
Female college students quit their jobs and go back to their hometown to plant grapes to express their youth and interpret life with struggle.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Female college students quit their jobs and go back to their hometown to plant grapes to express their youth and interpret life with struggle.

Han Juan

Grapes planted by Han Juan

Han Juan is under the grape trellis planted by herself.

In recent years, "entrepreneurship" has become a more and more familiar word, and more and more college students choose to start their own businesses: opening clothing stores, doing online purchasing agents, and opening advertising companies. Projects emerge one after another, but in Hongba Village, Tianjia Town, Dongxing District, Neijiang, there is a college student who returns to his hometown to start a business and chooses to be a "farmer". She is Han Juan, a college student returning to Yongdong Township, Dongxing District, Neijiang.

Inspired by the policy, the post-80s girl resigned and went back to her hometown to plant Heidi.

Han Juan is a post-80s girl. Before she chose to return to her hometown to start a business, she worked in Chongqing and had a stable job. In 2011, Han Juan was inspired when she heard that the Neijiang government encouraged young people to start their own businesses and provided relevant policy support, and that agricultural projects, as the object of government support, had many opportunities and development prospects. then she thought about transplanting the model of "sightseeing picking Garden" she saw in Chongqing to Neijiang.

Han Juan said that her original idea of quitting and going home to grow grapes was agreed by her family. With the support of her family, she quit her job in Chongqing and returned to Neijiang to contract 150 mu of land in Hongba Village, Tianjia Town, Neijiang, and began planting Heti.

The road to entrepreneurship is not plain sailing. Dozens of tons of grapes were damaged by floods.

After Han Juan returned to her hometown to start a business, the process was not plain sailing. Han Juan said that at the beginning of her business, many local villagers questioned her approach. "A girl works restlessly in the city and goes to Xiangba to grow grapes." At the same time, Han Juan, who grew up in the town and had no experience of rural life, knew nothing about grape cultivation. Many difficulties and tribulations make her entrepreneurial road not smooth.

To 2012, Han Juan planted the grapes for the first time hanging fruit, looking at the branches of the increasingly mature grapes, Han Juanxue thought that his efforts have finally been rewarded, and the villagers' doubts are much less. However, when the grapes were ripe and ready to be picked, the worst "7.21" flood in several decades ravaged the whole town of Tianjia, and Hanjuan's vineyard was not spared. Dozens of tons of grapes were washed away overnight and lost. More than a year of hard work destroyed, coupled with cash flow difficulties, let Han Juan want to give up. Fortunately, however, some financial institutions extended a helping hand to her by providing her with a large amount of credit, which enabled her to tide over the current difficulties and start a new round of planting plan.

Do not give up and move forward to drive farmers to set up professional cooperatives

What is more difficult than the difficulty is not to start all over again, but this time Han Juan is more active. She decided to take part in all the planting links herself, and mastered the professional knowledge and skills of grape cultivation in the process. In 2013, in another grape ripening season, Hanjuan's vineyard had a good harvest. In the course of five years of development, Han Juan's vineyard has suffered two floods and tribulations, but she has survived. From the beginning of "fighting alone" to now, she has led the surrounding farmers to set up professional cooperatives. The local villagers questioned her less and less, and her efforts were recognized. The members of the cooperative have grown from several households in the beginning to more than 60 households now.

"apart from persistence, there is also integrity and gratitude in starting a business." Han Juan said. Although she experienced hardships in the process of starting a business, Hanjuan did not import flood-soaked grapes into the market, and she always kept in mind the private loans owed by the disaster. As soon as the vineyard took a turn for the better, it immediately raised money to pay it off. In the process of starting a business, it took the initiative to fulfill its promise and be grateful to return to the society.

"joys and sorrows are life, and bitterness and sweetness are life." Han Juan said. She is an ordinary female college student, in the face of difficulties and tribulations in life, she always smiles: "maybe life is like this, face life with a smile, face the ups and downs in the process, you will grow up unconsciously in the process."