
Developers play organic brands of member dishes online.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Developers play organic brands of member dishes online.

Special planting of "member dishes" on circulating land

Developers return to their hometown to become vegetable farmers, with revenues of up to 2 million yuan this year

Li Hongtao said that although no fertilizer was applied, the cabbage planted was still not small.

Li Daxing, 70, and many other villagers came to the vegetable base to work and grow vegetables.

The land is square and continuous, breaking the boundary between households. It is suitable for mechanized scale operation. It can unify varieties, unified soil preparation and sowing, unified fertilizer and water management, unified disease and pest control, greatly saving labor cost... As for the benefits of land circulation, the answer can be found in the vegetable base of Lijiapo Village, Jiangshan Town, Laixi. According to introduction, in recent years, vegetable base responsible person Li Hongtao transferred more than 600 mu of land to plant vegetables in the traditional way, the vegetables planted are not only safe and healthy, but also can sell high prices, considerable benefits, estimated annual profit can reach more than 2 million yuan, greatly improved land income. The vegetable base also creates employment opportunities for villagers who transfer their land, especially some elderly people over the age of 60, who earn more than 20,000 yuan a year. Now, after Li Hongtao's successful planting experiment, he took the Internet + express train in the sales link, which really became the trend of the times.

Developers return to the village as farmers

Li Hongtao is 40 years old this year. This should be his second venture, and this time he has invested almost all his efforts.

On the afternoon of November 20, in a plastic shed, the newly planted chrysanthemum has just sprouted buds. Li Hongtao is checking the growth of vegetables in the field. Then he went into the cauliflower field again. Because it had rained before, the soil in the field was still very wet. Within a few steps, his shoes were covered with mud. After walking out of the cauliflower field, he shook his feet hard, but his shoes were still dirty.

Who would have thought that Li Hongtao, who deals with land almost every day, was not a farmer before this, but a real estate developer. Li Hongtao is a native of Lijiapo Village, Jiangshan Town, Laixi. In his early years, he made his fortune by running real estate. Although he was rich, he always had the feelings of a farmer.

"Farmers depend on the sky for food. They don't have brands, they can't sell at high prices, the added value of the land is too low, and because of the abuse of pesticides and fertilizers, the grain and vegetables grown in the land can't make people feel safe to eat... Can we change this situation?" Li Hongtao often thinks silently in his heart.

"Under the traditional planting mode without pesticides and fertilizers, wouldn't our ancestors still be able to grow food and raise generations after generations?" So in 2009, he made a decision to return to the village to work as a farmer and grow healthy vegetables!

In that year, he returned to the village and was appointed secretary of the village party branch. Then he took out the funds accumulated when he was engaged in real estate and contracted more than 100 mu of land through circulation. At the same time, he established Qingdao Happy Home Agricultural Products Planting Professional Cooperative. He signed agreements with many villagers, obtained their land management rights, and paid certain fees to the villagers.

Insist on no fertilizer, no medicine

The so-called traditional planting mode, in Li Hongtao's view, is not to apply a grain of fertilizer, not to hit a drop of pesticide,"so he uses all farm manure." At the northernmost end of the planting base, there is a mound completely covered with plastic, which is where Li Hongtao uses to decompose farm manure. "The main ingredients in the farm manure are chicken manure, cow dung, and crushed straw. After a period of sealed fermentation, it will become the farm manure I use." Li Hongtao said, Laixi cattle farms, chicken farms are numerous, which also for his self-made farm manure provided convenient conditions.

In addition to not applying chemical fertilizer, Li Hongtao's planting base has never applied pesticides. Reporters in the visit found that many plots are vertical sticky insect board, covered with all kinds of insects. Li Hongtao revealed that in addition to sticky insect board, he also used insect net, insect lamp and other tools, can effectively deal with all kinds of insects. "I also regularly ask workers to go directly to the field to catch insects. Although it takes time and effort, it can ensure the safety of vegetables." Li Hongtao is proud of this.

"No fertilizer, no pesticides. This must be done." Li Hongtao said that he once hired an experienced technician from other places. After seeing pests in the field, the technician secretly asked the workers to apply pesticides."When I knew about this, I could only dismiss the technician tactfully." Li Hongtao said, In the technician's view, Pesticide may be the best way to kill insects, Good for vegetable growth,"But I can't give up halfway, I want to ensure that their planting methods will not be changed."

During the visit, the reporter also saw that there were some milk boxes stacked on many fields. Li Hongtao said that the milk is used by him to "feed" vegetables. Milk can not only improve the protein content of vegetables, but more importantly, it can make vegetables taste better. "There are many cattle farms in Laixi, and there are many milk processing enterprises. Some milk just past the shelf life is bought by me to 'feed' vegetables."

Although no chemical fertilizer or pesticide was applied, the vegetables in Li Hongtao's vegetable base were not small in size, but of higher quality. Li Hongtao pulled out a Chinese cabbage from the cabbage field and said,"Look at this cabbage, at least ten catties heavy, not a bit smaller than the cabbage planted with chemical fertilizer."

Li Hongtao introduced, He is not smooth sailing, He began to grow vegetables in 2009, At first also repeatedly encountered setbacks, But he did not give up, Has been constantly groping, Vegetable planting experience is more and more rich. "Especially since last year, I feel like I've been inspired. I feel like I'm not far from success." Sure enough, 2015 is a harvest year for Li Hongtao. The yield of vegetables he grows has not only increased several times, but also the quality has improved by leaps and bounds, which has been recognized by consumers.

Sales on "Internet +"

Zero pesticides and zero fertilizers are Li Hongtao's vegetable standards. In terms of sales, he uses a membership system. Li Hongtao explained that this method is essentially order farming.

Customers can buy membership cards to become members. There are many kinds of membership cards, such as annual cards, monthly cards and experience cards, with face values ranging from several hundred to several thousand. For example, Li Hongtao said, A face value of 7266 yuan annual card, Can enjoy 60 times of healthy vegetables free delivery service, Supply season mainly in May ~ November, Two times a week delivery of 6 ~8 kinds of field seasonal vegetables. "It looks like the price is very high, but on average, the daily cost isn't high." Li Hongtao said that there are 214 days from May to November, and the daily cost is about 34 yuan. If calculated according to a family of three, the average person is less than 10 yuan.

Li Hongtao said that with the development of the Internet, in addition to membership, he also sells vegetables through the Internet. At present, orders can be placed directly through mobile apps and microstores. Not only that, Li Hongtao is also planning to open a shop on Taobao to make his business bigger.

Li Hongtao also revealed that at present his vegetables are delivered through Shunfeng Express. "Every morning at about 9 o 'clock, Shunfeng Express trucks arrive at the base, loaded with goods and sent directly, while Qingdao customers generally get fresh vegetables at two or three o' clock in the afternoon." Li Hongtao said.

Li Hongtao said, At present his membership number has reached more than 600, Qingdao customers account for the majority, In addition there are many Beijing customers,"Foreign customers mainly rely on air transport, A box of vegetables only need to pay 40 yuan more, And in the next day can arrive." According to Li Hongtao's statistics, in 2015, the annual income can reach 2 million yuan.