

Interviewer: how much did you raise?

Villager: I raise a lot.

Interviewer: you raise a lot, don't you?

Villager: mm-hmm.

Villager: we keep black fish in our village. I'm sorry about that.

Interviewer: excuse me?

Villager: mm-hmm.

Interviewer: he's the one who raised you, didn't he?

Villager: yes, yes.

Villagers: take the lead to get rich.

Reporter: who is it?

Villagers: Gengxian, Zhou Gengxian.

Reporter: Zhou Geng is now taking you to become rich?

Villager: yes.

Reporter: you just pointed at him, didn't you? Who takes your family to raise fish?

Villager: you say, Zhou Gengxian, this person.

Villager: we also went to the TV station. He is awesome now. He is the first expert to get rich. This 1/3 belongs to him.

He is Zhou Gengxian. Zhou Gengxian is not only an expert in getting rich in the eyes of the villagers, but also a famous entrepreneurial star in Donghai County. But when he talked to the villagers about his past, the comments he heard surprised the reporter.

Villager: I can't even marry a wife.

Interviewer: him?

Villager: yes.

Interviewer: could you have thought of him doing this before?

Villager: unexpectedly, he couldn't even talk about his wife before.

What stories happened to Zhou Gengxian? How did he change from a poor boy who was looked down upon by others into a rich leader in the village, leading the villagers to raise black fish together?

During the interview, Zhou Gengxian told the reporter that before starting a business, his family had always been the poorest in the village. When some families in the village had built a two-story building, his family still lived in such a brick house.

Zhou Gengxian: if there are conditions, he uses sand and cement. What we use here is mud, that is, we put a little water in. You see, you can take it off.

Interviewer: this is very loose.

Zhou Gengxian: the key is that there is no money. If you have money, who doesn't want to live in a building like this? Right?

In 1998, Zhou Geng was demobilized from the army and returned home. People in the village thought that Zhou Geng, who had trained in the army for so many years, could finally rely on his ability to change the status quo of his family. Surprisingly, Zhou Gengxian did not go out to work. Instead, he did something that was looked down upon by the villagers.

Reporter: the boat is rowing quite well.

Zhou Gengxian: once he has learned this, he will not forget it.

Interviewer: haven't you rowed for a long time? This is also a talent.

Zhou Gengxian: it used to be an industry that people looked down upon most like fishing by boat on the river. There is really no way out, there is no prospect to fish on the boat. Get three to five dollars a day. This is one of the most despised industries.

In fact, Zhou Geng is also an ambitious and ideal person, and he doesn't want to touch fish and shrimp in the river all day. However, Zhou Geng was very confused at that time. According to his character, he was unwilling to work for others. He wanted to do something on his own. But I don't know what to do. Until one day, chatting with a friend enlightened him.

Zhou Gengxian: sometimes if we catch more fish, we can't sell it because the time difference is not right. Later, we try to figure out how to change the fish we caught into money. We have nothing to talk about. After chatting, they said that there was a kind of fish in other places that ate the fish we caught.

This is the kind of fish Zhou Gengxian is talking about, Blackfish!

Black fish is a common food fish, he is large, fast-growing, large appetite, ferocious nature, is carnivorous fish. The small fish and shrimp in the lake or pond are its delicacy.

Zhou Geng now feels that if you raise black fish, every time you salvage small fish that cannot be sold, you can feed them. In this way, it not only saves the cost of raising black fish, but also has an income from the sale of good black fish. So he began to borrow money everywhere and build fish ponds on his land. But when the villagers heard that Zhou Geng was going to raise black fish, they didn't believe he could do it. The borrowed 4000 yuan has been used to build fish ponds, so where does the money for fish fry come from? In those days, Zhou Geng turned out to be full of gossip.

Zhou Gengxian: I have this habit. The more he says that you can't do this, I'll show him no way. I must do it. I have to do it well. That's what I am.

Making a decision, Zhou Geng began to think of ways to implement it. He fished more diligently and spent all the money from selling fish on buying black fish fry. I heard that there are wild black fish in the Shiliang River Reservoir near his home, and he will go there to fish. Luckily, he can really catch a few. In this way, he slowly accumulated and finally raised black fish in his own small fish pond. Zhou Geng now spends all his energy on raising black fish, and he secretly vows to fight for it.