
Zhang Zhiqiang, the "Strawberry King" in Pingdingshan, did not forget to lead the villagers to a well-off society when he got rich.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Zhang Zhiqiang, the "Strawberry King" in Pingdingshan, did not forget to lead the villagers to a well-off society when he got rich.

Zhang Zhiqiang, the "Strawberry King" in Pingdingshan, is introducing the situation to the citizens who come to pick strawberries.

Nowadays, it is the peak season for out-of-season strawberry sales. On January 4, at the beginning of the New year, Vientiane was updated. Pingdingshan City, Henan Province Weidong District Pucheng Street gatehouse Zhangcun 100 mu plastic shed under the cold wind turned over the white waves, like white clouds, but warm as spring inside. Many tourists are picking fresh and tender strawberries here, and farmers are selling bright red strawberries with bulging pockets.

On the same day, when the author came to the 100 mu strawberry orchard in Zhangcun, a gatehouse, I saw young farmer Zhang Zhiqiang taking photos of ripe strawberries, sending Wechat to moments, contacting the city supermarket, and helping people in need to sell strawberries. Qiu Zhen, go back to the shed to pick strawberries. The bus will be here in a minute.

Zhang Qiuzhen, who is in her 50s, smiled heartily: "I'm going to pick strawberries!" Picking strawberries in the greenhouse, she told me with a smile: "Zhiqiang is really a capable person in Murakami." In the past few years, he has helped me build two greenhouses to grow strawberries and have a good harvest year after year. I would like to thank him very much. "

Zhang Qiuzhen's family of five, her father-in-law is old and sickly, two children go to school, and there is no way to earn money, so life is very difficult. In 2012, Zhang Zhiqiang let Zhang Qiuzhen work in his greenhouse with an annual income of more than 8000 yuan.

In 2014, Zhang Zhiqiang came to Zhang Qiuzhen: "you also grow strawberries. You've learned enough technology here. I'll help you build a greenhouse and solve the greenhouse funds." That autumn, Zhang Zhiqiang helped her build two 3-acre greenhouses to grow strawberries. After planting strawberry seedlings, Zhang Zhiqiang kept coming to Zhang Qiuzhen's greenhouse to observe the growth of strawberries and guide strawberry management techniques on the spot.

One day, Qiu Zhen found that the strawberry leaves were yellow and withered. Just call Zhang Zhiqiang. Zhang Zhiqiang put down his work and quickly came to Qiuzhen's greenhouse to check the cause. It was excessive fertilization and immediately adopted the method of watering to spread fertility. A few days later, the strawberry leaves turned green. Due to Zhang Zhiqiang's meticulous guidance, Qiu Zhen earned more than 30,000 yuan in strawberry planting that year.

This year, Qiuzhen's strawberries sell for 25 yuan per jin. She said to everyone, "it's all thanks to the strength of ambition. Growing strawberries is better than growing golden beans."

Zhangcun, the gatehouse, is located in the remote area. The village, with more than 1600 people and 800mu of arable land, was once a famous poor village, but now it has become a famous strawberry professional village. Many villagers said excitedly, "Zhang Zhiqiang has made a great contribution."

The "strawberry king" in Qiuzhen's mouth is Zhang Zhiqiang, 42 years old, a young farmer in Zhangcun, a gatehouse. In 2011, when he saw that Murakami had a large population and little land, there was no way to get rich, so he was determined to do something for his neighbors. So he came to Shouguang, Shandong Province to inspect the market. When he saw that the farmers there had embarked on the road of getting rich by growing strawberries, they had the idea of growing strawberries to get rich. After returning, he borrowed money from east to west and raised more than 160000 yuan to build five greenhouses to grow strawberries in the surrounding villages. In order to solve the technical problems, he invited Shandong masters to give guidance. As a result, each greenhouse earned more than 30,000 yuan that year, and then seven greenhouses were developed.

In order to lead the whole village to grow strawberries and get rich, he sent more than 10 poor people in the village to work to learn skills, with a monthly salary of 1500 yuan. At the same time, they mobilized the people of the whole village to plant strawberries, spent more than 60,000 yuan of their own to help villagers build greenhouses, set up electric wires, and drill machine wells, and tirelessly drilled into the sheds of the homes of people in need to check the growth of strawberries, publicize planting techniques, and solve technical problems. Now the village has developed more than 50 households, more than 60 greenhouses and more than 100 mu of strawberries, with a value of more than 40,000 yuan per mu.

Zhang Zhiqiang has led 18 families in need to get rich on strawberries. Wei Zhanjun, 40 years old, is a low-income household in Murakami. There is heavy rain outside his three dilapidated houses, light rain inside, wife dementia, and children in junior high school. Over the years, he has been working in Zhang Zhiqiang's greenhouse with a monthly salary of 2000 yuan.

Recently, Zhang Zhiqiang was helping Wei Zhanjun build a greenhouse to grow strawberries to get rich. Wei Zhanjun was moved to everyone and said, "without Zhiqiang's help, my family would not be able to live a life!"

Talking about his plans for the future, Zhang Zhiqiang said confidently: "this year, I will expand the planting area, expand the greenhouse to 10, and plan to grow blueberries, but I will help 10 needy families grow strawberries to get rich!"

When the author left, I saw the fiery strawberries reflect the sunset on the horizon, reflecting the smiling faces of the fruit growers. Zhang Zhiqiang looked at everything in front of him and smiled with relief.