
Lin Hai fights wild boar in snow plain

Published: 2024-09-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/07, Lin Hai fights wild boar in snow plain

He planted trees to make a fortune, but encountered a wild boar disaster. Seeing that millions of yuan of investment is afraid of falling into thin air, he is determined to beat his own game, buy a boar, teach it to fall in love with wild sow. Look at Wei Shubo of Linjiang, Jilin Province, how to fight wits and courage with wild boars in the mountains and realize sales revenue of nearly ten million yuan a year!

It has snowed heavily for six days without stopping. But today, there are more than 40 hikers to brave the snow into the mountain.

Donkey friends to go to the place called Tianhugou, the car drove here, there are 8 kilometers of mountain road to go.

Traveler: Drive, hurry up.

The mountain road is too steep, the bus can not climb up, donkey friends can only walk or change to cattle sledge.

Donkey friends sit for an hour bus, and walk for an hour and a half, in order to see the same in the local lake ditch rare things.

Wei Shubo: Come here…

When he arrived at Tianhugou Base, Wei Shubo, the owner of the base, must let everyone see his most proud pig.

This pig had fangs and thick limbs. It was several times bigger than the other pigs. Wei Shubo said that other pigs have also been raised for a year and a half, at least 300 jin. However, in front of Wei Shubo, this precious pig, his figure seemed especially small. How much does this pig weigh?

Donkey friend: 800 jin, 1,000 jin, definitely thousands, I said 800 jin, 1,200 jin, 900 jin.

Before, Russia had captured such a wild boar weighing more than 1,000 jin, causing many netizens to watch. Pigs that weigh more than 1000 pounds are also treated as exotic pigs.

Donkey friends are guessing that this pig has 1 kilo up and down, we guess accurate or not? Wei Shubo from the warehouse to find a scale, to give the boar in public too weighing.

This is a 400 jin scale, Wei Shubo added three weights that can weigh 200 jin each. Everyone wants to see if this big boar has 1000 jin in the end. But the boar turned a few laps, that is, unwilling to weigh. Everyone cheered and booed, and all of a sudden annoyed the big boar.

Friend: It's wild.

Donkey friend: scary, too scary.

Because the boar is too big and wild, Wei Shubo can only let the workers put it in the circle. Big boar in the pigsty body to lean sideways to stand apart. Failed to weigh, Wei Shubo must think of a way to show reporters how big this pig is.

Wei Shubo: 1 meter 16, height 1 meter 16, length 1 meter 88, width 68, this pig is big enough. I'd say about 1000 pounds. 1000 pounds is certain.

Reporter: 1000 pounds? It's only 1.8 meters long. Can it weigh 1000 pounds?

Wei Shubo: He is full of tendon meat. 1 meter 88.

Wei Shubo told reporters that he tried to weigh the boar three years ago. At that time, the boar was tied up by five flowers and was lifted by ten workers together, but as soon as it went up, the 800 jin scale was crushed.

This pig has been raised for 7 years. In Wei Shubo's hands, this boar brings him nearly ten million yuan a year. How did Wei Shubo do it?

In 2002, on a snowy day when few people went out, Wei Shubo and his daughter-in-law, who went out to work, carried two sacks and quietly returned to their hometown in Tianhugou. No one knew that these two sacks contained 1.5 million yuan in cash.

Wei Shubo: My daughter-in-law and I carried it into the house. As soon as we fell, I was happy. Is this money? Is this money? That mood.

Wei Shubo's family was one of the poorest families in the valley. How could they have so much money all of a sudden? Even Wei Shubo himself could not believe it. Because the money came in so fast.

After graduating from high school, Wei Shubo went out to work and sell food. After a few years, he finally saved hundreds of thousands of yuan. In 2000, he took the opportunity to invest 700,000 yuan to do a soybean futures business. Three months later, he made a net profit of 1.5 million yuan at once.

Wei Shubo bought a house and a car in Linjiang City, and suddenly became a rich man in the eyes of villagers in his hometown. But no one expected that this rich man would return to the ravine. He didn't expect that two years later, Wei Shubo, a rich man, began to borrow money everywhere. Even his cousin in Changchun received Wei Shubo's loan call.

Cousin: You called me from so far away, and borrowed two thousand yuan to be so anxious, I said what happened, I was worried, the money was cheated?

Not only that, many of Wei Shubo's friends also received phone calls to borrow money. Everyone wondered.

Friend 1: I really wonder, now that you have money, such a big boss, you don't have money? Borrow $560.

Reporter: How much do you borrow at least?

Friend 2: At least ten or eight dollars.

How could a big boss who could carry two sacks of money back at once be reduced to borrowing money everywhere, even asking for ten or eight yuan? Where did Wei Shubo's money go?

Originally, this 1.5 million yuan money earned too fast, Wei Shubo heart is very uneasy, he thinks day and night how to keep this money. In order not to squander his sudden wealth, he wanted to do something.

After returning to his hometown in Tianhugou in 2002, Wei Shubo took out 1.1 million yuan and contracted 294 hectares of barren hills. It cost more than 300,000 yuan to plant 300,000 Korean pine seedlings. In order to make a living, he reclaimed more than 100 acres of farmland and planted corn. Wei Shubo moved to his old house and guarded several mountains for seven years.

Wei Shubo: Even when there is no TV or electricity, I read newspapers when people watch Spring Festival Gala at home.

Journalist: Look at the newspaper on the wall.

Wei Shubo: Just look at the newspaper pasted on the wall. Every year when the New Year paste a newspaper, paste a newspaper like the New Year, this room is very bright and new.

Contracting barren hills is not that simple. Winter is the hardest in the mountains. The old house leaks everywhere and drips into ice. Afforestation is a long-term project. The early stage is all input and no output. Wei Shubo can't even get 10 yuan on hand. He didn't expect Wei Shubo to maintain these large forests too well, which led to a disaster. And it happened in this cornfield.

In the autumn of 2009, Wei Shubo's corn was about to ripen. He was so happy that he went to the fields every day. But one evening, before he reached the end, he heard an unusual noise.

Wei Shubo: When you hear the chirping, it's like breaking corn. The rotten seven or eight grains are all in the ground.

When it bellowed and hummed, I knew it was a wild boar. I went forward to look, mother, big boar, pig beak so long, fangs so long, ears are right, a group, how many points do not come out.

Not only did the wild boar gnaw down the corn, but it also arched over the roots of the ground.

In order to let reporters see how destructive pigs are, Wei Shubo did an experiment.

Wei Shubo: It's old and energetic. I'll show you if you don't believe me.

Wei Shubo dug a pit more than half a meter deep and dragged over a bag of cabbage, but that wasn't all.

Reporter: Is this a stone on the mountain?

Wei Shubo: Yes.

Reporter: So big stone to press up ah, come and try it.

Wei Shubo: Can it work? Come on.

Reporter: One, two, three, no. One, two, three, no. How heavy must this rock be?

Wei Shubo: More than 100 jin.

Reporter: I can't even lift it.