
Wu Xingchun returns home to start a business, ecological breeding and prosperity

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Wu Xingchun returns home to start a business, ecological breeding and prosperity

"when I came back from military service, I worked in the enterprise of the Guangyuan Prison Railway Institute. Later, when the supervision and enterprises were separated, I left the unit where I had worked for many years and drifted away to work for many years. Since 2011, when you return to your hometown to start a business and develop the aquaculture industry, you can stay and develop in your hometown. You don't have to wander outside, and you have to take care of your family. The whole family is always happy to get together. " On the 23rd, Wu Xingchun, whose face was brimming with happiness, told the reason why he went home to start a business.

Wu Xingchun was born in 1974. Five groups of people in Meishu Village, Meishu Township, Zhaohua District, grew up in the countryside. He grew up only with the mud with the smell of grass, but his memory was full of homesickness.

Tired of drifting and giving birth to the idea of going back to my hometown to start a business

In 1992, after graduating from Yuanba District (now renamed Zhaohua District) Weizi Vocational High School, he joined the conscripts for three years to serve in Leshan; after returning from the army in 1995, he was placed to work in the railway station of Guangyuan Prison, where he was mainly engaged in mechanical operation. Until 2003, Guangyuan prison was separated from the enterprise, part of the personnel of the enterprise was diverted, and Wu Xingchun was also a member of the diversion. Since then, in order to make a living for the whole family, he has worked in Guangyuan, Mianyang, Guangzhou and other places, and is still engaged in mechanical operation, with a monthly income of about 5000 yuan. He can not only maintain a family's livelihood, but also save a little money. Small life is also quiet.

"I have been drifting away for years and spend very little time with my family. I always feel like I am a vagrant. coupled with the fact that my parents are too old to fulfill their filial piety in front of their knees, it is not a taste in my heart." Speaking of the days of migrant workers in those years, Wu Xingchun was somewhat sentimental. When he went back to his hometown to get together with his comrades-in-arms, taking advantage of the excitement of drinking, he told his comrades-in-arms that he wanted to go back to his hometown for development and reunite with his family. The encouragement and support of his comrades-in-arms strengthened his idea of going back to his hometown to start a business.

Wage earners who return home to start their own businesses become their own bosses.

Because he was born in the countryside and has a special affection for every plant and tree in the countryside, Wu Xingchun decided to develop aquaculture in rural areas after returning to his hometown. When Wu Xingchun found the project, Wu Xingchun no longer hesitated to do it, immediately quit his well-paid job, took out his savings for many years, and prepared for a big fight with several comrades-in-arms. In 2012, they leased 20 mu of land in Jingu Village, Longtan Township, Lizhou District, invested more than 800,000 yuan and built a standardized enclosure of 3600 square meters. In that year, 110 sows were fed, and 2000 pigs were raised. There seems to be a large number of hurdles. Wu Xingchun said that because he didn't know much about pig farming at the beginning, the cost was too high, and affected by the market situation, he could hardly make any money at the initial stage. With the continuous expansion of the scale, the market situation has gradually improved, and the farm is gradually on the right track.

In 2013, Wu Xingchun, in conjunction with the surrounding farmers, established a professional cooperative for farming farmers in Lizhou District, Guangyuan City, and established a "cooperative + peasant household (member) + market" interest linkage mechanism. cooperatives organize the procurement of production materials, sales, technical exchanges and technical consulting services for planting, breeding and processing. Through the operation of cooperatives, it has enhanced the ability of farmers to resist market risks, reduced the cost of aquaculture production, and led farmers (members) to increase their income steadily, with an annual per capita income of 1000 yuan. Up to now, the cooperative has 120 members, driving 314 surrounding farmers, and the annual number of live pigs has reached more than 5000.

"in 2014, we set up another Jinyi Trading Company, with three specialized sales departments in the farmers' market in Lizhou District, which mainly sold pollution-free ecological pigs produced by the company, extending the industrial chain of pig breeding. Last year, the operating income was 8.5 million yuan, rebating 640000 yuan to the members." Wu Xingchun said excitedly. Speaking of the hardships of starting a business, Wu Xingchun sincerely thanked the local party committee and government for their support. He said: "in the early days of starting a business, due to the instability of market factors, the sales market and prices were also subject to great fluctuations, during the difficult stages, such as the construction of enclosures, epidemic prevention in breeding farms, environmental protection and sewage discharge work, and so on. The party committee and government have provided us with a lot of help and support, and we have also received 500000 of the subsidy funds for the aquaculture industry. with their support, we are more energetic and confident in starting a business."

Speaking of future plans, Wu Xingchun is full of confidence: "We will continue to adhere to the purpose of 'ecological breeding, recycling, driving farmers and ensuring income increase', and adopt the model of 'cooperative + farmers + market'. Sustainable development of pollution-free pig breeding industry. At the same time, we will also explore returning pig manure to the field after anaerobic fermentation, develop green fruit and vegetable cultivation, promote green recycling agriculture, and gradually expand the scale. It is expected that more farmers will join the cooperative, and the cooperative will rush together with the farmers on the road to prosperity. "