
Potatoes become rich and create miracles

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Potatoes become rich and create miracles

Guo Daquan, party branch secretary and chairman of Minwang Potato Professional Cooperative in Xihe County, Longnan City, Gansu Province, with a potato business book in mind, has become a legend of Longnan potatoes in Gansu Province.

The potatoes produced in Xihe County are full of powder, sweet and delicious. However, due to the lack of commercial awareness, the commercial value of Xihe Tudou has not been effectively developed except for food rations. In the autumn of 2006, Guo Daquan, who is engaged in the acquisition of potatoes, under the guidance of the policy spirit of characteristic industrial development in the city and county, together with four like-minded people in the village, registered and established the Potato Professional Association of Heba Town, Xihe County, turning the original simple and scattered acquisitions into large-scale acquisitions. However, after a few days, Guo Daquan found that the only five warehouses could not meet the stock of purchased potatoes at all, and a large number of potatoes stacked in the open air quickly turned green and rotten, seriously threatening the development of the association. So several people raised money to build a thousand-ton potato storage cellar, but due to lack of technology and experience, the storage cellar, which cost more than 200,000 yuan, collapsed in a rainstorm. "this brought me into the freezing point of Tudou's startup. Not only were all the carefully cultivated potato seedlings crushed to death, but also the hearts and hopes of several of us were crushed to death. I lay at home for a whole month that year." Speaking of the past, Guo Daquan still has lingering fears.

During his lethargic days, Guo Daquan asked himself more than once: should he stop here and find another way out, or continue to take a chance? Guo Daquan, who has dealt with Tudou for many years, chose the latter with a firm belief in Xihe Tudou and its quality. In his own words, "nothing can compare with potatoes to develop characteristic industries in the West and this land," and it is this firmness that ultimately makes Guo Daquan. With the help of governments at the county and township levels and relevant departments, Guo Daquan worked hard with a tenacious, strong and enterprising drive to encourage members of the association to continue to contribute money and help themselves in production, while actively striving for funds for agriculture-related projects. develop the potato cause that you like. While using 30 tons of cement coordinated by the city and county, he raised funds to repair the storage cellar, while seeking a loan to buy potatoes. Under the condition that everyone was worried about failure again, he acquired more than 1000 tons of potatoes and sold them at a high price in the spring of the following year. Not only paid off the debt, but also realized a profit of more than 200,000 yuan. Guo Daquan and his Tudou Association got the first bucket of gold since their start-up, and embarked on the road of relying on small potatoes to develop a big industry. In 2007, Guo Daquan expanded office space, built an anti-insect net shed, built a potato demonstration park, built a new farmer science and technology training school, and registered and established a Minwang potato professional cooperative. "the cooperative has been on the right track since 2007." Guo Daquan described his entrepreneurial experience in this way: "this is also thanks to the good policies of our government and the government. Without the help and support of the government and relevant departments, the cooperative would not have developed to today!"

At present, Minwang potato professional cooperative has developed into a first-class farmers' professional cooperative in the whole city and famous in the province. While strengthening office conditions, hardening more than 7000 square meters of space, building 488 meters of fences, and completing market greening of more than 2000 square meters, more than 2000 square meters of new product technology exhibition hall, retail trading shed (steel frame greenhouse) and one storage cellar of 10,000 tons of virus-free seed potato have been built. The establishment of an annual production capacity of 10 million virus-free potato original seed production line, original seed shed production base of 1200 mu, first-class virus-free seed potato breeding base of 4020 mu, secondary virus-free seed potato base of 6160 mu, which can ensure full coverage of virus-free seed potato in 400000 mu of fields in the county, and declare and certify 150000 mu of green potato producing area. Set up a Guangfeng agricultural machinery service team with 10 drivers and 172 sets of agricultural machinery and tools, and registered Longnan Minle seed Company, formed an industrial service system of "farmers + cooperatives + merchants" and "production, addition and marketing". It successfully completed a small fight with five people at the beginning, and developed into more than 4000 members. Directly drive the magnificent turn of more than 10000 large farmers' professional cooperatives around the masses, and make the cooperatives truly become a comprehensive demonstration site for the breeding, storage and sale of improved potato varieties, agricultural science and technology extension demonstration sites, agricultural industry development science and technology training and practice demonstration sites, agricultural mechanization service demonstration sites and professional associations to drive farmers to develop industries, and become a distinctive banner for the development of characteristic industries in Xihe County. The improved potato varieties cultivated by Minwang Potato Professional Cooperative quickly cover the west and the whole county, and are sold to various counties in Longnan as well as to Shanxi and Henan. In October 2011, Xihe Potato cultivated by Minwang Potato Professional Cooperative was exhibited at the Ninth China International Agricultural Fair and was favored by Chinese and foreign exhibitors. Guo Daquan is good at doing ideological and political work for his employees. He said: changing potatoes from "rations" to "commodities" is only the first step in increasing the value of potatoes. When can potatoes be dressed like apples and sell at a good price for "bagged apples"? that is the real value-added, and that is the real characteristic agricultural products. While continuously strengthening ties with the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences and timely inviting experts and technical personnel of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences to help solve technical problems, Guo Daquan increased the training of cooperative technical personnel and actively trained skilled personnel in breeding, propagation and other aspects. and through them to provide technical services to farmers, to achieve the "supply of seeds, supply of agricultural materials, technical guidance and protection price recovery" four unity It has greatly improved the production enthusiasm of farmers. "in the past, a jin of potatoes could only be sold for one or two cents, which made us feel very cold! Since the establishment of co-operatives, the co-operatives have been responsible for distributing seeds and providing technical guidance, and the average yield per mu has reached more than 4000 jin, two or three times the previous income. " Guo Wanchang, a big potato grower, said. At the same time, combined with the reality of development, cooperatives put forward seven maximized development goals, such as "industrial scale, land flow transformation, agricultural mechanization, market operation enterprise, industrial quality assurance, benefit for the people, management mechanization". Regard cooperative members as benefactors, farmers as relatives, make full use of the sales channels already occupied, and rely on experts and technicians. We will actively cultivate famous and high-quality brands of improved varieties of potatoes, and drive more people to get rich quickly with the "famous and excellent effect" of improved varieties and large-scale operation.

The report of the 18th CPC National Congress proposed to build a new agricultural management system with the combination of intensification, specialization, organization and socialization, which has brought greater opportunities for us to develop professional cooperatives. We have a greater obligation to make Xihe's potato industry bigger and stronger. Although the cooperative has made some achievements, we still have to work hard. " Guo Daquan looks forward to the prospect of professional potato cooperatives in this way. In 2008, Guo Daquan was named as one of the top ten outstanding young people in Longnan. In 2009, he was named the leader of rural youth getting rich in Gansu Province and the seventh national leader of rural youth getting rich. In 2012, Guo Daquan, a deputy to the National people's Congress at the county level and a member of the Chinese people's political Consultative Conference, was elected as a deputy to the 12th people's Congress of Gansu Province and became the candidate of "moving Longnan Top Ten News figures". In 2013, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee enabled Guo Daquan to clarify the direction of the development of cooperatives, with the help of the county party committee, government, and departments. efforts will be made to reorganize the "1-5" model of modern agricultural management of the Potato Federation, which is supported by the five major systems of land transfer services, public brand services, expert technical services, agricultural labor services, and agricultural financial services. In 2013, Guo Daquan was elected chairman of the Xihe County Potato Federation. Through land transfer, he achieved asset reorganization and cooperation, created a Qiqiao potato brand, demonstrated the joint efforts of resources, hired an expert technical service team to enhance scientific and technological innovation, set up a student-capital integrated mechanized service team to avoid labor shortage and heavy physical input, and developed rural financial services to form social financial assistance. The rich Xihe County Potato Federation has been put into operation, showing the vitality of great cooperation, great service, great cooperation and great development. In May 2015, Guo Daquan was selected as a provincial labor model. [Longnan Municipal Party Committee reporting Group]