
Give up 20,000 yuan a month, Luzhou boy returns to his hometown to plant Pueraria lobata and become rich.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Give up 20,000 yuan a month, Luzhou boy returns to his hometown to plant Pueraria lobata and become rich.

Recently, at the Baijie Town Longtang Village Gegen planting Base in Naxi District, Luzhou City, a young man was busy while putting the dug kudzu in his back.

His name is Zou Bin. He returned to his hometown to start a business in 2007 and began to plant Pueraria lobata on a large scale. Before returning to his hometown to plant kudzu root, he was a well-known barber in a hair art company in Luzhou with a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan. The reason why he gave up the high salary to return home to plant kudzu root, what he saw was the development prospect of kudzu root industry, an ecological new way to get rich.

A gegen banquet made the barber give up the high salary.

Zou Bin is 35 years old. Twenty years ago, after graduating from junior high school, Zou Bin went to the urban area of Luzhou alone to learn a haircut and became the "first haircut" of the hair art company two years later. In order to keep Zou Bin in the company for a long time, the boss not only gave Zou Bin high-tech, but also gave Zou Bin certain shares, so that Zou Bin could receive a "dividend" of tens of thousands or even 100000 yuan every year. However, something happened in October 2006 that made Zou Bin change his pursuit. At that time, Zou Bin accompanied two friends to a relative's home as a guest. A gegen banquet was an eye-opener. "Pueraria stewed chicken", "puerarin stewed pig's feet", "kudzu back to pot meat", "cold kudzu", "kudzu wine", "kudzu tea". The delicious dishes of Pueraria lobata one by one have opened Zou Bin's horizons. As soon as he asked his relatives, this kind of kudzu from Taiwan can not only be eaten as a dish, but also has medicinal value and health care function, and the market prospect is promising.

Subsequently, Zou Bin spent two months in Guangxi, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Hubei and other provinces to inspect the cultivation of Pueraria lobata. In 2007, Zou Bin experimented with growing 1000 Taiwan Pueraria lobata on his hometown, and began the road of planting ecological kudzu.

Control the growth of lateral vines of Pueraria lobata

As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. After Zou Bin planted 1000 kudzu seedlings in the field in front of his home, he drove back every two or three days to water them, watch the seedlings, fertilize them, check and repair them, and trim the vines. In order to master the planting technology of Pueraria lobata, he also searched the Internet for relevant planting management experience, learning while groping. "the effect of kudzu root is concentrated in the root, and the key to cultivation is to cultivate and strengthen the main root." Zou Bin said. In order to promote the growth of the main vine of Pueraria lobata, the excess side vine must be cut off. But the kudzu root side vine grows so fast that it has to be trimmed every 10 days, resulting in heavy labor load and high labor cost. For this reason, Zou Bin adopted the method of removing buds to control the terminal bud through repeated experiments, which controlled the growth of lateral vines and promoted the growth of main vines and axillary buds.

After the success of the trial, Zou Bin cultivated excellent Pueraria seedlings to solve the problem of seedling restriction. Half a year later, Zou Bin successfully cultivated tens of thousands of strong seedlings through the soil method of cutting and disinfecting strong bud nodes.

The cultivation of excellent kudzu seedlings is also fastidious, and two key links must be grasped: one is that only 1 cm is left above the strong bud node and 6 cm below the strong bud node, so the neck of the long root is big, and the root is small, so in the actual production, this length must be controlled. The second key link is that if the robust bud node is cut into a flat mouth, it will send out a lot of roots, each of which will not grow big, so it must be cut into an oblique notch, and the root will be inserted less, and the yield per unit area will be higher.

The benefit of intensive processing of Pueraria lobata is increased by 10 times.

Walking into Zou Bin's display store of Pueraria series products, Pueraria wine, Pueraria noodles, Pueraria tea, Pueraria tablets and other kudzu series products are dazzling. "in addition to eating kudzu as a dish, deep processing and fine processing of kudzu powder is the way to make money." Zou Bin said that if Pueraria lobata, which costs more than 1 yuan per jin, is processed into a series of products, the benefit will be increased at least 10 times.

Since 2009, Zou Bin has not only rented 100 mu of land to establish a planting base, but also set up "Luzhou Hongshiliang Gegen exclusive Society", which has led more than 150 villagers to join the planting team of Pueraria lobata, with a planting area of 500 mu.

The yield of Pueraria lobata is 2500 kg per mu in one year and 5000 kg per mu in two years, and the longer the planting time is, the greater the yield is. In the face of at least 500 tons of fresh kudzu on the market every year, Zou Bin joined hands with a kudzu processing factory in Chongqing to expand the kudzu products from a single kudzu powder to a series of products such as kudzu tea, kudzu wine and kudzu noodles, extending the kudzu industrial chain. Zou Bin's Gegen series products not only occupy most of the market share of Luzhou Gegen, but also are exported to Chengdu, Chongqing, Shanghai and other cities, with an annual income of more than 10 million yuan.

"when the planting area of Pueraria lobata exceeds 1000 mu next year, our cooperative will set up its own processing plant, and the output of processing fresh kudzu root will be increased to more than 1000 tons to meet the demand of more citizens for kudzu products." Zou Bin said confidently.