
Give up high income and go back to their hometown to develop aquaculture to drive villagers to become rich

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Give up high income and go back to their hometown to develop aquaculture to drive villagers to become rich

Chen Shimin picked up the duck eggs on the same day.

On the one hand, it is the beautiful vision of leading the neighbors to shake off poverty and become rich, on the other hand, it is the financial bottleneck encountered in expanding the industrial scale. In the face of dreams and confusion, Chen Shimin, a 42-year-old villager in Magang Village, Tiemengang Township, Macheng City, still adheres to his original choice: always firmly believes that the road to industrial poverty alleviation is spacious, does not regret giving up the cause of vigorous development in southern cities, and returns to his hometown to start a business.

Give up the preferential treatment and go back to your hometown to start a business and develop breeding.

Six years ago, seeing that his hometown with mountains and water was still not rich, Chen Shimin gave up the high income of contracting university canteens in Guangdong and returned to his hometown to contract the sand dune reservoir and the nearby Liyuan Mountain in his hometown.

At that time, the grass in this place was taller than people, and there was no road, no electricity, no water, and it was a barren slope. "five or six bosses have come before, one by one, but in the end, almost no one wants to come back." Zhouqian village branch secretary Lu Chuanfu said.

After careful investigation and analysis, Chen Shimin found that this barren slope and barren water has great potential for development. "the water source is good and the water area is large, so it is suitable for breeding and developing ecological agriculture."

To develop, we must first open up wasteland. After making up his mind and signing the contract, a "transformation" movement of "barren slope and wasteland" was opened.

Build houses, build sheds, build roads, strengthen reservoirs, connect water and electricity. After two years of hard work, he led his family to turn a "barren grass" into a "treasure basin": the high places were cut low, the low places were filled high, the weeds were removed, the "barren grass slope" was opened up into a "planting land", and the "wasteland water" was transformed into a "golden pool." "opening up wasteland is not only hard work, but also needs money to lay the groundwork. I have contributed more than 600,000 yuan to build roads alone." In this way, after "spending millions of dollars of savings and wearing out several layers of skin," he initially set up a breeding base.

In 2012, he began to raise fish and ducks and produced benefits, with an annual output value of 300000 yuan. Later, he raised cattle and sheep, and the scale further expanded. Today, he raises more than 23000 ducks alone, as well as more than a hundred cattle and sheep, with an annual output value of 1.8 million yuan. "at peak times, duck eggs alone can harvest 40 to 50 baskets a day."

Gradually expand the scale and lead the villagers to get rich together

Chen Shimin always remembers the phrase best when one is rich, but only when everyone is rich. No matter which family is in trouble, he always tries to help and insists on giving maximum benefit to the villagers.

Helping the poor and helping the weak is Chen Shimin's first goal. With the gradual expansion of the scale, the breeding base needs more and more manpower, and most of the opportunities are left to "poor households" and "sick and weak households". "there are more than 10 people in the village who have been working here for many years, all of whom are poor families. At its peak, more than 50 people were employed here. " Lu Chuanfu said.

Li Huaxiang is a villager in a village near the breeding base. There are old and young people in his family, and he is always worried about going out to work. After going to work at Chen Shimin's breeding base, everything has been settled. "in the past, when I worked in Wuhan, it was only more than 2,000 yuan a month. Now, when I work here, I can get 3,000 to 4,000 yuan a month, not only higher than before, but also take care of my family. I am really grateful to Mr. Chen." During the chat, Li Huaxiang's gratitude was overflowing with words.

In order to further strengthen efforts to get rid of poverty, since this year, Chen Shimin is working with the village to promote the "company + peasant household" model, calling on farmers to "share dividends" or "foster care dividends." "villagers can buy shares to participate in the company's dividends, or they can help me raise cattle. I pay a surrogate maintenance fee of 1500 yuan per head per year. The more I raise, the more I earn." In this regard, Lu Chuanfu said that this is a good opportunity to get rich and a good practice to promote "accurate poverty alleviation" and "everyone out of poverty."

Looking ahead, Chen Shimin's breeding base, ducks swimming heartily, cattle and sheep leisurely eating withered grass, some "ecological farm" look.

The plan is to build an ecological agriculture demonstration site and look forward to financial support.

Chen Shimin wants to build this place into an agricultural, forestry, fishing and animal husbandry entrepreneurial park, raising chickens and sheep in the mountains, raising fish and ducks in the water, growing rice in the fields, and promoting a three-dimensional farming model to make more villagers rich. "look at this reservoir. The water quality is good and the appearance is pretty. It's a pity to just raise fish. I'm going to open a fishing garden and build a farm in the southeast corner. The shed to the north of the reservoir is a duck house. At present, the breeding capacity has reached nearly 20,000. In the woodland behind, more than a dozen pig sheds will be erected immediately. I am going to advance to the scale of raising ten thousand pigs. The clearing in the northwest corner will grow organic vegetables, fruits and rice. " Chen Shimin introduced as he walked.

Chen Shimin's development direction is very clear, make full use of reservoirs and woodland resources, and take the eco-agricultural model of green, circular and low-carbon development. Raise ducks and duckweed in rice fields, duck manure and duckweed become fertilizer for rice, ducks eat worms in rice fields, pig manure and duck manure produce biogas for use by companies and surrounding farmers, and biogas slurry and biogas dregs are used to raise fish, and the mud in the reservoir is used as fertilizer for fruits and vegetables. When tourists come, they not only eat, play and live, but also pick some vegetables and fruits to take away.

But the reality is that Chen Shimin has invested 3.8 million yuan to build this breeding base. Under the increasing downward pressure on the economy, his liquidity is stretched and it is difficult to maintain development, let alone further increase investment. "if the funds are available, I will gradually turn the breeding base into a demonstration site for ecological sightseeing agriculture, where we can live, play and eat, and will certainly attract more people to come here to experience life." In his speech, Chen Shimin was full of confidence. He said that there are good prospects for the development of animal husbandry and ecological agriculture. At present, he has applied to the government and financial departments respectively, hoping to get financial support.