
Farmers' exclusive App one-stop management has low risk.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Farmers' exclusive App one-stop management has low risk.

Original title: "good Farm" App to build a trusted food community

The official launch ceremony of APP on good Farm (file picture, source: people's Daily online)

As a farm manager, Deng Gang of Shennong Garden in Guangdong once fretted and even made a mistake about how to manage members' orders.

"once, near the Spring Festival, a member told me through Wechat that she had gone out of town and gave me an address to transfer the food to a friend." Deng Xiaoping Gang said that he was full of promises at that time, but he did not think that he would completely forget the member's advice for various reasons. This result not only makes members doubt the management level of the farm, but also makes the farm miss a good opportunity to promote in the "acquaintance circle".

Many farm operators have had a similar experience. But now they may no longer have to worry about it.

On November 19th, Chengshi (Beijing) Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., the first IT enterprise in China that specializes in supporting agriculture for the community, officially released an App called "good Farm". This app integrates e-commerce, information management and social networking, strives to create the most trusted healthy food community in China, and provides e-commerce platform and service platform for consumers and producers.

"the good farm platform firmly believes that 'consumption is voting'." At the press conference, Cheng Cunwang, CEO of good Farm, said, "the mode of transformation driven by consumers can provide creative solutions to domestic food safety and agricultural pollution problems. Good Farm is committed to serving consumers on the one hand, supporting producers on the other, and contributing our value to building our agriculture and food safety. "

For consumers, App, a good farm that brings together the national CSA (Community supported Agriculture Model) and organic ecological farms, is an e-commerce platform. The reporter tried out and found that as long as you open the application, you can locate the farms around the city where you live, and it is convenient and quick to browse, place orders and settle accounts. Due to the gathering of a large number of farms, consumers have a wide range of products to choose from.

At the same time, in order to rebuild the integrity system between consumers and farmers, the good farm platform creatively established a crowdsourcing participation system. It is a system that evaluates farms through the activities of local stakeholders and is based on trust, social networks and knowledge sharing.

It is reported that the company will cooperate with professional testing companies to carry out quality inspection on all farms and randomly select members to participate in the sampling process; at the same time, members can form a public inspection report after visiting the farm, together with the test report to provide a more reliable source of information for other consumers to choose farms. This practice of including the consumer community in supervision plays a great role in reshaping the social integrity system.

In addition to meeting the needs of consumers, good Farm App covers the needs of farmers' operation and management, providing farmers with one-stop support in information management, e-commerce, testing, logistics, finance and so on.

Through the App of a good farm, farmers can learn about the ordering dynamics of their members, exchange production experiences and consult agricultural experts anytime and anywhere. Moreover, the platform provides a channel for the exchange and circulation of products between farms, so farmers no longer have to worry about excess or insufficient production, and effectively avoid long-term market risks to solve the problem of low farm management.

It has been revealed that the platform will also open financial services to provide crowdfunding guarantees for start-up farmers to obtain start-up capital and members, solve the financing problems in the agricultural sector, support farmers to use agricultural products as collateral for loans, and expand production. Provide consumers with more abundant organic food.

At the same time, the platform will provide high-quality logistics services. Through cooperation with professional cold chain logistics companies, the platform will comprehensively improve logistics quality, reduce logistics costs, and solve the difficult problem of fresh logistics distribution in the same city from the farm to the members' table.

In order to help farmers expand the channels for recruiting members, Chengshi Agriculture will also work with large real estate developers such as Vanke and Wantong to link communities and farms in cities with high concentration of farms, so as to further promote the development and growth of the CSA model in China.

"the purpose of Chengshi Agriculture in building this comprehensive service platform is to communicate with consumers and producers, popularize the concept of healthy living consumption from both ends of the agricultural value chain, and create the most trusted healthy food community. Bring consumers into the traceability system of agricultural products, improve consumers' understanding and acceptance of ecological agriculture, and then stimulate producers to choose healthier and environmentally friendly organic planting methods. " Cheng Cunwang said. (Hu Yuanzi, reporter of this newspaper)