
What agricultural business opportunities will be created by the agricultural reform in 2016?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What agricultural business opportunities will be created by the agricultural reform in 2016?

2015 has entered its last month. In 2015, agriculture has undergone a series of major changes, which opened the prelude to the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. In the coming 2016, agriculture will continue the reform direction of 2015 and carry out the reform to the end! In the process of this reform, great business opportunities will undoubtedly emerge in modern agriculture!

Villages: what agricultural reforms will be focused in 2016? What important policies will be issued by the state? What is the major impact on our agricultural operators, such as cooperatives, family farms, agricultural enterprises and even individual farmers? What are the big business opportunities for agriculture to make money in 2016?

First, the reform of state-owned farms (land reclamation) to release large waves of land dividends!

The first document of 2015 clearly mentioned that the reform of state-owned farms (land reclamation system) is aimed at giving full play to the unique advantages of land reclamation and actively cultivating large-scale agricultural operators. Not long ago, the State Council issued a paper on how to change the reclamation area, how to change the farm, and how to deal with major issues such as personnel, assets, and land management systems and mechanisms. This means that the state is about to begin to carry out the reform of land reclamation in an all-round way!

★ opportunity 1: land reclamation reform is bound to release a large amount of land dividend, which is undoubtedly a favorable signal for the agricultural main body of large-scale operation.

★ opportunity 2: the document points out that collectivization is the leading direction of reclamation area reform and strives to build modern agricultural enterprise groups. For some state-owned farms and state-owned agricultural enterprises, they will undoubtedly become key training targets and will enter a critical period of transition.

Second, the major reform of co-operatives will gain greater policy benefits!

The difficulty of selling grain has become the focus of almost all farmers. Apart from the state's policy of regulating the collection and storage of grain, the more fundamental question is: why is it difficult to sell grain? What should we do? Through the difficulty of selling grain, we can see that the traditional individual peasant household agricultural production has low anti-risk ability and can not adapt to the ever-changing market supply and demand. And the cooperative is undoubtedly the best choice!

★ opportunity 1: in May 2015, the state issued a policy to combine the subsidies for improved varieties of crops, direct subsidies for grain farmers and comprehensive subsidies for agricultural materials into "agricultural support and protection subsidies", focusing on the protection of cultivated land and the appropriate scale operation of grain. This is a big policy dividend for cooperatives and other large-scale operators.

★ opportunity 2: president Xi Xi at the Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee proposed that one of the major goals of the 13th five-year Plan is to help the poor. Who's going to help? How do you hold it? In the end, we should give full play to the leading role of the main body, develop the industry and promote the overall development of the region. This means that more policies and dividends will be paid to operators in terms of industrial development and promotion.

Third, agricultural enterprises and family farm reform, clear positioning, coordinated development!

For agricultural enterprises and family farm operators, how to maximize the effectiveness and how to quickly find the development model is very important. Many enterprises have formed the form of "base + farmers", and achieved good results. As a result, the formation of the family farm as the main body of production, the form of enterprise management market is more common. Then, in 2016, the state will also introduce corresponding policies to clarify the division of labor for this main function, and will also introduce corresponding policy support.

Fourth, reform in the field, set off a new round of explosive opportunities to make money!

★ opportunity 1: agricultural real estate! Relocation is an important measure in the poverty alleviation policy. This means that there will be more housing and real estate construction; at the same time, with the development of the agricultural industry, rural infrastructure investment is increasing, agricultural real estate will usher in unprecedented business opportunities!

★ opportunity 2: ecological agriculture! Green, ecological and sustainable will become the theme sound of 2016. The state has issued a number of policies to strongly support ecological agriculture, and in the direction of ecological development in 2016, we can focus on two areas:

① ecological planting and breeding, including orange stalk recycling, fecal recycling, green environmental protection, etc.

② ecological leisure, that is, creative agriculture combined with natural ecological and environmental protection, will receive significant support from the government, and is expected to become a key support project with county characteristics.

Suppliers of high-efficiency agricultural inputs and microbial fertilizer

Due to the long-term, massive and dependent use of chemical fertilizers in China's agriculture, our originally healthy and fertile land has been "solidified", acidified, salinized and depleted, and the degree of deterioration is shocking! Soil pollution, water pollution, air pollution, all kinds of diseases, the severity of which is outrageous! Farmers feel deeply that "increasing the amount of chemical fertilizer does not increase the output" or even "the more chemical fertilizers are used, the lower the yield", the serious over-standard heavy metals of agricultural products, the deterioration of quality, the difficulty of selling, the low efficiency, and so on, has become a common phenomenon. The soil crisis and agricultural crisis have sounded the alarm for our country's food security, food security and even the sustainable development of the national economy!

In 2015, the state implemented the action of reducing the application of agricultural chemical fertilizer, promoting the use of high-efficiency agricultural products, microbial fertilizer and organic fertilizer.

★ opportunity 1: both fertilizer producers and distributors are turning to efficient agricultural products. The so-called high-efficiency inputs are: higher product utilization, higher science and technology, higher production, and higher benefits to farmers!

★ opportunity 2: the era of microbial fertilizer has come!

In a strict sense, microbial fertilizer is not crop soil fertilizer, but in its functional sense, microbial bacteria are soil "good cooks", "nutritionists" and "cleaners"! It can not only solve the problems of soil consolidation, acidification, salinization, soil fertility exhaustion, soil pollution, water pollution and air pollution, but also prevent various diseases, increase crop yield and reduce the amount of base fertilizer.