
"Sturgeon King" Lanze Bridge legendary figure in Hubei Aquatic Industry

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, "Sturgeon King" Lanze Bridge legendary figure in Hubei Aquatic Industry

The picture shows: Bluepool Bridge watching the magical sturgeon affectionately.

sturgeon, an ancient species, a magical fish. Lan Zeqiao, a legendary figure in Hubei aquatic industry and a leading figure in Chinese fishery enterprises.

When blue pool bridge met sturgeon, destined to deduce an extraordinary story.

After seven years of hardship, the Tianxia sturgeon breeding model pioneered by Lanze Bridge has begun to attract attention from all walks of life.

A legendary man.

The 63-year-old Lanze Bridge is plain in clothes, frugal in life and simple in speech. At first glance, he is an authentic fisherman, not like a big boss at all. He is currently the world's largest artificial sturgeon owner, with more than 5000 tons of adult sturgeon in the pool, each sturgeon worth 60,000 yuan. He produces caviar, which goes directly to European royalty. Caviar, however, costs between 5000 yuan and 8000 yuan per kilogram, which is called soft gold.

Lanze Bridge was originally the manager of mechanized fish farming company in Hubei Province. In 1991, he led a group of people to quietly go south and set up seven fishing bases on the southeast coast. They have cultivated 22 famous and excellent varieties, with an annual output of more than 12 million seedlings. The yield and output value of adult fish per mu are about 100 times higher than those of pond culture. In 1992, they cooperated with Zhaoqing of Guangdong Province to carry out large-scale cage culture of American spotted catfish, realizing the miracle of 90,000 kg per mu, which shocked the aquatic industry at home and abroad.

During this time, he first came into contact with sturgeon.

Sturgeon, a contemporary of dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are long gone, sturgeon fish still swim in rivers and seas.

With the deeper understanding, Lanze Bridge found that sturgeon has very magical characteristics: sturgeon individual can grow up to 3 tons multiple, but the whole cartilage has no thorns; different from other fish, sturgeon spine bone marrow is solid; sturgeon cartilage does not boil for a long time, sturgeon meat does not disperse for a long time, sturgeon liver is softer and softer; sturgeon self-healing ability after injury is particularly strong.

The magical sturgeon inspires the imagination of Bluepool Bridge. Unfortunately, however, Bluepool Bridge was framed and imprisoned in 1993, acquitted the following year and donated full state compensation. Blue Zeqiao, who was free, was determined to lead a group of brothers and sisters to plunge into Qingjiang River in Yidu and pay for sturgeon for 20 years.

A magical pattern

The taro leaves standing upright are as big as plantains, and the rolling cores of watercress green floating on the water surface stretch upward. Although winter has begun and the outdoor chill is getting thicker, Yidu Honghuatao, a closed workshop of 40,000 square meters, is still full of spring. Bubble oxygenation, artificial simulation of natural water flow, underwater murmuring. Fish jump pool water, inadvertently remind people, here is a modern sturgeon breeding workshop. "What a big fish. This one weighs 300 jin." Looking at these healthy sturgeon fish, visitors were amazed at the spectacular underwater animal husbandry and the innovative use of ground temperature and circulating water breeding. "Each pool is 2 meters deep and can raise 10 to 15 tons of fish. The temperature of the water can be naturally adjusted from 13 degrees Celsius to 18 degrees Celsius by using the ground temperature, which is the most suitable temperature for sturgeon growth." "Save water, land and energy." Lanze Bridge led us to visit, while accounting for us: after microbial treatment and plant absorption and utilization, can completely eliminate the waste produced by breeding, can save more than 90% of water; breeding density is 5 to 10 times that of cage culture, provincial labor is more than 90%, underground water temperature is maintained at about 18℃ all the year round, sturgeon can grow all year round.

Is there room for such a model to be replicated? Not far away, Yangjiafan Village, Honghuatao Town, Changsheng sturgeon professional cooperative. More than 5 acres of underground cement pool, sturgeon lively and alert. The ground was a slightly crude enclosed plastic steel shed with a black insulation layer of cool gauze on the roof.

According to Deng Daiquan, director-general of the cooperative, 18 households have 28 shares, with a total investment of 2.3 million yuan in fixed assets, more than 3200 cubic meters of aquaculture water, which can raise 100 tons. At present, 70 tons of ponds are stored. Since 2009, the output value has been 9 million yuan, and the cooperative dividends twice totaling 1.2 million yuan. This year the investment will be fully recovered. "At that time, I wanted to save money, so I made some rudimentary work. I planned to increase investment and raise standards next year."

Zou Jun of Yuyangxi Village invested 120,000 yuan to build a basement of 130 square meters according to the model of Tianxia when he built a new house. One third of the water was planted with grass, and the rest of the water was used to raise sturgeon. Lu Wuchang, an old man in his seventies, takes care of sturgeon for less than 30 minutes every day, and his annual income reaches 80,000 yuan. Zou Jun opened a farmhouse restaurant, selling all sturgeon banquets, with an annual income of 40,000 yuan. Knowing that we came to interview, Zou Jun warmly took out oranges to entertain us. When he left, he did not forget to ask us to bring a few.

The "Three Rural Issues" Research Group of the Central Party School inspected Hubei Tianxia Company and evaluated that the "Tianxia Model" grafted the concept of capital operation with the circulation of agricultural products. The successful joint farmers 'professional cooperatives, joint-stock cooperative enterprises and farmers raised sturgeon to form a deep processing industry. It is an innovative practice to guide farmers to become rich and increase income.

Xu Kezhen, vice governor, gave instructions after learning that farmers, rural housing and aquaculture should be developed simultaneously, and many things should be achieved at one stroke. This new rural, new industry development model is worth popularizing and studying. Some policies should allow experimentation, innovation and breakthroughs. We should proceed from reality and boldly try out ways and means conducive to changing the face of rural areas and helping peasants become rich.

An industry in urgent need of support

Bluepool Bridge raises sturgeon, pictured here with eggs in its belly-used to produce caviar. sturgeon from juvenile to sexual maturity, more than 8 years. This process, to continuously eliminate male sturgeon, is basically a net investment process, capital recovery cycle is long, need strong strength support.

Before 2006, Lanze Bridge used Qingjiang water cage to raise sturgeon. Unexpectedly, the high profit of sturgeon farming attracted a large number of farmers to participate in it. The cages in Qingjiang River were too dense, and the high temperature and too little water from the upstream caused a large number of sturgeon deaths due to water pollution, resulting in heavy losses.

In 2006, we started to fish ashore, the water temperature and water quality are controllable, the sturgeon quality is controllable, and the quality of caviar and sturgeon products produced is completely assured. Now he wants to make sturgeon industry bigger, introduce large capital but need land, land nature is agricultural land or commercial land cost difference is very big, but also need local government flexible support, this is also related to Lanze Bridge Tianxia sturgeon industry can be big key. Digging several meters of land to build factory fish culture workshops often costs tens of millions of dollars. This is also a matter of life and death for a growing private enterprise. Without government and financial support, it is more difficult to do great things and become stronger.

Landing fish farming, Lanze Bridge also has a good wish, that is, through the development of sturgeon indoor breeding, drive farmers out of poverty to become rich. Farmers invest heavily in building basements. If only by their own funds, many farmers have the strength to do so. This also requires support from local governments.

Popularizing Tianxia model is a systematic project. Tianxia Company has technical advantages in sturgeon breeding, but it is still in the initial stage and has many difficulties. Whether it can give support to land use planning, whether it can promote Tianxia mode by using farmers (residents) to build supporting underground breeding ponds in combination with new urbanization construction and industrial development under the premise of conforming to the overall land use planning, whether it can explore classified management of underground sturgeon breeding ponds and residential buildings constructed on the ground according to their uses, and whether it can encourage enterprises to issue special bonds of "debt-loan combination" to solve construction funds. At present, Lanze Bridge is the most urgent answer.