
Post-80s boys do not do education and engage in agriculture

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Post-80s boys do not do education and engage in agriculture

Over the years, Yang Qiu has gained a more comprehensive understanding of strawberries and other crops.

In Shengshuitou Village, Henan Zhai Town, Miyun, people often see a figure shuttling through the fields. he wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses and is sunny and handsome. His name is Yang Qiu, and he is a post-80s boy. Two years ago, in order to pursue the taste of childhood farm food and develop green ecological agricultural products, Yang Qiu resigned from his job as a PE teacher at a primary school affiliated to Tsinghua University and went back to his hometown to start a green agricultural business.

Yang Qiu is a young and enthusiastic young man. After graduating from the Capital Institute of physical Education in 2011, he became a PE teacher at the Primary School affiliated to Tsinghua University. But Yang Qiu, who grew up in the fields, always thinks about the fertile land in the countryside. In recent years, with the popularity of green food, Yang Qiu has the idea of planting and breeding green agricultural products. In 2013, Yang Qiu gave up his superior job in the urban area and returned to his hometown to start a business, first helping villagers sell vegetables on the network, and then running their own planting and breeding businesses.

Starting a business is not as simple as Yang Qiu thought. In June this year, Yang Qiu invested nearly 50, 000 yuan to buy 1000 firewood chicken seedlings to raise firewood chickens. The chicken house was built on the mountain, and every day before dawn, Yang Qiu came to the chicken house to mix feed and sweep the chicken coop. Although it was hard, Yang Qiu worked in high spirits. One day, Yang Qiu found that the chicken refused to go back to the henhouse, and this situation lasted for several days. Yang Qiu asked the old farmers in the village for help and learned that the rats and weasels on the mountain may have slipped into the henhouse at night, frightening the chickens. Yang Qiu crouched in the henhouse for several nights in order to find out where the rats and weasels got into the henhouse. Yang Qiu said that it took him five days to find the "secret passage" of the weasel. It turned out that the weasel had dug a hole under a brick in the corner of the henhouse and snuck in at night. After Yang Qiu blocked the hole, he cleaned the henhouse again and checked it inside and outside.

Not long after the "weasel incident", the chicks had a new situation. "there are mass deaths of chickens, more than a dozen of them every day." Yang Qiu said that he was very anxious at that time and hurriedly found the relevant experts and took the dead chicken to the veterinary hospital to dissect and analyze the condition. The veterinarian told him that due to obvious changes in the weather, the chicken was infected with bacteria and viruses, so he prescribed some chemical drugs for him to take back to feed the chickens, but Yang Qiu did not use them. "when I decided to quit my job in agriculture, I planned to do green ecological agriculture. If the chickens were fed with chemicals, they would get better faster, but it would go against the original idea." Yang Qiu said he went to several veterinary hospitals, all of which prescribed chemicals for him. So he went to the old farmers in the village and got a folk prescription. "mash the spring onions, ginger and garlic into the mud and mix them into the feed. Also need some Chinese herbal medicine similar to the effect of Banlangen, boil well every day, mix it into the water and feed the chickens. " Speaking of those days, Yang Qiuman sighed with emotion. Now, the weather is getting colder and colder. In addition to normal care, Yang Qiu also goes to the mountain at noon and evening to warm the chickens. "the electric heating light is too strong, which will stimulate the chickens and affect the quality of the eggs." Yang Qiu said: now that we have done it, we should not be afraid of hard work and try our best to do our best. Today, the condition of chickens has been greatly alleviated, and some chickens have begun to lay eggs. More than 100 eggs can be picked up every day, which are quickly snapped up in online stores.

As farming became more and more stable, Yang Qiu began to turn his attention to the planting industry again. This year, he cooperated with his friends to contract three greenhouses to grow strawberries, and his life became busier. Every day, Yang Qiu goes to the greenhouse to turn around a few times. Which leaf has a yellow dot, Yang Qiu has to observe carefully for a long time. The books on Yang Qiu's shelves have also changed from novels to various breeding training materials. "when I find a yellow spot on a leaf, I first observe whether there is a similar situation, and then search the Internet for some information according to this phenomenon, and then look for a solution according to the information and the contents of the book." Yang Qiu said that two strawberries grew in the shed two days ago, hidden under the leaves, very inconspicuous, but he found that maybe it included his own efforts, and the two strawberries in his mouth were particularly sweet.

In addition to assiduously learning the knowledge of planting, the heavy snow some time ago also made Yang Qiu suffer a lot. "I used to like snow very much. When it snows, I can go skiing and have snowball fights with my friends, but I don't want it to snow this year. After it snows, I will stand on the shed and shovel snow. Despite the danger, it is very difficult to use my strength. At the end of the day, I feel sore all over. " Yang Qiu said that after it snowed this year, many former classmates and colleagues came to play with him, but he was busy shoveling snow, laying quilts and rolling quilts for the greenhouse, and he didn't have time to entertain them. At this point, Yang Qiu paused and said: "sometimes very tangled, watching others work while others are working, while others play, I am still working, wondering whether my choice is correct in the end."

Today, Yang Qiu starts her day's work at 5 o'clock every morning, feeding the chickens in the breeding garden, cleaning the chicken coop, picking vegetables on the plantation, returning to his residence in the afternoon to take orders, running an online store, and planning online sales in the evening. Although Yang Qiu has hesitated in the face of such a busy life, he has never changed his idea of developing ecological agriculture and allowing more people to eat healthy food. he is not only gradually expanding his industry, but also setting up cooperatives in the village. encourage farmers to do green agriculture and help farmers sell agricultural products.