
"Mushroom Mother" Breaks into the World Sui County Mushroom Leading Mushroom Farmers to Become Rich

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, "Mushroom Mother" Breaks into the World Sui County Mushroom Leading Mushroom Farmers to Become Rich

Mount Li is the hometown of Emperor Yan. There is a legend of Shennong tasting Baicao in ancient times, and there is a beautiful talk about "mushroom mother" breaking into the world in the existing mountain ditch.

The beautiful mountains and rivers and mild climate of Sui County in Hubei Province provide good soil for the growth of "Mushroom Mother" and make the beautiful "Mushroom Mother" become the shining business card of Sui County.

Sui County now has more than 300,000 edible fungi practitioners, with an annual planting of 160 million bags of mushrooms; 3 edible fungi processing parks have been built, with more than 60 leading enterprises, with an annual output of more than 65,000 tons of edible fungi and an annual output value of nearly 20 billion yuan. At the same time, Sui County mushroom also entered more than 50 countries and regions, earning more than 400 million US dollars annually, ranking first in the province and in the forefront of the whole country; Sui County has become the national "ten thousand tons edible mushroom standardized production demonstration county," the largest mushroom trading distribution center and regional strain production and supply base in Central China.

In the development of nearly 30 years, shiitake mushrooms in Sui County have gradually realized the leap from small-scale planting of basswood to factory production of bag materials, from "basket selling" to "selling the world," forming an industrial pattern of large-scale production, large-scale market transaction, large-scale processing and large-scale export.

However, at the beginning of the development of shiitake mushroom industry in Sui County, farmers were planting and selling in their own fields. This kind of marketing mode led to local shiitake mushroom growers often worrying about sales, and the price has not gone up. For this reason, the local government and industrial and commercial departments took the initiative to help these "mushroom mothers" in the mountain ditch, looking for "mother-in-law", gradually formed the agricultural super docking mode, solved the sales problem, and then the mushroom market appeared the phenomenon of short supply. With the help of the industrial and commercial department, shiitake mushroom growers in Sui County have also registered and established farmers 'professional cooperatives and companies related to agricultural products.

In order to help mushroom farmers maximize benefits and promote local mushroom enterprises to become stronger and bigger, Sui County Administration for Industry and Commerce actively connects with mushroom farmers, mushroom planting professional cooperatives, processing enterprises and industry associations, helps them establish trademark brand awareness, popularizes trademark brand knowledge, provides one-to-one accurate guidance services in the cultivation, application and use of trademarks, and helps enterprises formulate trademark strategy and brand cultivation plan. Independent brand has been formed. At present, there are 110 trademarks of edible fungi and mushrooms in Sui County, including the geographical indication certification trademark of mushroom in Sui County, the collective trademark of Caodian Huagu and the famous trademarks of Hubei Province such as Dahongshan, Sanligang, Chupinyuan and Yuguo.

With the enhancement of trademark brand awareness, mushroom enterprises in Sui County have launched their own trademark brands. However, due to the large number of mushroom processing enterprises and uneven product quality, disorderly competition has also been caused, thus reducing the overall competitiveness of mushroom in Sui County.

In view of this situation, Sui County Administration of Industry and Commerce, while helping enterprises cultivate their own brands, put forward a proposal to help shiitake mushroom processing enterprises and industry associations in Sui County apply for geographical indication certification trademarks of shiitake mushrooms in Sui County, which was actively responded by Sui County Edible Fungi Association and strongly supported by Sui County Government. At the end of October 2014, Sui County Administration for Industry and Commerce began to guide Sui County Edible Fungi Association to organize materials and apply for registration of Sui County mushroom geographical indication certification trademark.

In November 2015, Sui County finally successfully registered the geographical indication certification trademark of shiitake mushroom in Sui County, and put on the beautiful "coat" of "shiitake mushroom in Sui County" for these "shiitake mushroom mothers" in the gully. In order to ensure that the geographical indication certification trademark of shiitake mushroom in Sui County is used well and alive, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Sui County organizes shiitake mushroom planting cooperatives, processing enterprises and mushroom farmers representatives to hold special meetings to help the Edible Fungi Association further improve the use and management rules of shiitake mushroom geographical indication certification trademark in Sui County, clarify the conditions for use, application procedures for use, rights and obligations of licensees, etc., and unify the packaging design of products.

With the shining business card of "Mushroom in Sui County," I believe that "Mushroom Girls" will definitely put on beautiful clothes and go further with sweet smiles.