
"Jinggang Honey Pomelo Wealth Star" Xiao Jiaxiu: the fragrance of pomelo floats out of the road to wealth

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, "Jinggang Honey Pomelo Wealth Star" Xiao Jiaxiu: the fragrance of pomelo floats out of the road to wealth

In Yintang Village, Lutian Town, Wan'an County, there is such an ordinary peasant girl who, with her own persistent hard work, uses barren hills and slopes to develop Jinggang honey pomelo planting, not only planting green mountains and villages, but also planting "rich roads". She is Xiao Jiaxiu who was named "the star of Jinggang honey pomelo getting rich" this year.

Honey pomelo fragrance season, the author came to Xiao Jiaxiu's fruit industry base, only to see an eyeful of green, full of fruit aroma. Xiao Jiaxiu is picking bumper pomelo on the base.

"at present, my investment in growing Jinggang honey pomelo is 50-600000 yuan, more than 30 mu of fruit has been hung, and my annual income is more than 100,000 yuan." Xiao Jiaxiu, who is in his 40s this year, said that when he married in Yintang Village, Lutian Town, Wan'an County in 1987, he took a fancy to the barren mountain slopes in the village, hoping to make use of these barren mountain slopes to develop the fruit industry and embark on the road to wealth.

When she got married, Xiao Jiaxiu and her husband contracted out several barren slopes in the village and began to grow navel oranges and tangerines. Later, when she saw that Jinggang honey pomelo market was promising, she began to develop Jinggang honey pomelo. Since then, Xiao Jiaxiu has delved into the planting and management technology of Jinggang honey pomelo while finely managing his own orchard, and the pomelo industry has taken a step forward every year. Today, her fruit industry base has developed from a few mu at the beginning to more than 250mu at present, and more than 30 mu of pomelo have been hung. After entering the peak period, the output value of the base can break through 1 million yuan. A planting and breeding base integrating aquaculture and pomelo planting has initially taken shape. In 2013, her honey pomelo also won the city's Shatian pomelo "pomelo king" title. Speaking of future development, Xiao Jiaxiu said: "next, I intend to build my Jinggang honey pomelo base into a farm music base, and make the pomelo industry bigger and stronger."

"Shaddock fragrance" floated out of the way to get rich. driven by Xiao Jiaxiu's demonstration, Yintang villagers' enthusiasm for growing pomelo was high. Of the 68 farmers in her village group, 55 used the free land in front of the house and by the side of the village to grow pomelo. There are nearly 10,000 Jinggang pomelo trees in the village. Basically achieve the goal of "every family has grapefruit, every household has grapefruit". A "fragrant grapefruit inside the house, surrounded by pomelo trees outside, the village full of grapefruit trees, the village outside the pomelo trees full of mountains," the beautiful village appeared in front of people.