
Li Haiping, an expert at getting rich in Baise science and technology.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Li Haiping, an expert at getting rich in Baise science and technology.

The picture shows Li Haiping feeding silkworms.

The picture shows Li Haiping nursing navel oranges.

An ordinary rural woman, she is bold and smart. With ten years of hard work, she now has an annual income of more than 500,000 yuan and fixed assets of more than 1 million yuan, making her one of the largest three-dimensional agricultural planting and breeding bases in the county.

She is Li Haiping, a farmer in du'an Township, Debao County. She dares to go ahead and start a business. After graduating from junior high school, I was not reconciled to living in a barren field all my life, so I resolutely chose to start my own business. In 2006, he began to contract land in Nabu Village, Yantong Township, planting mulberry and raising silkworms, building fences to raise pigs, opening up wasteland and planting fruits, and set up a "pig-marsh-mulberry (silkworm)-fruit" three-dimensional agro-ecological development model. She studies with an open mind, delves into business, is not pessimistic, does not give up, does not flinch, insists on learning science and using science, and gradually expands the scale of planting and breeding. In just a few years, he has become a famous planting and breeding expert in the county, and has won the honorary titles of "the second batch of rural practical top-notch talents in Baise City" and "Advanced individual in Science Popularization work in Baise City".

The little silkworm took her to the "threshold" of getting rich.

Come to Li Haiping's mulberry garden, 100 mu of mulberry trees into rows, although it is the beginning of winter, but in the warm winter sun, mulberry leaves are still green.

Planting mulberry and sericulture was the primary industry that Li Haiping developed after she came to help Xiatun contract land, and it was the little silkworm that led her to the "threshold" of becoming rich. At that time, she started with 20,000 yuan borrowed from relatives and friends, planted 5 mu of mulberry trees, developed to 8 mu the next year, and then increased year by year to 100 mu this year.

"the period of sericulture is short, the investment is small, the market is good, and the benefit is high. My cocoons are uninterrupted all the year round." Li Haiping told me that she had exceeded her expected target this year, producing a total of 140copies of 6100 kilograms and earning 250000 yuan.

"it was a difficult time at first." Li Haiping said that she did not have enough experience in sericulture before, and a large number of technical problems in sericulture almost made her give up. It was the hard-working spirit and firm belief that she had cultivated since childhood. In recent years, through bold exploration, Li Haiping has constantly taken the initiative to seek advice from agricultural technicians at the county and township levels and actively went out for study and training. In her study and practice, Li Haiping summed up a set of scientific sericulture techniques, continued to expand contracted land, expanded sericulture houses, and had her own large-scale mulberry planting and sericulture bases. at the same time, 12 local villagers were hired to conscientiously do a good job in weeding, fertilizing, loosening the soil, fixing poles, brushing, disease prevention and pest control and other management and protection work in accordance with the seasonal season, so as to ensure the quality of mulberry leaves and silkworm babies. With the promotion of successful sericulture techniques free of charge, sericulture farmers inside and outside Jingxi, Tian, Daxin and other districts and counties have come to "learn from", driving more than 100 sericulture farmers to plant more than 10,000 mu of mulberry trees.

The pig industry is more prosperous.

A large area of mulberry fields, crazy growth of a large number of fat and tender wild vegetables, why not make full use of this high quality resource? In 2008, after Li Haiping had a success in sericulture, she used the only "dowry" she brought from her hometown-an old sow, breeding piglets, using wild vegetables from mulberry fields as pig food, feeding them in the original ecology, and building biogas digesters next to the pig house, which not only reduced costs, but also recycled resources. To this end, she built a pigsty and started her pig-raising career.

"I suffered from a lack of skill. At that time, piglets always had diarrhea and diarrhea after birth, and they fell down one after another in less than a month. later, they asked the county animal husbandry bureau for help and read the techniques learned in books and periodicals related to pig farming, such as technology, feed, epidemic prevention, sales, and so on. " In addition, Li Haiping often goes to other places to attend training and watch and study in advanced pig farms.

Under the technical guidance of the county animal husbandry bureau, Li Haiping, who had fallen, managed meticulously and adopted the method of combining China and the West to control and cure the yellow dysentery of piglets. The following year, with the financial support of the county party committee and government, she had standardized pig farms in functional areas, such as nursery, fat pig room, delivery room, disinfection room, and so on.

"if it had been left behind, even the old sow who had been with me for many years could not have saved her." Li Haiping did not give up her entrepreneurial dream because of failure, but found and analyzed the reasons for the failure in many ways, and returned to the road of raising pigs to become rich.

At present, Li Haiping's pig farm has 19 sows, 210 pigs and more than 170 pigs a year, with an annual income of 160000 yuan. Moreover, it has been prosperous for several years in a row, and the pig raising industry has been booming, providing four jobs for the local people.

"if there are farmers in the village who want to raise pigs, I am willing to give the piglets to feed." When it comes to getting rich, Li Haiping's idea is simple and simple.

The initial scale of fruit industry

During the autumn harvest, the 20 mu navel orange planted by Li Haiping also showed golden yellow, with heavy fruit hanging all over the branches and bending the branches.

"this year is the first year for navel oranges to hang fruit. Despite its ugly skin, this is the original green fruit."

"Bombyx mori residue, biogas residue and biogas slurry can be used as organic fertilizers for fruits, and 20 mu navel oranges have also saved me a lot of agricultural expenses." Li Haiping told me that she burns silkworm dregs into ash, processes them with biogas slurry and biogas dregs into organic fertilizer, irrigates and sprays fruit trees, and uses them again.

Li Haiping positioned her planting and breeding base as a three-dimensional circular ecological agricultural park of "ecological breeding and green planting". The development of such three-dimensional circular ecological agriculture has not only effectively solved the problem of waste from silkworm and pig farms, but also saved costs for her planting and breeding base and brought new economic growth points.