
The miracle of e-commerce in the 30-year-old agricultural reclamation area of Hongjiang orange

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The miracle of e-commerce in the 30-year-old agricultural reclamation area of Hongjiang orange

Original title: thirty years of grinding to produce a Hongjiang orange

Hongjiang Orange, produced in Hongjiang Farm of Guangdong Province, the hometown of Hongjiang Orange in China, is known as "fairy peach in the world" at home and "King of Orange in China" abroad. (data map)

At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the reporter came to the Guangdong Zhanjiang Reclamation area at the southernmost tip of the mainland of the motherland. In addition to the endless rubber forests in sugarcane fields, there are also Hongjiang oranges, which have grown in popularity in recent years. In her core planting area, Hongjiang Farm, orange trees are covered with yellow oranges. After 30 years of continuous breeding, Hongjiang orange has become a "business card" for the revival of the farm industry and a "treasure" for farmers and workers to increase their income and become rich.

Walking through the orchard, the reporter visited Hongjiang Orange's "past life and this life"; under the orange tree, he listened to Hongjiang people's New year's resolution-- to comprehensively enhance the competitiveness of Hongjiang orange industry and make the farm more beautiful and farm workers richer.

He's the one who found Hongjiang orange.

After 30 years of breeding, the scientific and technological personnel represented by Zhong Jiacun have contributed new varieties to the citrus family in China.

Hongjiang Orange's discovery journey, there is still a story to tell.

One day in October 1971, Zhong Jiacun of Hongjiang Farm rode his bike to the orchard to see the oranges as usual. When passing through the orange orchard of the 19th team, an orange tree was found to have almost no fruit. "the fruit of this tree is so delicious that it is picked and eaten by everyone before it is ripe." Farmers and workers explain it this way.

The sentence "very delicious" aroused the great interest of Zhong Jiacun. In the long years that followed, Zhong Jiacun and other scientists and technicians forgot to eat and sleep. "I run into the garden every day and stick into the bushes every day." Zhong Jiacun said.

After 30 years of sharpening a sword, after years of cultivation and purification, Hongjiang orange has finally become the best of oranges.

"in addition to the unique flavor, the appearance of the real Hongjiang orange is also different. the most obvious feature is that there is a thin red line on the skin of the Hongjiang orange." Jie Yuxin, deputy director of the farm, told reporters that it is said that this kind of orange with red line can not be found, and whoever meets it will be a blessed person.

It was they who raised Hongjiang Orange.

-- Hongjiang people have benefited from increasing their income through large-scale planting and industrial management.

Hongjiang Farm has an area of 28000 mu of arable land, and 8000 mu of Hongjiang orange accounts for one of the top 4 of the total arable land, which shows the important position of Hongjiang orange in the farm industry. But throughout the country, 7000 mu is very small, there is no output, there is no sales.

"because of the limited production, Hongjiang oranges are often digested in Guangdong Province." Wen Shanghua, a senior engineer in the production Science and Technology Department of Zhanjiang Agricultural Reclamation Bureau, said that things are scarce and that super Hongjiang oranges are still out of stock at 20 yuan each.

However, the expensive Hongjiang orange once experienced the troubles of "growth". Since the 1990s, Hongjiang orange has been plagued by Huanglong disease for a long time, and the whole industry has suffered a devastating blow.

"it is not easy to develop a new variety, and it is even more difficult to make this new variety last forever." Wen Shanghua said that through the efforts of researchers, the current Hongjiang orange industry has entered a recovery period. In 2012, Hongjiang Farm established a demonstration park for standardized production of tropical crops; in December 2014, the first batch of Hongjiang oranges in the demonstration zone went on the market. "Hongjiang oranges, which have experienced labor pains, are now coming out of the trough and ushering in the 'red' era."

Farm workers break old ideas and use standardized technology to plant orange trees.

"I planted 5 mu of Hongjiang oranges, and according to the current market, the income can reach 200000 yuan." Agricultural worker Liao Xinglong said that there is now a phenomenon of counterfeit Hongjiang oranges in the market, hoping to strengthen the protection of authentic Hongjiang oranges of origin and build up the brand.

Farmers and workers who have tasted the benefits of increasing their income hope to set up cooperatives with the support of the farm and open up a broader market space through group development.

"next, we plan to build a Hongjiang orange distribution center to ensure the authentic origin of oranges. In order to ensure the quality of oranges, a quality traceability system will be established as soon as possible. At the same time, we will build an online and offline sales system, and plan to open 200 stores in Guangzhou and other Pearl River Delta regions in the past two years to continuously expand the sales coverage of Hongjiang Orange. " Yao Ximeng, general manager of Zhanjiang Guangken Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.

It was he who made Hongjiang Orange go further.

Zheng Junqi, a post-90s college student, promoted Hongjiang Orange to the whole country through e-commerce from campus to orchard.

For a long time, Hongjiang oranges have been sold through traditional wholesale sales. Because the output is not high, they are basically sold out at ordinary prices locally. Without entering the national market, many outsiders are unable to see them. Coupled with the lack of brand protection for many years, it is not uncommon for the market to impersonate and replace Hongjiang orange with inferior ones.

This situation needs to be changed urgently, and Hongjiang Farm is aware of the importance of brand building. And let Hongjiang Orange go further, naturally can not be separated from the new farmers' new thinking, "Internet +" and other new channels.

In 2013, Zheng Junqi, a post-90s boy who just graduated from college, walked into Hongjiang Farm, "just want to work hard at the grass-roots level in China to start a business." In November of that year, Zheng Junqi ate the first Hongjiang orange in his life, which was delicious. "but Hongjiang orange should not be limited to the local area, it can go further."

As a result, Zheng Junqi decided to promote and publicize Hongjiang Orange to the outside world through the power of the Internet, and was determined to transmit the good taste of Hongjiang Orange to all parts of the country. In 2013, he successively opened the official Weibo and Wechat official accounts of Hongjiang Farm in Guangdong Province. At the end of that year, Taobao store of Hongjiang Farm was officially launched. As a brand promoter, he told farm stories through his own media, promoted the Hongjiang Orange brand and started online marketing.

Speaking of 2016, Zheng Junqi described his New year's resolution: the next step is to gradually build a large-scale warehouse with the support of the farm, integrating intelligent classifier, cleaning and packaging machine, professional picking team and e-commerce sales team. reduce the cost, time and error of manual screening, and let Hongjiang orange embark on the road of modern processing and sales. (our reporter Mai Tian)