
Huang Xiaoli, a village official of college students: Small Agaricus bisporus paved the "Road to Prosperity"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Huang Xiaoli, a village official of college students: Small Agaricus bisporus paved the "Road to Prosperity"

Huang Xiaoli founded the production base of Pleurotus ostreatus.

On November 22, the reporter walked into the two-spore mushroom planting base of Xinyuan Agriculture in Wutong Village, Yuxi Town. Six neat and clean white greenhouses were bathed in the sun, reflecting each other with the hills behind them, followed by a fragrance of soil. Walking into the greenhouse, I saw one by one small white mushrooms wearing "hats" poking their heads out of the mushroom bed. Three middle-aged women were picking. They were skillful in their movements. With a push and a slight twist, the small double-spore mushrooms were out of the mushroom bed.

"this base was founded by Huang Xiaoli, a university student village official. This girl is really good. She eats hard and has a lot of energy. She takes the initiative to start a business and lead the villagers to get rich. All of us in the village like her." Yang Guangqun, a poor household in the village, couldn't wait to say. In Wutong Village, Yuxi Town, when Huang Xiaoli, a university student "village official," was mentioned, ordinary people would all give a thumbs up and praised her as a good village official and a good cadre, and she led everyone to break out of poverty and become rich.

Looking for a get-rich project to lead the villagers out of poverty

"if you choose a village official, you must make a difference in the post of village official." Huang Xiaoli said. In July 2013, Huang Xiaoli became a village official of Wutong Village with the dream of taking root and serving the grass-roots level. As a university student village official, she actively assisted the village "two committees" in managing village affairs, actively devoted herself to the construction of the new countryside, and made suggestions for the economic construction of the village.

"if you want to do a good job in 'getting rich', the key is to develop the collective economy and lead the villagers to start a business together. And as a university student village official, I have an unshirkable responsibility. " Huang Xiaoli said. In July this year, Tongnan sounded the horn for winning the battle against poverty alleviation. Huang Xiaoli was anxious and worked hard all over, and he did not dare to snub it for a moment, because Wutong Village is a key poverty-stricken village in Yuxi Town, with 3339 people in the village. among them, there are 134 poor households and 437 poor people in the village.

After the precise poverty alleviation work was launched, Huang Xiaoli went into the village every day to learn about the situation. In her heart-to-heart talk with the people, she found that the villagers had a strong desire to develop the economy and start a business and become rich. However, due to the bondage of ideas, financial troubles, and examples of failures, the villagers are afraid of trying and afraid of failure.

In order to find projects to get rich and drive villagers to increase their income and become rich, after several visits, Huang Xiaoli and several other village officials agreed that there was a large surplus labor force in the village, which was driven by a lack of industry. In order to choose a way to help villagers continue to get rich as soon as possible, Huang Xiaoli, like injecting stimulants, went to agricultural companies, enterprises, and various bases or plantations to extensively collect various aspects of breeding information and market supply and demand. at the same time, combined with the geographical conditions and industrial development planning of poor villages, through multi-party investigation, the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus was finally introduced as a project to drive villagers to become rich.

Dispel the worries of the villagers and take the lead in planting Pleurotus ostreatus

"growing Pleurotus ostreatus is a new thing in our village. I want to plant it, but I dare not try it easily. " Villager Bu Xiaofeng recalled. At that time, many villagers in the village were afraid to try to start their own business. Under such circumstances, in order to allay the worries of the villagers, Huang Xiaoli chose to take the lead and take the lead.

"without thinking much about it at that time, I hoped that I could become a model of success, and through my own entrepreneurial practice, I could influence a group of people, drive a group of people, and make a village rich." Huang Xiaoli said.

In August 2015, Huang Xiaoli raised 150000 yuan, from the selection of land sites, the design of greenhouses, the formation of sites, the construction of greenhouses to electricity and water. After everything was ready, Tongnan Xinyuan vegetable Farm was set up in October 2012, and six high-standard double-spore mushroom greenhouses were built.

"each greenhouse covers an area of 200 square meters, planting Pleurotus ostreatus in spring and autumn." "the construction of the greenhouse is of great significance," Huang Xiaoli said. "it is related to the development of the village and places the expectations of many people. We must win this battle."

Technology is the key to growing Pleurotus ostreatus. In order to master the planting technology of Pleurotus ostreatus as soon as possible, Huang Xiaoli not only often invited technical experts to provide on-site guidance, but also actively participated in various technical training courses on edible fungi in the district, and went to large-scale edible mushroom planting bases for technical consultation.

In order to fully master the cultivation technology of Pleurotus ostreatus, Huang Xiaoli spent almost all his time in the mushroom shed, from the beginning of material preparation, disinfection, fermentation, inoculation, shed, shelf, especially after mushroom production, Sheung Shui, mushroom picking, and mushroom cutting. a series of tedious and meticulous work requires continuous struggle day and night. To this end, Huang Xiaoli is often exhausted and aching all over. But there was a tenacity at the bottom of her heart that the right path must be taken.

After a period of groping, Huang Xiaoli finally became a "native expert" from a layman who knew nothing about Pleurotus ostreatus. "in my opinion, the cultivation technology of Pleurotus ostreatus depends on a careful care. It must be right to recognize the way to get rich through science and technology. "Huang Xiaoli said proudly. At the end of November, under the meticulous care of Huang Xiaoli, the first batch of double-packed mushrooms was fully listed at the end of November, and the current market sales are in short supply.

Sow the seeds of enriching the people to realize the villagers' dream of becoming rich

"now I also want to grow Pleurotus ostreatus with Xiaohuang." Looking at Huang Xiaoli's greenhouse, clusters of double-spore mushrooms arranged neatly, a blossoming milky white double-spore mushroom umbrella fresh blooming, emitting bursts of fragrance, villager Bu Xiaofeng could not help saying.

Pleurotus ostreatus is known as the "king of vegetarianism". Because of its high nutritional value, good shape and pure color, it is very popular in the market. " Huang Xiaoli said: at present, the price of Pleurotus ostreatus on the market is 7-9 yuan per jin, and the demand is large, so there is no worry about the market at all.According to the current production and sales situation, it is estimated that this year will produce 30,000 jin of Pleurotus ostreatus, with an output value of 210000 yuan.

Today, Huang Xiaoli's base generates 2400 yuan in land transfer income for poor households every year and provides a number of jobs. At the same time, it also promotes the development of the deep poor households in the village by the mode of land investment and bottom dividend. In her Pleurotus ostreatus base, two deeply poor households hold 8% of the shares, each with an annual dividend of more than 5000 yuan, a salary of 60 yuan per person per day, and a land rent of 350 yuan per mu, and the income of poor households is very considerable.

Mo Huaixue used to have a heavy burden on his family. in the past, he mainly made a living by doing odd jobs in other places, but his wife had no one to take care of her liver disease for many years. Since he came to Huang Xiaoli's base to plant Pleurotus ostreatus, his life has become better and better. Mo Huaixue said: "the time of working here is staggered with his own farm work. Not only can he take care of the family, but also nearly 2 mu of land has been converted into shares. This year, he will be able to earn 10,000 yuan, and it is no longer a problem to get rid of poverty."

"when I learn the technology, I will also grow Pleurotus ostreatus." Yang Guangqun is a poor household in Wutong Village. In the past, he only made a living by growing traditional crops and lived in poverty. Now, Lao Yang works in the mushroom planting base, earns dozens of yuan a day, and can learn planting techniques for free, for which she is very happy.

Now, Huang Xiaoli is confidently leading the villagers on the hopeful road to prosperity. Talking about his future plans, Huang Xiaoli said: "the next step is to continue to use the agricultural industrialization management model of 'one village, one product' to pry the fulcrum for increasing farmers' income, play a good role in supporting science and technology, and promote the industrial development of the village to upgrade. At the same time, newer and better strains should be introduced to enable more villagers to realize their dream of increasing income and becoming rich while developing and growing. "