
The Jujube Love complex in the Desert

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The Jujube Love complex in the Desert

Nature is magical and fair.

At the foot of the beautiful Kunlun Mountains, there is a completely opposite natural ecology-the Taklimakan Desert.

Fortunately, the edge of the Taklimakan Desert, where the wind and sand is rampant, has also created a new spectacle because of the brief period of contemporary human activities. Relying on the firm belief that man will prevail over nature, supported by policy and relying on high technology, we have created a fairyland on earth.

Seeing such a magnificent scene, no one would have thought that here was once an endless empty desert.

Seeing such a luxuriant jujube garden, no one would have thought that it was once a famine world with flying sand and stones and inaccessible places.

But the immediate scene, with the arrival of a person, sleeping in the desert for thousands of years, miraculously appeared an inflection point. Inspired by national policy, he waved his hand and spent a lot of money. With the rumble of bulldozers and the continuous follow-up of high technology, it not only flattened the hilly sandbags that have harmed mankind for thousands of years, but also attracted the dust-covered Kunlun Mountains and planted a dense jujube orchard; not only stopped the ravaging of flying sand, rebuilt the desert oasis of fertile fields, but more importantly, it cast a long-awaited treasure trove for the surrounding Uygur people, allowing them to embark on the golden road of getting rich through science and technology.

People can't help but ask: who dares to challenge the desert? He is Yan Guangbo, chairman of Henan Xuchuangli Technology Development Co., Ltd.

Why does this tough guy born in the Central Plains and a well-known entrepreneur in the industry known for his resourcefulness and decisiveness refuse to expand the scale of the highly profitable Xuchuangli company, but leave home and take the commercial risk of "drifting away"? he spends a lot of money like a desert chivalrous man far away from his native land to build his "Hotan Mulan Manor Fruit Co., Ltd."? Why bother to construct his "Zaoyuan Empire"? Where does this boldness and boldness come from? Under what circumstances gave birth to such an elegant and creative name "Mulan Manor"? With a series of questions, the reporter approached Yan Guangbo, an elite who can be called a business wizard.

He is much heavier than we imagined. He is quick in thinking and clear in thinking. In a few words, he can sense the magnanimity of this entrepreneur and the state of daring to take the lead. In particular, his ups and downs in life experience, calm business experience, the heart of great love Thanksgiving mentality, is he made such a heroic "big" the best interpretation. In order to perceive the jujube love complex of this caring entrepreneur, we might as well follow his mental journey and take a look at the trajectory of his life. Perhaps, recalling the past will be some boring and boring, and even some sad and sad, but more incentive and spur, free and easy and heroic.

The soil of his hometown provided him with heavy nourishment of life.

Yan Guangbo, who was born in Shenqiu in the east of Henan Province, had a terrible childhood. The 80 mu of land accumulated by my grandfather frugally gave the mother the "bad name" of the landlord's daughter. In the special era of paying attention to politics, the identity of mother has undoubtedly become a lingering "scar" of Yan Guangbo. At a young age, he was not only subjected to cynicism, but also ravaged by spirit. Not to mention, there was a lot of rain in the house, but when Yan Guangbo was 4 years old, the father who supported the family died of asthma, leaving him and his 28-year-old mother, his unopened brother and a sister. But the tragedy is far from over. Soon, my brother died of a minor illness, which undoubtedly sprinkled a handful of salt on the bleeding family. For the three women who have made things worse, the degree of grief for the three women is more than ordinary people can bear, but it is slightly gratifying that they are not defeated by the hardships of life, but clench their teeth and dry their tears. I chose to move on.

Fortunately, Yan Guangbo was smart and understanding from an early age, which brought great spiritual sustenance to his widowed mother. No matter at home or at school, Yan Guangbo performed well, winning not only people's sympathy, but also the praise of his neighbors. Despite his colorful life fantasies, especially his yearning for green barracks, his mother's identity is still an insurmountable "graben", so all opportunities to climb the ladder seem to be insulated from him. At the age of 19, the only way for Yan Guangbo, who graduated from high school, was to go back to his hometown to work as a farmer. However, the simple elders in his hometown did not put a stone at the bottom of a well, but accepted this rare "scholar" with a great spirit of tolerance and made him an accountant of a small factory run by the township. What kind of trust is this?. It should be noted that in the eyes of the villagers, accounting is an unusually key position, a very important "official position", a "money string" and a "grain bag" related to thousands of families. Only people with good quality can take up these "big positions". Therefore, Yan Guangbo's appointment to these "important posts" not only broke the precedent, but also reflected the villagers' absolute trust in him. Yan Guangbo is naturally unforgettable and grateful for this trust and expectation. He vowed to himself that he must live up to the land where he was born and raise him, and repay the kindness of the elders in his hometown.

Proud of the business sea: created a full accumulation of wealth for him.

If Yan Guangbo's career as an accountant is a turning point in his life, then his gorgeous turn is the real cause of the rise of his career. Although Yan Guangbo is not a financial and accounting major, he has played to the extreme in his accounting position, especially his skillful and experienced ways of dealing with others, which reflect his superb communication wisdom.

But to his dismay, just as he was well-organized in his accountant position, an old leader he respected talked to him and suggested that he should switch to business, saying that business could better reflect his value and talent. Yan Guangbo was surprised because accounting work not only created a stable income for him, but also earned him enough dignity and dignity to be a human being. In the eyes of Yan Guangbo at that time, it was obvious that he had lost trust in him when he was transferred from accountant to business. In spite of his great reluctance, he gave up the post of accountant. Later, facts have proved that Yan Guangbo, who is extremely wise, also has a time of strategic miscalculation, but the truth is that the leader really appreciates his talent and learning.

It was this choice that really activated Yan Guangbo's business talent. In particular, the accurate study and judgment of the rapid rise of the coal market allowed him to stage a typical self-made case. In the era of planned economy, coal is undoubtedly the lifeblood of people's survival. Yan Guangbo soon accumulated extensive contacts with coal mines, coal collection units and transport teams when he was engaged in coal trading. In particular, he has a strong perception of the coal market and accurate analysis of market information. On the eve of the Spring Festival in 1984, he believes that coal has great value-added potential. If we can seize the opportunity to hoard some at this time, it will certainly bring rich returns. But the biggest problem at that time was the problem of money. So, after careful consideration, he made an amazing move again: let the coal collection unit issue the formalities to guarantee, and then find the coal mine and the transport team. In this way, a commercial drama racing against time unfolds quietly. This can be called the classic commercial operation of "borrowing a boat to go to sea" and "borrowing a chicken to lay eggs", which allowed him to hoard 5000 tons of high-quality coal in one breath. As soon as the Spring Festival was over, the coal market was as he expected, and prices soared, and Yan Guangbo steadily made a lot of money. in that era, 160000 yuan was definitely an astonishing astronomical figure.