
"double Twelve" Nansha agricultural e-commerce is busy online to sell green crabs.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, "double Twelve" Nansha agricultural e-commerce is busy online to sell green crabs.

During the "Singles Day" period, Li Hao, an agricultural e-commerce business in Nansha, sold nearly 100 jin of green crabs in one day, as far away as *. With the return of "double Twelve", Li Hao, who tasted the sweetness, was full of motivation. He said that he would target "Yangcheng Lake" hairy crabs and convey the concept of "eating in Nansha" to diners all over the country.

Sell Nansha green crab to * *

The reporter saw the busy Li Hao by the fish pond on Longxue Island. He was practicing how to tie up the green crab. Wrap the red rope from the pliers to the back of the green crab, tie a knot, and a green crab is bandaged. The wrapped green crabs are placed in a cardboard box covered with reeds for express delivery. "now my customers have arrived as far away as possible." Li Hao told the reporter that entrusted by his friends, he was preparing to send the green crabs to his friends' parents far away, so that they could taste the fresh seafood.

In October this year, Li Hao, who lives in Tung Chung, returned to his hometown to start his own e-commerce business. He opened an online shop called Guangzhou Nansha Green Crab on Taobao, which specializes in Nansha green crabs produced in his own fish ponds. At present, Li Hao has sold Nansha green crabs to more than a dozen provinces across the country. "some of these customers buy more than ten jin at a time."

Li Hao said that he can now sell about 20 jin of green crabs online every day, with a price of more than 100 yuan per jin and daily sales of more than 2000 yuan. If sold to wholesalers in the traditional way, the current purchase price of green crabs is only about 70 to 80 yuan. During the Singles Day holiday, Li Hao sold nearly 100 jin of green crabs in one day. "the advantage of online sales is that it can expand the scope of sales and sell it directly to consumers with greater profit margins." Li Hao concluded.

Lack of experience once suffered heavy losses.

"I saw that the green crabs that my uncle had raised for more than 20 years were sold to wholesalers at a cheap wholesale price every year, so I was determined to help the family's agriculture transform and upgrade." Li Hao told reporters that the process of opening an online store is not plain sailing. Because of his inexperience, he didn't know how to pack green crabs at first. Almost one in ten green crabs died and suffered heavy losses.

"it took us about two weeks to prepare for the opening of the online store on October 2, but there were no customers at first," Li said. " During the period when there were no customers, Li Hao was very anxious, but he could only try his best to publicize and wait patiently. "I still remember clearly that on the fourth day of the opening of the online store, on October 6, a customer from Guangzhou came to buy our crabs. I was really relieved."

Want to build Nansha green crab brand

Before Li Hao became an agricultural online store, he was the director of the e-commerce department of a jewelry company, earning tens of thousands of yuan a month. In his hometown of Tung Chung, many farmers are trying to do e-commerce. But in the view of Li Hao, who has a professional background in e-commerce, these people have not really made good use of the emerging business model of e-commerce. "No one has a fixed team, concept or plan, but just advertise or sell something casually and randomly on the Internet." Li Hao said that if agricultural e-commerce is to really develop, villagers engaged in e-commerce still need to undergo systematic training.

Li Hao also has clear goals and plans for the future of his online store. "I hope to expand the scale of continued sales in the future. At that time, I will expand the range of goods sold and set up a company to enter large e-commerce platforms such as Tmall and " Li Hao hopes that in the future, his Nansha green crab will become a well-known brand like "Yangcheng Lake" hairy crab, endorsing "eating in Nansha".