
"Strong Woman" Xiang Zailan: Scientifically Raising Native Chicken Leads the Whole Village People to Become Rich Together

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, "Strong Woman" Xiang Zailan: Scientifically Raising Native Chicken Leads the Whole Village People to Become Rich Together

"our chili peppers are doing well this year, and we are going to add another 60 mu next year!" Looking at the more than 40 acres of red chili peppers under the hard work of their cooperative, the villagers could not hide their inner joy to Zailan.

Xiang Zailan, a native of Tianyin Village, Duping Town, Zhenyuan County, Guizhou Province, is a strong woman in her 40s. Over the years, she took root in the countryside and wrote a different life with her industrious hands on the road to becoming rich.

[10 years of hard work = wealth + character]

After more than 10 years of working as a migrant worker, Zailan and her husband worked hard to take care of the elderly and children, lived frugally and had some savings, so the couple invited each other to go home. At first, she ran away from the town and neighboring towns to earn some living by selling chickens and ducks. Later, she felt that her small business style could not meet the growing needs of her family. So by watching TV sets and flipping through relevant books, she was prepared to develop the ecological industry by relying on the beautiful local scenery and relying on mountains and rivers.

He and her husband invested on their own and took the lead in raising native chickens and sheep on a large scale in this group. If you don't have enough money, you will go to the credit union for a loan; if you don't have enough space, you will rent it from the neighborhood. In order to get better breeding technology and help, she often goes to the county and town to actively strive for material and funds. With the support of her superiors and the local party committee and government, after two months of preparation, her native chicken farm was finally built. However, everything was not plain sailing. In the first few months, her native chicken grew very well, but then, for some reason, dozens of her chickens died at once, which worried her so much that she did not care about the dark road. She called her husband and ran to town, and invited a special technician to see a doctor at the scene, so as to avoid greater losses.

After that, she became more careful. Taking care of the chickens was like taking care of her own children, cleaning, washing, disinfecting, feeding, and strict control. Huanhuan carefully arrived home, after her meticulous care, over the past year, her family's native chicken production rate reached more than 8000, selling more than 5000 native chicken seedlings, with a net income of nearly 100000 yuan. Xiang Zailan has also become a well-known leader in getting rich, and was named as a "native chicken science and technology demonstration household" by the local party committee and government in 2010.

[3 years of practice + enthusiasm = people]

She never forgets her hometown when she gets rich, and she wants to lead the whole village to become rich together. She took advantage of the leisure time to go to her home, explain the farming techniques of native chicken to her neighbors, mobilize the villagers to join her, and invite them to visit his house when necessary. In 2012, under her leadership, his first 20 farming cooperatives were finally established. After actively striving from the agricultural sector, the cooperative has more than 14000 native chickens, more than 2000 ducks, more than 1000 geese and 80 goats. Xiang Zailan is eager to help the social people, not only to provide seedlings and technology free of charge, but also to often go to the farmers' homes to guide the breeding, and become a volunteer epidemic prevention worker, carrying medicine boxes to the village to deliver the service to each social citizen's home. Yuan Wanbin, a social citizen, raised more than 200 native chickens. because he did not know the breeding technology, he could not operate when vaccinating the chicken seedlings. In desperation, he called Zailan by phone. When he received the call, he said nothing to Zailan, put down his work, and personally arrived at Yuan Wanbin's house in the middle of the night to help him get vaccinated. Once he survived, it was 12:00 at night. Xiang Zailan formed a counterpart with Yuan Wanbin at the same time. When Yuan Wanbin was in trouble, Xiang Zailan rushed to the scene at the first time, day or night. With her help, Yuan Wanbin's native chicken is growing well. Yuan Wenbin is very grateful and says to everyone: this is the credit of Sister Xiang.

In addition, he also actively helped more than 10 households in neighboring villages, including Chen Zumin and Han Mingliang, and solved some practical difficulties for them out of his own pocket; in order to enable more villagers to learn a practical farming technique, she even paid her own funds. experts were invited to teach cooperative members. Won the praise of the members and the people around him.

[imagination in the coming year = enthusiasm + persistence]

Today, Xiang Zailan still takes the lead in being active in the field, together with the members, picking up his own enthusiasm and persistence. In her words: "as long as I can give me a project, I will do it seriously!" . At present, she has set her sights on several idle sheds in the village, ready to win them in place, so as to lead more villagers to expand the planting area and strive for greater benefits.

She is such a strong woman with good vision and quick action. She will actively strive for projects that she has her eye on, and will actively implement them as long as she gets them. When you are successful in your own business, you can still extend the project to the neighbors and lead the villagers to become rich together with confidence in yourself and kindness to others. The extraordinary feelings of ordinary people, deep in the mountains, taking root and sprouting in the depths of the hearts of ordinary people, are blooming with brilliant colors.