
The post-80s armed police returned home as a farmer and their dream of starting a business came true to leave the wasteland.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The post-80s armed police returned home as a farmer and their dream of starting a business came true to leave the wasteland.

Looking at the mountains covered with golden branches full of fruitful fruit; watching trucks full of navel oranges driving out of the orchard; counting a pile of banknotes loaded into the pocket, Pang Sheng was filled with emotion. Having tasted the sweetness for the first time, he was more confident in starting his own "sweet" career on the abandoned land in the countryside.

The former armed police "Bing Brother" was sentimentally attached to his hometown, gave up his lucrative medicine business, returned to his hometown to contract 300 mu of abandoned land, and became an out-and-out "peasant" with the earth as his companion. "digging gold in the soil" nearly lost 700000 yuan of investment, and the entrepreneurial process went through twists and turns. This year, "Xifeng navel Orange" realized his entrepreneurial dream.

The early investment of the wrong planting project almost went down the drain.

Pang Sheng, 35, a villager of Rongping Village, Fenghe Township, Xichong County, left his parents and became an armed police soldier at the age of 19. He retired in the winter of 2004 and went to work along the coast.

He has worked as an armed police officer, a security guard, an electrician and a medicine business. After seven years of efforts, he returned to his hometown with more than 700,000 in cash and enthusiasm for his hometown to build his own career.

"when I was a security guard, a boss appreciated me and taught me how to do medicine business." Pang Sheng said that he came to Guangzhou alone in 24 years, won the trust of his boss by virtue of his skills and honesty in the army, and accumulated the first wealth of his life in less than a year.

Pang Sheng remembers clearly that when he had just started the medicine business, sometimes he had to travel to a lot of places in one day, shopping, transportation, shelves, and sales. He was often so tired that he went to sleep when he got home. At first, he made finished medicinal materials, and slowly processed semi-finished products or raw materials. In order to save costs, earn more money, and ensure quality, Pang Sheng always tried his best to do whatever he could. Even if it is medicine slices, drying and drying, Pang Sheng will do it himself.

"very few people planted the land, and many of the fields were covered with weeds, so they decided to come back to cultivate the land." Pang Sheng said that when I went home for the Spring Festival in 2011, I felt very bad when I saw more and more rural land abandoned. Without the consent of the family, he contracted 300 mu of abandoned land in the village in partnership and began to grow agriculture.

"I didn't know what to plant at first." Pang Sheng said that he had not planted crops for many years, and he did not know what to grow in order to make money. based on his experience in the medicine business, he mainly planted traditional Chinese medicine such as Rhizoma Polygonatum, honeysuckle and forsythia in different plots, as well as conventional crops such as radish. "to develop a diversified economy, the output value of radish is used to cover expenses, and the output value of medicinal materials is a net profit." He said that for the first time, nearly 300000 yuan was invested in land rent, purchase of agricultural materials, labor, and so on. The plan could not keep up with the change, and when Pang Sheng was having a dream of success, the merciless reality undoubtedly gave him a "head-on stick" and tore his dream to pieces.

Recalling the early days of his business, Pang Sheng could not hide his inner pain, and tears swirled in his eyes. He said in a choked voice, "I never thought that Forsythia suspensa would not hang fruit, and the seedlings of Flos Lonicerae almost all withered, and the radish that could be sold for money was stolen when it matured."

Pang Sheng, who was deeply affectionate in his native land, wanted to make a career on the land, but now he was in trouble. His family, who did not support him, strongly urged him to give up, and even his partners asked for divestment, hitting him one after another. He, who is inarticulate, locked himself in the house for a whole month. After that, he still did not give up, a person rushed in 300 mu of crop fields, weeding, loosening the soil, fertilization.

"watching him work so hard and persevere, I had to support him." Pang Sheng's wife, Ma Lingli, said that at the beginning of the period, she did not support Pang Sheng farming. She went out to work alone. She heard that Pang Sheng had failed to start a business and made many phone calls, but Pang Sheng did not answer. Worried that something would happen to him, Ma Lingli made a special trip to see him. Pang Sheng saw Pang Sheng black and thin, with cocooned hands, and the couple cried bitterly in the empty valley.

With the support of his family, Pang Shenggan worked harder and invested nearly 700000 yuan in the past five years. Projects such as medicinal herbs and conventional crops failed one after another, and only Xifeng navel orange brought him hope.

300 mu Xifeng navel orange breeds the hope of becoming rich

Neat rows of navel orange trees are lush, the golden navel oranges under the leaves are rich and attractive, and a dozen workers are busy picking, selecting, and packing under the trees. A few days ago, the reporter came to Pang Sheng's Xifeng navel orange base and saw a bumper harvest. Pang Sheng turned a piece of weed barren mountain into a "treasure basin" to increase income by planting Xifeng navel orange.

"it was the navel orange that gave me the confidence to farm. Otherwise, how could I face my family who supported me?" Pang Sheng said with some relief that one morning in the summer of 2012, he had planned to give up his rural business and return to his old business of medicinal materials. Just before leaving, he wanted to walk around 300 mu of land. "navel orange seedlings give me hope." Pang Sheng clearly remembers that the small navel orange seedlings were almost covered by the surrounding weeds, but the dewdrops on the leaves were glittering and translucent, and several navel oranges had begun to hang fruit. With the support of his family, Pang Sheng said, "whose life does not have any setbacks. The worst thing is to start from scratch."

From 2012, Pang Sheng and his mother got up early in the morning and worked late at night to dig holes in the rocks. The original handsome guy also became black and thin, with open hands and bloodshot hands. It doesn't matter how cold it is in the depths of winter. In order to facilitate his work, he built several shacks on the mountain and went in to have a rest when he was sleepy. In the most difficult time, the family almost couldn't open the pot and couldn't even pay the electricity bill. However, he and his mother cleared 300 mu of thorn thatch with one knife and one hoe, selected the Xifeng navel orange planting project, improved and grafted the original navel orange tree, dug into more than 15000 standard tree nests, bought Xifeng navel orange seedlings, and planted them one nest after another.

At the beginning, growing navel oranges was not as easy as expected. Pang Sheng did not specialize in this knowledge before, and he had neither technology nor experience. It was really difficult for a "layman" who planted navel oranges, but he was not afraid. Instead, he devoted himself to the orchard and learned weeding, fertilization, pruning, disease prevention and medicine from local experienced growers. He worked in the orchard during the day and learned fruit-growing skills in his spare time at night. He didn't miss a single training course on fruit technology held in the county, and he was full of notes. Day after day, month after month, flower and fruit protection, biological integrated pest control and other techniques, after his careful study, has skillfully mastered

Due to the hard work of growing navel oranges, a few days ago, he found that his former clothes had also "grown up" and knew that he had lost weight again. He said that even if it is a little harder and more tired, as long as the hard work and hardship can be rewarded, there will be unspeakable joy in my heart. Moreover, the navel orange fruit produced is symmetrical and beautiful, which is sure to be favored by customers.

"this year, 5000 plants have failed to bear fruit, and the output has reached 150000 jin, which has finally yielded benefits." Pang Sheng is happy to say that the fruit will be fully hung up next year, and some navel oranges will also enter the peak period, and the output will increase year by year. "if all goes well, all debts will be repaid next year, with other balances."

Through these five years of exploration, according to the plot, he started the underforest economy in 300 mu of navel orange trees and interplanted Pinellia ternata, Rhizoma Polygonatum and other traditional Chinese medicine under the navel orange trees. "these Chinese herbs can reduce the diseases and insect pests of navel oranges, save the costs of manual weeding and pesticide application, and increase the output value of land." Pang Sheng said that he has tried to plant this interplanting, and the effect is very obvious. interplanting Pinellia ternata will increase by 5000 yuan per mu, and Rhizoma Polygonatum will increase by 10000 yuan per mu, which will not only improve the quality of navel oranges, but also reduce costs and expenses, thus improving land utilization.